Official Munzee Podcast

Munzee Weekly Podcast - Friday September 20th, 2024

Rob Vardeman & Craig Michell Season 2 Episode 38

In this episode, Seemyshell and Rob discuss their recent experiences, including a unique visit to Hot Springs, Arkansas, and various geocaching adventures. They highlight upcoming Munzee events across the USA and worldwide, delve into the Flat Cup scatters and their extension due to weather events, and reflect on the conclusion of Flat Day the 13th. The conversation also covers the importance of support tickets for player experiences and tips for maximizing points in Clan Wars. Additionally, they explore the concept of tourism Munzees and their significance in discovering unique locations, concluding with a focus on community engagement and the Munzee spirit.

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Seemyshell (00:00.972)
Welcome to the official Munzee Podcast.

Rob (00:03.515)
I'm Rob, also known as Coach V, your host and the president of Munzee.

Seemyshell (00:07.611)
And I'm Craig, also known as CMyshell, I'm an avid Munzey player and I'm here to explore the game further.

Rob (00:12.965)
Each week we'll delve into Munzee's mysteries, divulge some secrets, and inform players from around the world just what is coming your way.

Seemyshell (00:19.992)
So sit back, relax, drive your car, drink your coffee. Today is about flats, flats, flats, flats and more flats. It is Rob, like big, not a big week, but a flat week coming up by the looks of things.

Rob (00:26.093)
Yes it is. Yes it is.

Rob (00:33.625)
It's all flats all the time, isn't it? It's been flat out. How many other jokes are there? I know you've got a million, yeah. before you dive into all of those, let's start with you today. What have you been up to? Yeah.

Seemyshell (00:01.106)
Rob, I didn't know until I started planning for this trip itself, right? And Hot Springs in Arkansas, Arkansas, however you like to say it, it's a real place. And we're talking about gangsters. We're talking about Babe Ruth, other famous people. Old school bath, yeah. What I'm talking, people don't know. And I didn't know, Rob. I didn't know until I went there, right? I paid my money to get in. went, no, I'm just gonna get the actual bath experience, right? Men and women are separate and you go separate locations.

Rob (00:09.688)

Rob (00:19.417)

Seemyshell (00:30.516)
You get, you get neutered up, Rob. You do get neutered up if you wish. As you walk through, there's a guy there and he's sweating because it's like a steam room all together. And you've got your own private, like big, big, huge European freestanding bath, like the ceramic bath. He fills it up full of the actual natural spring water. You get in that for like half an hour. After that, you jump out. You get, you then sit on this, like this.

Rob (00:34.456)
Wow. All right.

Seemyshell (00:59.694)
this, I don't know, cauldron toilet type thing, and it heats up all your lower back. And so all your hips and lower back all heat up and the muscles relax. But then my favorite part, Rob, they put you in this steam box. It is literally a silver box with just your head sticking out and you are steaming. You are so hot. yeah. And then they lay you down and put warm towel over you and cold press over your face and.

Rob (01:04.984)

Rob (01:18.264)
No way.


Seemyshell (01:25.964)
I got out of that steam room, Rob, and all of a sudden, because it's like a hot, like cooler in there compared to the outside, yeah, my whole skin felt like it was actually like contracting in. It felt so good. yeah, yeah. Rob, I did miss my mates. I missed you, I missed Josh. I think you and Josh would have actually enjoyed it. Tim, not so much. Yeah, yeah, yeah, so.

Rob (01:38.018)

Rob (01:48.568)
Yeah, right. Yeah, yeah, I would have been in for that. I've not experienced anything quite like that. A couple of close, but not definitely not to that extreme. Wow.

Seemyshell (01:53.805)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (01:59.958)
Yeah, this was so old school. I loved it, man. I loved it. Absolutely loved it. I have been taking my little Cappy around as well, getting a few photos here and there. So yeah, Cappy has been wandering around and overseeing things as well. So there you go. What about you, mate? What have you been doing? You moved.

