Official Munzee Podcast

Munzee Weekly Podcast - Friday June 7th, 2024

Rob Vardeman & Craig Michell Season 2 Episode 23

Todays episode, Rob and Craig talk all things Z33W0K, along with the new Dragon's Keep, and touch on the monthly Munzpaks. Rob hints at a new item coming out today, before they chat about some of CuppaZee's features.

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Craig (00:01.134)
Welcome to the official Munzee podcast.

Rob (00:03.716)
I'm Rob, also known as Coach V, your host and the president of Munzee.

Craig (00:07.694)
And I'm Craig also known as Seemyshell. I'm an avid Munzee player. I'm here to explore the game further.

Rob (00:13.252)
Each week we'll delve into Munzee's mysteries, divulge some secrets, and inform players from around the world just what is coming your way.

Craig (00:20.59)
So sit back and relax as today's episode again is going to be jam packed. We talk about the Z -Walks, Muns packs, Dragon keeps, and Rob apparently wants to spill some beans on a previous request of the week. Rob, we're going to get to that at the end. So make sure you keep that in mind. Okay. Yeah, you do. That's what you said. Like you got it on the show notes, mate. You got it on the show notes. Yes. Jeez, jeez. I see you now when we're not together anymore, Rob. We're via computer systems now as well.

Rob (00:34.436)
What? I do? Okay, sure.

Rob (00:40.644)
that, yeah. Stick around everyone.

Rob (00:50.468)
I know it's really sad. I've, I've made it back to the UK and, temperatures nice and cool, which is great in comparison to where I have been. yeah, but you know, it's, it's, it is what it is. There you go. I'm back home. That's what's important. It's nice. how about you? Where you at?

Craig (00:51.566)

Craig (00:55.342)
Mm -hmm.



Craig (01:06.19)

yeah, I'm back in NJ as well. And the reason why I'm back in New Jersey is because the, the mega is coming up. The geocaching mega is coming up, next weekend, not this weekend coming, but the following weekend, just over a week's time. And Rob, I'm going to see good old Dale and Barb again. They're going to be, they're going to be there vending at the, the mega in New Jersey. So that'd be really awesome. Yeah.

Rob (01:29.7)
very nice. So you took a quicker path back to New Jersey than they will have, right?

Craig (01:37.294)
Yeah. I mean, and rightly so Rob, let's be honest. They drove from New York state all the way across to Arizona in the space of less than a week. I was like, guys, what are you doing? Like, you know, they're very, very busy. So now well -deserved. I will say as well, because the mega was huge at Geo Woodstock as we spoke about last week. well -deserved a little bit of a break for them. They can do some sightseeing now across as well and take their time, which is a very well -deserved. And I have been seeing a lot of their photos and stuff on Facebook as well. So.

that love the Arizona landscape, mate. It's beautiful. Beautiful.

Rob (02:09.444)
Yeah, they've clearly had a good time and yeah, posting on their Facebook page. So if anybody doesn't follow Space Coast Geostore, then check that out and see some of their behind the scenes videos of what happens when they travel.

Craig (02:18.318)

Craig (02:22.958)
Exactly. Exactly. And you see, especially Rob, I love the ones where they're literally set up because they can't live in the vent. The vent is full, full to the brim of stock, you see, and people don't understand it sometimes. So they can't live in their vent. So they stay at like KOAs or campgrounds or that sort of thing where they can literally get out and have a bed, but they've still got to work. And so they've got all this stuff out on the benches, on the picnic tables, and they're doing orders. I mean, Rob, I've seen, I've seen physically seen Barb.

rolling log books and putting them into bison tubes as Dale's doing like, you know, 70 down the highway. I don't know how she doesn't get car sick, mate, but anyway. Exactly. Exactly. Anyway, mate, speaking of events, what do we have last week in events?

Rob (02:57.86)

Rob (03:01.86)
Quite a team, right? Quite a team.

Rob (03:09.7)
Well, last week was pretty dry. It was actually only one event and it was hosted by Space Coast in Tucson, Arizona. That was it.

Craig (03:12.238)

That was it. That was the only one. Exactly. Meanwhile, the leaderboards over the weekend on Friday, we had a Vado tech with 384 ,000 points, KWD on 380 ,000 and Jaroslav Kass on 235 ,000 on Saturday.