Rob (02:03.428)
That's cool.

Rob (02:15.672)
Well, that's So yeah, we moved, know, we're still we're still in the process there and we'll be for a while. Right. I mean, people who've moved, you know, you have boxes around for quite a while. Some might even say years, but no, we're we're making lots of good progress there. I as part of moving, we found this cool new game. It's called Facebook Marketplace.

Seemyshell (02:28.888)

Rob (02:41.056)
And in order to win Facebook Marketplace, you have to trade all of your things for everyone else's things. Things that fit in your house that didn't fit in other people's houses. They take your stuff. it's great. Anyway, we I was fortunate to have time over the weekend to to do a lot of traveling around England, quite a bit of England. And as part of that, like sometimes I was driving, sometimes Lou was one of the places that we ended up

near was Gotham and Gotham, which I believe they actually called Gotham or something, you know, different, not not our Gotham, but it is actually the namesake of Gotham City of Batman, you know, pop culture fame. And so I went there. It was actually my 21st geocaching birthday because I started way back when 2003. And so I found a Gotham City

Seemyshell (03:37.773)

Rob (03:40.564)
mystery cash and deployed a couple of Munzees there for anyone else who might go and visit Gotham. So yeah, it was a good time. But during that process, while Lou was driving, I was capping a bunch of stuff and specifically testing out some changes that I made to the Surer Prize wheels, where I cranked up some rewards and rewards for hosts, or sorry, not host owners.

Seemyshell (03:47.181)
Mm -hmm.

Rob (04:07.108)
so even though everyone would love for them to crank out all the old $5 prizes and all that, that's not what's happening. However, I did see an increased frequency of receiving, the smaller things, cogs, the Rover treats, the jewel shards, that kind of thing. So hopefully it'll build up, some of people's, credits and undeployed so that, well, maybe they'll hunt up cup of the gardens and do some reteaming there. Cause that's what I did. So yeah, that's.

Seemyshell (04:29.45)

Seemyshell (04:35.586)

Rob (04:36.703)
That's my weekend and last week.

Seemyshell (04:39.808)
There you go, so you've been busy like working real work and non real work, so there you go. Yeah. Yes, yes, by the sounds of it, exactly. Mate, let's get started with the week that was in events we had in USA. We had Delaware, Florida, Arizona, Ohio, and California in around the world we had.

Rob (04:43.928)
Yeah, yeah, a good mix.

Rob (04:59.128)
We had two in Ontario, Canada, and one in British Columbia. We have one in England, one in Norway, two in Germany, Finland, and Victoria, Australia.

Seemyshell (05:08.91)
and the leaderboards over the weekend. On Friday we had Jeffeth on 426 ,000 points, Addis on 300 ,000. And speaking of Gotham, we had Batman 787 on 228 ,000 points. Now Rob, I'm gonna have to say Saturday as well, because of the first place. First place, Saturday, first place, we had, ready for this drum roll,

Rob (05:15.683)

Rob (05:24.418)
Na na na na na na na Batman! Yeah!

Okay, you do it. Okay, you can do that.

Seemyshell (05:36.91)
Q 22 Q 17 on 535 ,000 points. Herbie on 467 ,000 points and unicorn 55 437 ,000 points. Sunday, you can do Sunday because Sunday first place for you is good.

Rob (05:51.364)
I mean, yeah, it's good, but it's your birthday, buddy. It's Denali 0407 with almost a million just shy 968 ,000. Sineja -toot -sina -sina -ja -tattoo. That's why you didn't want to say it. Sineja -tattoo. 405 ,000. And Disney Girl, much easier. 340 ,000.