Rob (03:35.748)
Well, Saturday was June 1. So we've got a couple of lower days, right? A new name haven't seen this one. Mulsey mul Mollysa. Who knows? yeah, man, I guess. Okay, yeah, I see that now. 191 ,000 Munzee Prof coming in second 164 ,000 and you see my show 163 ,000. Did you do that on purpose?

Craig (03:37.774)
Hmm. Yeah.

Craig (03:45.262)
Melissa. Yeah. But really where spelling up, but yeah. Melissa. Yeah.

Craig (03:57.71)

I know that's no, I didn't. I'd surprised me. I didn't even realize Rob. Okay. I realized I'm going to say this. I realized that like 11 PM Munzee HQ time. So I had an hour left and I knew that I was coming in third and I know how much Munzee prof loves second spot. So I left him be at second spot. So I didn't cap anymore.

Rob (04:17.892)
And that's what I meant on the on purpose piece was did you stay in third on purpose? So yeah, that's good. Yeah, yeah.

Craig (04:24.878)
Yes, I stayed in third on purpose. I didn't mean to get on the leaderboard though. Like I was just traveling, Rob. And this is what happens when you travel and you cap in all the condos and the resorts and you know, they're good points. So just saying on Sunday, we had Schmitz Fam four with 178 ,000 points. Again, Munzee Prof, bridesmaid at 176 ,000 points and HBRB on 171 ,000 points. Rob, I will say this though with Munzee Prof. If he gets second enough times and Whelan's not getting first.

or people above him aren't getting first, then he's slowly climbing that overall leaderboard. So he's doing, he's doing the right way here. You know, just saying. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Events coming up this weekend, Rob, we have.

Rob (05:01.796)
That's a good point. That's a good point. Yeah, didn't think of that.

Rob (05:07.876)
Well, in USA, we've got a single event in California and in the world.

Craig (05:11.79)
That's it in the world. We have a Denmark, Finland, Germany, and Auckland, New Zealand. Yes. In New Zealand, we have one in Auckland. That's on the North, the North Island of New Zealand. There you go, Rob. So yeah, that's pretty cool. Large events coming up over the next few months. We have been looking at a few of these as well. We do still have the midsummer in the New Forest Hampshire UK.

Rob (05:25.764)
Yeah, pretty cool.

Craig (05:37.23)
June 14 to 16, there's 50 plus there so far. You're going to be there, Rob. Lou's going to be there as well. Anyone else? What about? Yeah.

Rob (05:43.748)
of as of right now like this is the first place that it's being announced that Lou and I are going to be there. We're going to make it to the Saturday events. We've rearranged a few things to make sure that we can we can at least get to those two. So that is the plan. Yeah.

Craig (05:49.87)

Mm hmm.

Is Sam going to be there? I'm going to throw him under the bus. Is Sam going to be there? Not sure. Yeah, we will do that and get back to you next week. So stay tuned for next week's one. Meanwhile, Rob, I put this on the show notes as well, because I saw this slowly growing. It's on July the 14th. It's in Ohio and there's 24 attendees so far in Ohio. And I think as well, because you know, you've got the likes of Carson, Buckeye, Cash are in charge and a few others as well. There's about four.

Rob (06:03.204)
I haven't checked in with Sam. I should probably do that. It's a great question.

Craig (06:27.534)
Four people co -hosting that event, which is really awesome. Now, Rob, I did put this one on because we sort of, I spilled the beans last week on this. September 20th to 22nd in Fort Worth, Texas. No, it's as we speak right now, Rob, you and I speak right now. It's still technically not on the calendar. I've reached out to Denali 0704 and she said it's going to be on the calendar by the end of this week. So if it's not, then there you go, Denali, get your finger out and get cracking. Just saying. Yeah.

Rob (06:54.308)
Yes, exactly. Please do that. And we've been checking out the events in July, waiting to see are there any others that are going to grow to be large events. Everything is fairly new still. So that's the birthday month event. So everybody be sure and get those on the calendar. And then as they start to grow, if we haven't noticed you yet, then please reach out to see my shop.

Craig (07:00.27)

Craig (07:07.598)

Craig (07:13.646)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (07:18.062)
Yeah, on any of the social medias or on the official Munzee app. Anyway, Rob, that was the week that was. Now this week we've got to get into it because there's lots, lots, lots and lots has happened. I will say this and I'm going to start with the Z -Walks. You guys release these Z -Walks into the mix. There's five in total. There's an elder, a forager, a caregiver, a century and a Z33 walker. So, Rob, do you want to take us through about how we get these ones?

Rob (07:28.74)

Rob (07:48.18)
Yeah, several of them are pretty easy. And then there's a couple that are a little more difficult as you and I have both figured out. So before we start off with what they are, a reminder that these are all going to be vaulted at the end of June 11th, which means that you have between now and the end of the day, June 11th to get to them before we we put them away. Will they return again? Most mechs do, but will these?

Craig (07:52.182)
Hmm. Yeah.

Craig (08:04.014)

Craig (08:08.142)

Craig (08:17.262)
Yeah. okay. So they're going to be there, but basically like normal mechs, basically what is what you're saying. So once you get them though, you get the blueprint for them. So you, when they do get vaulted, you can actually still put them out later on yourself, but you must have one in order to actually place one later on. okay. Yep. Yep. Yep.

Rob (08:17.924)
We do not know, do we? Yeah, so.


Rob (08:33.86)
Right, yeah, so new people getting the blueprint not going to be possible after June 11th until we bring them back out of the vault. So let's talk about each one. So the Elder Z -Walk is the one that can be purchased through the freeze tag store. So you go online, you purchase that one. That one's cash, if you will. Forager Z -Walk is purchased through the in -app store. That one is available for 750 Zeds.

Craig (08:40.814)
Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm.

Craig (08:50.19)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (08:54.446)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (08:58.254)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (09:01.998)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (09:02.116)
So you've got to go through the in -app store for that one. the caregiver is through yet another different channel. And this one is available through the redeem store. Now this time we've done something a little bit different, haven't we? yeah, a little bit of an experiment if you will. Right. Yeah. Yeah. If I remember correctly, cause I didn't write in the notes, it's two onyx, two virtual onyx and one B. So you.

Craig (09:08.654)
Mm -hmm.

Mm -mm.

I like it. I like this one. I liked it.

Craig (09:26.062)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (09:30.286)
Yes. Yeah, that's right. Yeah.

Rob (09:31.78)
You know, just an odd combination of these things. So I was seeing B being yellow and then these two black eyes. I think that's actually where it all came from. I was. Yeah.

Craig (09:34.574)

Craig (09:42.062)
see, I thought, I thought Rob, you were going, you were going sort of Romeo and Juliet to be or not to be, but anyway, just saying. Nah, anyway, I got mine. That's all I care about. I got mine.

Rob (09:48.996)
well, that makes sense to who knows who honestly who knows where it comes from. We just kind of sit back. Yeah, we throw stuff and see what sticks as you know, I got mine as well. So so that's the good thing. Now. Now the difficult one is the century z walk. And this one is the one that you get a chance to earn when you deploy. And here are the types. So when you deploy any Mac, any greeting card,

Craig (10:01.966)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (10:07.118)

Craig (10:12.846)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (10:17.476)
any flat friend or flat object, and temporary virtuals. Okay, so each of those things, here's a little behind the scenes. Each of those things has a chance to give you this century Z walk, when you deploy, all right, so it just automatically deploys. So the only way that you actually know is if you continue to go back and forth and check your most recent deploys.

Craig (10:23.438)

Craig (10:27.47)

Craig (10:35.438)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Craig (10:43.438)
Mm. Yeah.

Rob (10:46.596)
the chances are not the same for each of these different types. Yeah. Okay. So, so if you've been struggling because you've put out, let's say 100 greeting cards,

Craig (10:51.15)


And there's people that have done that wrong, just saying.

Rob (11:03.236)
I know, I know it's crazy, right? That seems that seems pretty wild to me. But the thing is, every single deploy is like, you're getting a chance with every single one. So it's not a cumulative type deal. So every single time you have a roll of the dice, if you will, to get that one. I will tell you that the greeting card is the lowest probability.

Craig (11:13.198)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (11:17.102)

Craig (11:24.654)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Rob (11:31.972)
to have this one deployed. All right, because, you know, if you think about that, that might make sense that that would be the one stamp serve rewards and clan wars, there's a bunch of different ways that you can get greeting cards. So that one is the lowest. And I'll leave you with that. Then you have the Z Walker. no, he's got questions.