Seemyshell (05:56.904)

Seemyshell (06:17.632)
Rob, I think the gnarly has been out and about collecting all the deployed cards, so she doesn't have to worry about it come this weekend. That's right, people, this weekend, the big events have started here in Texas. So there you go. Speaking of events around this weekend, we have Massachusetts, Missouri, Indiana, and of course, Munzee Mischief in Texas with four events, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday as well. As people know, I will be there, Rob, and a few others as well.

Rob (06:44.227)
Yes you will.

Seemyshell (06:46.15)
The names that you hear on this show quite often, like Denali for instance, she's hosting, so a big shout out to her. Nats Muns as well, he's hosting too, so there we go. And I think, I can't think of the third one, is it Brandy? I can't recall, I think it is. Brandy Court, there you go, she's also hosting as well. So a big shout out to them, as this goes live, I'm probably being at an event now as we speak, so Friday evening, so there you go. Around the world, Rob, we have.

Rob (06:58.892)
Yeah, Brandy Court. Yeah.

Rob (07:12.152)
We've got one in Finland and three in Australia. They're Victoria, New South Wales, and ACT.

Seemyshell (07:19.906)
There you go. See Australia, it's coming alive Rob, it's coming alive. They like it. Yeah, I like it, I like it. As we always say, large events beyond this weekend, January 16th to 19th in Florida, five events for Munzey Mecca. Then in Sydney, Australia, speaking of Australia, Munzey Quest and Block Party January 25th and 26th, and then California,

Rob (07:23.598)
I'm impressed. It really is.

Rob (07:45.492)
Munzee Madness in California come in March 8th and 9th, then moving on to May 3rd, your favorite place, Munzee and Uranus. So this is the Uranus of Missouri fame. So there's actually two events that day, if I remember correctly. Yeah.

Seemyshell (07:54.459)

Seemyshell (07:58.606)

Seemyshell (08:02.966)
Yes, there is, there is, there's two in Uranus. And then Munstock on May 24th, Rob, and then June 7th and 8th, Ohio is hosting SOS. And that's starting to become a decent event, one. So a big shout out to Ohio Munzee players. So there you go. Don't forget people, if you do have a big event, please reach out to us and speak to us from there and, speak to me, not Rob, me. I do it all too. So speaking of events, Rob, I did just recall as well.

On the Munzee water cooler over this week was last weekend the event in California hosted by the man himself. That's right. Minions are cool along with the birthday girl as well. yeah, they, did, some Sherry. Yeah. They did some posts about it on the water cooler. They showed the, they had a little barbecue cookout as well, which is really nice. And they had the Munzee flag there, Rob and

Rob (08:45.166)

Seemyshell (08:57.014)
Minions are cool, had his cap on too. Minions are cool, had his cap too. So there you go. Shout out to guys, well done. And Rob, we do love to see that. If you have photos of your event, chuck them on the water cooler the weekend after, like the week after, And yeah, share the love, Rob, share the love.

Rob (09:00.472)

Rob (09:14.652)
Absolutely, we love to see those pictures and who knows maybe one of these days we'll get around to actually sharing those on our own social media channels as well.

Seemyshell (09:24.174)
Maybe one day, maybe one day. All right, Rob, we're talking flats now, this podcast. So what are we talking about? I've noticed that something about the flats scatters have extended. What was that about?

Rob (09:37.858)
Yeah, so everyone around the world may not know about some of the big weather events that have been happening across portions of Europe, but we heard from some of our players, things were so bad that there was flooding and basically, you know, people told, stay home, like, it's not safe. Stay home in places where it might normally not be an issue. So

you know, we don't typically extend, events, just, you know, for pockets of players in one place or another, you know, it's just kind of one of those. Yeah. Sorry. Sorry. You missed out this time. However, these flat cup scatters were something that had happened in the past and we all know they will happen again in the future. However, this time because of the other event that was flat natured that was already going on, it was like, yeah, let's go ahead and extend it.