Craig (11:31.982)
Craig (11:38.766)
Yeah. Yeah. That's true.

Craig (11:47.054)

Craig (11:51.726)
Well, before, before we go on before, no, no, no, I don't, I don't have questions. I'm going to, I'm going to tell my story. I'm a player, Rob. I'm going to tell my story. So when I got mine now, guys ready for this? I got two. Yes. Not one, but two because, because Rob, as I didn't realize, I thought it was a mistake or whatever as well. And I messaged you and you're like, no, no, that's true. It's like, so I did 21, 10 virtuals, 21, 10 virtuals. And what I did Rob is I was placing two.

Rob (11:58.5)
Okay, you do that.

Rob (12:04.932)

Craig (12:20.046)
10 virtual because the temp virtuals last for 30 days. Remember people 30 days. So I was placing two at every one of the events over the big double point weekend that's coming up. You see. so I was, I was placed two, two temp virtuals at every single one of those events, 21 temp virtuals later. And I get myself a century Z walk. Meanwhile, my clan with chatting away privately and, and they're saying, you know, I did this cards, I did this temp versus I did this mech. And they're saying, you know, we didn't get any at all.

Rob (12:30.212)
I'm sorry.

Craig (12:48.974)
Then this morning, Rob, I woke up to, one of my clan members in Australia. They, let go of a flat friend. They deployed a flat friend, just one. Bam. They've got a century's a walk. So I'm not saying, I'm not saying I don't know anything more than what you guys do. You know, Rob's keeping all this close to his chest, but all I can say is then I then place a flat friend as well. It took me two flat friends and then I got one, another second one too. So there you go people.

Rob (12:59.812)

Rob (13:18.212)

Craig (13:18.51)
That's I'm just saying from my point of view, because people have been asking on the water cooler, people have been saying, you know, let's share this just share around how many have you placed? What have you placed? Where have you placed it? That sort of thing too. So, but I think.

Rob (13:28.868)
Yeah, I was, I got mine this morning as well. So I got my century because I had previously deployed quite a few mechs. I had deployed, let's go with five tempverts. I deployed some cards. I hadn't deployed any flat friends, so I did the same thing today. I started in by deploying some flat friends. I wasn't fortunate there. I think I did six.

Craig (13:33.134)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Craig (13:38.446)

Craig (13:44.59)
Mm -hmm.


Craig (13:54.222)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (13:54.244)
I then moved on, I put some mechs out, wasn't fortunate there. Then I put some temporary verts out. I think I was on maybe my 10th or even 12, 13, 15, something like that. And then boom, finally there it was. So.

Craig (13:59.814)


Yeah. So the algorithm doesn't even favor you, Rob, just saying, like when you're a player, you're a player as well. It is, it is. But.

Rob (14:12.836)
I mean...

It's tough out there, you know, but for those who got them quick, well done. To those who are still working on it, keep going. Don't give up.

Craig (14:26.062)
Yeah. Yeah. Don't give up. You, you've got until the June 11th, as we said, now, Rob, if you get all of those, you then get the last one free of charge and it's the Z walker.

Rob (14:33.732)
Mm hmm. Yeah, that's the Walker and yeah, so that's the one that you get for all four of the others. So to two for purchase and then one for redeem one via a chance for deploy. Yep.

Craig (14:42.798)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (14:50.702)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I will say this as well. Again, big shout out to Andy Robb. He's done a great job with the artwork on these as well. he didn't. Dylan did the, wow. Shout out to Dylan then, because again, there's been chatter amongst people that I've heard as well about, you know, who's your, not who's your favorite Z -Walk, but who's your favorite looking Z -Walk. And I will say caregiver Robb is very, very much up there amongst the, amongst the, the population we'll say.

Rob (14:56.58)
He didn't do the artwork though. Dylan Dylan did the artwork. Dylan. Yeah.

Rob (15:11.972)

Rob (15:19.46)
Good to know.

Craig (15:19.694)
I can't give you a Z -Walk. Yeah, I think it looks cuter, you know, pink and gray and whatever as well. So there you go. All right. Moving on, Rob, to the June Muns pack. We're going to run through this really quick, guys. If you haven't got your June Muns pack, you should get them ASAP. In the virtual pack, you get an Onyx, a Tunnel of Hugs, a Surprise Wheel, a Pumpkin, a Flat Murray, a Flat DHS. So you could do a Flat Murray, Flat DHS and then get your Z -Walk. See? Three Sandwich Recipe cards and three Dags.

Rob (15:43.588)

Craig (15:47.758)
Norse Zodiac. I'm going to I'm butchering these names. I know in the hydro in the hybrid pack, Rob.

Rob (15:50.66)
Yeah, me too.

Rob (15:54.66)
Hybrid Pack, you've got the 25 generic stickers that we mail to you. And then as far as credits go, you get one pink diamond, two Othala Norse Zodiac. Then the virtuals are three sandwich recipe cards, two Dagaz, I think, Norse Zodiac, one duck, one flat DHS, and one tunnel of hugs. Now, before we go quickly, these two new Norse Zodiacs, they are launching the brand new set of Scatters.

Craig (16:09.71)

Craig (16:15.566)
Yeah, yeah.

Rob (16:23.684)
so yeah, so keep your eye out if you cap one of these two, North zodiacs, new scatters are on the map.

Craig (16:24.174)
Craig (16:28.878)

Craig (16:32.75)
Wow. Wow. And the, and people out there as well, that if they don't have, they haven't got these before when you place a North Zodiac, when you place any Zodiac, if you haven't placed it before or captured it before, you get a badge for each one of these. So if you want two badges in one, then go for the hybrid pack because you get the Othala and the daggers North as well. So you get the two for one deal. There you go, Rob. See? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. All right, Rob, moving on now to the brand new dragons keep.

Rob (16:53.54)
Good point.

Rob (17:01.38)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (17:01.71)
Tell us quickly what is Dragon's Keep?

Rob (17:04.964)
So the Dragon's Keep is a temporary destination. So this is one of those things that bouncers can land in. It is on the map for seven days. It's not a movable type. So just a regular you deploy it, it stays in that location for seven days. This one in particular is very particular about the bouncers that land with it.

Craig (17:10.19)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (17:17.198)
Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm.

I think. Yep.

Rob (17:32.036)
And you can kind of see it in the design. It's a dragon's keep. So it keeps dragons like, I mean, just reverse the two words. That's pretty much what happens. The things that land there are the dragon trainer specials. So you've got the dragon eggs, the baby dragons and the elder dragons. And we'll talk about those in a sec. And then the mythological that land there are all of the dragons. So we've got dragons and then we have some.

Craig (17:32.462)
Craig (17:36.27)
Mm -hmm.


Craig (17:52.462)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Rob (18:00.516)
secondary skins that can be applied to the dragon. The same thing is true with the Hydra. So the Hydra is like a little water dragon is what I would like to think of it as. And so you've got those. So all the different skins associated with the Hydra. There's only one mech. It is Firewall, which is from like one of the brand new Secret Zeops. I don't have a Firewall yet because I was actually going to

Craig (18:04.302)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (18:10.19)

Craig (18:20.75)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (18:27.918)

Rob (18:30.276)
deploy a couple of these so I could try and get my century ziwok. And it turns out I don't have firewall yet. So I have I'm on level three in the secret ziop. So if you're like me, get it done, because we need more of these bouncing around to land on the dragon's keep balloon bouncers. We've got the the highest cake credit like yeah, the redeem is the lunar dragon balloon.

Craig (18:36.342)

Yeah. Yeah.

Craig (18:54.766)
Redeem, yeah.

Rob (18:59.044)
That one is available. It has 50 caps built into it, right? Yeah.

Craig (19:02.382)
I was going to say Rob, yeah, exactly right. When I, when I was in Arizona and I was talking to people about cake and the credits, I said, try and keep them up because for the 150 cake credits, you get this Luna Dragon balloon and Rob after, after you deploy it, after all the cap ons and then it gets capped away 15 ,000 points is for one, one of the 15 ,000 points for one Luna Dragon balloon. So there you go.

Rob (19:22.5)

Rob (19:28.612)
Right? I mean, it is, it's legit. That's all there is to it. It's a, it's a really good one. I might have used all of my cake that I had stored up from most, from the recent events and, and I got some balloon bouncers out there myself, lunar dragon. Then also we have the reseller garden hedges and that is the, the one that is the dragon garden specifically. So if anyone has that permanent garden hedge,

Craig (19:31.726)
Yeah, it is. It is.

Craig (19:37.91)

Craig (19:53.518)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Rob (19:58.148)
If you put the Dragon Garden hedge skin on, it will land in the Dragon's Keep. That's a good idea. It's a good piece of advice there. And all of the Glass Guardian skins, because all of the Glass Guardians this year are Dragon themed, so all of them will be landing on the Dragon's Keep.

Craig (20:02.094)
Mm -hmm.

That's a good idea. There it is.

Craig (20:13.134)
Mm -hmm. Themed, yeah.

So with a glass guardian, is it just the skins only? So if you've got a little, little naked egg, then they don't land on them, do they? It's just the skins when they actually turn into a dragon, when you put them into a dragon skin. Yeah. Yeah. That's what I thought. That's what I thought. Well, don't go anywhere, Rob, because well, you're not going anywhere, but by the time this goes live, I'll have a new video out there about putting a dragon skin and using cuppa ziggy, et cetera as well. So that's really cool. But before we move on, I've got to say this.

Rob (20:30.18)

Rob (20:42.052)
Craig (20:45.806)
A shout out to Munrose. She knows she is a self -proclaimed dragon trainer. Now she wrote this on Facebook so I can just read it out. She says, I am the dragon trainer all in caps. I have traveled great distances day and night through nasty weather to care for my dragons. So far, Rob, she's cared for 36 eggs. Now this is all separate, 36 eggs. She's hatched 14 eggs.

She's cared for 19 baby dragons. She's helped four of those evolve. And now she's cared for 14 elder dragons. I'm going to say she is well -deserved of the self -proclaimed dragon trainer, just saying. Well done.

Rob (21:23.748)
She is the mother of dragons. That's how it sounds. You know, we'll take that from. Yeah, we'll take that from his show for sure. But the dragon trainer. Yes. If anyone else is more qualified to be called the the the dragon trainer, please let us know. I don't I don't know how that's possible. She definitely always has one eye on I suppose cup of tea checking to see where they are. So that's really great.

Craig (21:26.99)
She is. There's a TV show on the TV show.

Craig (21:40.43)
Yeah, let us know. Let us know your stats.

Craig (21:50.126)
Yep. Exactly. She, I think she's actually got a, like a filter Rob for them as well. So that's really cool. So she's, yeah, she's really taken on this dragon theme and run with it. Like the ball under, under a ramen run with it. Now, Rob, as I said, in the very beginning of this show as well, you're going to spill some beans for us. What have you got? I'll just, I'll set the, I'll set the premise. All I'll say is Rob has got in the, in the show notes, people, all he's written is.

Rob (22:03.876)

Craig (22:16.622)
Ask me what I'm going to spill. Like that's what you said, Rob asked me what I'm going to spill. You didn't say anything else. I don't know. What are you talking about? So yeah. So Rob, ready? Wait, wait for it. Right after three, the floor is yours. Make sure everyone's listening. Ready? One, two, three, go. The floor is yours.

Rob (22:19.84)
There you go. Well.

Rob (22:34.148)
Well, you see a requested item that I've had lots of conversations with people about, including several very recently. It is coming. It is coming shortly after this podcast airs. All right. Very, very soon with a special type of test that we're also going to run for the entire weekend. And all I can tell you, it's a blast.

So there you go. That's all I got for you. Man, next week I have so, I have so much more to tell you next week. you have no idea.

Craig (23:04.494)
Is that it Rob? That was a build up.

Craig (23:14.414)
that whole buildup, Rob, for what? Now, people, if you're listening to this and I'm going to say you're talking about midday MHQ time, aren't you, Rob? Yeah. So if you're listening to this episode after midday MHQ time Friday, then why bother? Rob's not even, you already know, Rob's not spilling anything at all. So, whereas to me personally, being Wednesday and everyone else who listens to this from 5am Eastern.

Rob (23:20.388)
Ha ha ha.

Rob (23:25.956)
Yeah. Yeah.

Rob (23:33.124)
You already know.

Rob (23:37.156)

Craig (23:44.238)
all the way through to midday MHQ time. It's only six hours, Rob. That's all it is, is six hours.

Rob (23:49.444)
Yeah, start the conversations. That's it. Now next week, I'm all going well this week. Next week, I have some serious, some serious stuff to begin rolling out leaking little bits of information and it will start here. So be ready. I haven't told you anything about this yet. And, and I will start, I will start with you on the podcast and it's

Craig (23:53.038)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Craig (24:08.206)
Craig (24:12.59)

Craig (24:16.718)

Rob (24:18.18)
incredible is the only word for it. It's gonna be amazing.

Craig (24:20.91)
Wow. Well, I'm going to, I'm going to literally physically hold you to that Rob for next week. So yes. Yeah, absolutely. All right. We're going to move on now to the Munzee question of the week. This one, Rob came in from an anonymous person and it's, and it's regarding the Munzee monthly moments, the videos themselves. Firstly, if people don't know what the Munzee monthly moments are, then I don't know what rock you've been hiding under, but you submit a video, a short video.

Rob (24:24.804)
Please do. Please do.

Rob (24:33.092)

Craig (24:45.934)
to do with a challenge of some sort for the particular month. Now, Rob, people don't understand. I saw it on the water cooler where someone was saying, what's, I haven't got this card yet. What's his card. And it was a little movie clapper card. I'm like, well, you haven't submitted to the Munzee monthly moments. Every person who submits a video then gets a card, at least one card for the month and a badge for the month. Let alone those people who actually, you know, the winners and also the runners up too, cause.

Sometimes Rob, let's say I did push a little buttons with you and said, look, can I have a three and six for the last month? And you did, you said, okay. And so that was good. Yeah. So I had, I had two, two winners, one special mention because he needed to, cause he got saturated. That's Minnesota boy. There you go. I mentioned his name in the podcast. I almost forgot. and then we had six runners up as well.

Rob (25:22.628)

Rob (25:33.124)

Craig (25:38.67)
All those people get extra digital prizes that they can put back in the game. So that's really, really awesome. So that's the Munzee Monthly Moments. Go onto cuppaZee. If you don't know how to involve yourself in this, go onto cuppaZee and then go out and scroll all the way down to the bottom and you'll see Munzee Monthly Moments in cuppaZee, that exact words. And then you'll see my ugly mug, Rob, and you'll see how I explain what you need to do. It's quite simple to do.

Rob (26:01.764)
It's also at moments .munzee .com. You can go straight there. Yeah. Just in case.

Craig (26:06.51)
Moments stop. Yeah, exactly. You can get straight there on, on the, on a computer as such, but most people do mobiles these days. If you don't know what to do, you really don't know what to do. You don't know how to record it. You don't know anything. That's the stuff reach out to me personally, please. You know, I'm on any social media or on the Munzee app as well. And again, last week I helped out two others as well who were having troubles with stitching their videos together. Well, this month is going to be easier, Rob, because this month, if people don't know yet,

Rob (26:11.584)
Yeah, true.

Craig (26:34.062)
All you have to do is cap any Munzee, whether it be a physical Munzee, a virtual Munzee, a P or whatever, cap a Munzee with people, whether those people be your relatives, whether they be Munzee friends, they can even be muggles. Let's be honest. Muggles is probably better than I'll just, there's a little tip for people out there. If you can turn a muggle on a video, chances are you're going to be up there just saying, there you go. I'm not, I'm not saying that right. I don't, I don't, I don't promise these things like you, but yeah. So anyway.

Rob (26:55.172)
you'll win. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely.

It can't be just some random standing in the background 10 feet away. Like that doesn't count. Just to make it clear.

Craig (27:04.846)
No, no, no, no, no, they've got to be involved in the video of some sort. Now, Rob, the question of the week was, we're getting back to it now. Will Rob submit a Munzee monthly moment this month?

Rob (27:15.876)
I am so hit or miss on this, you know, I struggle to, I don't have a problem recording videos. I have a problem taking the videos from my phone and releasing them on any other format. So I would like to say, yes, I have plenty of opportunities. I can tell you that much, including the events next weekend. So.

Craig (27:21.038)

Craig (27:27.406)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (27:30.894)

Craig (27:35.79)
Yes. Yes, we do.

Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Rob (27:41.924)
I will try to do that. I'm sure that you will remind me. So that's good. To anyone else that's listening who will be at the England events next weekend, please just come up and say, Hey, you want to record your Munzee Monthly Moment? And like literally a big, huge group of us could all do it at the same time. Can you imagine? That'd be cool.

Craig (27:46.17)

Craig (27:58.926)
Exactly. Exactly. And then have all those entries. That'd be awesome. Awesome. Meanwhile, Rob, to this day, it is the, what is it now? It's the fourth of the month, fifth of the month. The only entry so far again is Monroe's. She's always first in Rob. She's always first in. And I will say she was the winner back in December too, with a great video. So there you go. Meanwhile, Rob, we're going to move on now to the Munzee tip of the week. And this tip of the week comes from me personally, because it happened to me the other day.

Rob (28:13.188)

Rob (28:19.444)
yeah, very true.

Craig (28:28.814)
I was looking through it was coming on later in the day and I was looking through cuppa Z to make, to see that, you know, I'd kept a POI, et cetera, for my streak and all that sort of thing. And I wanted to see my points. Lo and behold for me, Rob, down the bottom next to your streaks, there's another button there as well, which was not grayed out, but like orange out for me because you can change the colors up, but it was a red slash orange color. And that is I hadn't actually got my virtual magnet from my daily activity reward. Now.

If those people don't know, you can get, I think it's three times a month, twice or three times a month, you get a daily activity reward if you cap on that particular day, but you must actually get, get that reward. Like click submit and to get the reward on the day. Otherwise you don't get it at all. So if you leave it to the next day, you won't get it at all. So it saved me, Rob. I'll tell you now, Cuppa Z saved me again by not losing that virtual magnet. So I can go back into the app and click back into.

the, the daily activity and get my reward that way. So shout out to Sam. Thank you, mate. you got me with my virtual magnet. So make sure you use Cuppa Z for all, all your Munzee needs apart from capping things, of course. Yeah. Yeah.

Rob (29:40.644)
Yes, apart from capping still at this point. You know what? Listening to that makes me think of one other thing. So the you can hide the daily activity tracker. And that's the reason that some people might not see it, because it actually does pop up every single day. So if you hide that, you never see it. So you would totally forget. So that's good. I think that I might need Sam to build a daily stroll checker.

Craig (29:49.934)
Mm -hmm.

Craig (29:54.51)
yes. True.

Craig (30:04.686)

Rob (30:09.092)
into that because that's another daily thing. And then you've got a check mark for you know, all the different things. Anyway, you said it and it hit me so it's like, yeah, okay, cool.

Craig (30:10.51)
Yes, that's the right idea.

Craig (30:16.698)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. One more thing, Rob, before I go, because I did this yesterday afternoon with Sam, I'll message in Sam privately yesterday afternoon, because Rob, I always got confused about when I could actually purchase my glass guardians. You see, so there's the glass guardians, the little eggs themselves. You can only purchase them once every 28 days. And I'd go in there and I click and go, no, still not 28 days. The next day, no, still not 28. Then I'd forget for a few days. And then I click and go, now I can get it. But.

Again, Sam has built out a toggle switch inside CUP of Z, which shows you not just the date, Rob, that you can actually obtain this because he did just show the date before, but then I clicked on it on the date that I was and I couldn't do it because it's to the second Munzee HQ to the second, 28 days to the second. So I managed to know exactly the time and which date and time that I could purchase my next glass guardian. So.

Five minutes after that time, what did you think I did? I purchased my glass guardian. So there you go. Yes. Yeah. Again. Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Rob (31:16.548)
As you're saying it, I am shaking my head in amazement as to what Sam has come up with now. So, wow, very cool.

Craig (31:24.494)
Yeah, so good job Sam. There you go, mate. There you go. All right, Rob. So this ends another official Munzee podcast.

Rob (31:32.036)
Thanks for joining us on this Munzee adventure.

Craig (31:34.638)
Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review on your favourite podcasting app and join us again for another informative episode.

Rob (31:40.26)
And remember, Munzee is more than a game. It's a worldwide community of mobile game players.

Craig (31:45.518)
So keep scanning, keep discovering, keep that Munzey spirit alive. Rob, one, two, three, dragon on! Dragons, dragons, dragons.

Rob (31:49.508)
Munzeon! Dragon, dragon behind!

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