Seemyshell (10:26.648)

Rob (10:34.712)
It'll give everyone around the world an opportunity to get these badges. So yeah, we've extended the flat cup scatter event through the 25th, which conveniently is the end date of what we hinted at last week with it being Friday the 13th, which is flat day the 13th. And this flat day, the 13th is called final cut. Do you know why? Yeah.

Seemyshell (10:43.522)

Seemyshell (10:59.649)
yes. Is it the end? Is it the last time you're doing this for the Friday the 13th?

Rob (11:06.212)
That's how the story goes. That is what I read on the blog post is this. This was our seventh episode of flat day, the 13th and what better number to end the 13 series on than number seven. So it was like go from unlucky to lucky and it there.

Seemyshell (11:08.195)

That's what I thought too.

Seemyshell (11:18.544)

Rob (11:27.81)
We've got seven different scatters that are possible from this one icon. So there is an icon that is a bloody red DHS tape. Basically, it's bouncing around the world. There are four thousand of them. You cap that and you've got a possibility of one of seven scatters only if you are premium member. If you're not a premium member, then you have one out of six scatters that will pop up. Yeah.

Seemyshell (11:31.02)

Seemyshell (11:40.003)

Seemyshell (11:55.616)
Rob (11:57.316)
So these are all unique icons. They are a throwback to the earlier six episodes that we'd had. So, you know, it's just sort of a nod to what we have done. And I guess the best way to look at this is that we've had a lot of fun with it. We've used this while our flat characters, you know, were something that we really focused on. And this started back in 2016.

Seemyshell (12:05.419)

Seemyshell (12:14.828)

Rob (12:24.112)
So we've had a really long run of this and now we kind of have started this new journey, right? The epic new adventure with Cappy and so while Friday the 13th will still be a thing in this real world, we will. We don't have plans for it to be flat day the 13th in the Munzee game anymore. Does that mean something else is coming in its place?

Seemyshell (12:51.262)

Rob (12:52.576)
I don't know. I don't know. I don't know. All I know is there is a Friday the 13th coming up in three months. So stay tuned.

Seemyshell (13:01.26)
Mm -hmm. There you go, people. You heard it here first. Exactly. Rob, I did read the blog fully and I did see that this is the final time for this particular style, this DHS sort of style as well. I will say Dylan and the team have done a fantastic job in regards to the names. Robbie, et cetera, has done a fantastic job in regards to the artwork as well. They look really, really cool.

Rob (13:07.266)
Yeah, honestly.

Seemyshell (13:29.258)
as people are posting Rob on the water cooler that they've got all, all of the, all of the badges as well. Some people are posting that they've got all four badges to one of my clan members was proud that he got all four badges, but Rob, I haven't, I haven't seen many in my travels across Arkansas, just saying. And, and so I started because I saw on the blog post as well is that they're attracted to magnets. So I started magnetizing some, if I'm at a cracker barrel, for instance, and there's a flat, there might be a flat Murray or something here.

Rob (13:43.854)
Ooh, yikes.

Seemyshell (13:58.094)
I started magnetizing that particular flat to try and, you know, gain my, my badges and there's nothing coming on the flats. I looked on the water cooler. Of course there's people on the water cooler, Rob saying I've used five, six, seven, even up to 10 magnets and they're not getting any of these scatters. what can, what can you say to that? What do you say to that, Rob? mean, are they actually magnetized or what?

Rob (14:18.44)
I say, wow, I have been looking at the support tickets this week and spent some time in them last week as well. And to my knowledge, and I haven't seen it personally, a support ticket saying that. I guess normally, first response might be personal experience may vary from one to the next.

Seemyshell (14:24.866)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Seemyshell (14:36.046)
Seemyshell (14:43.698)
Yes, yes, yes.

Rob (14:45.272)
However, if there are large groups of people who are all saying the same thing, then many times that is something that we need to look into. sounds like this is something that we need to look into. As usual, I will remind people that since the Munzee Water Cooler is not an official forum, that if there's something that many people are experiencing, the best idea is someone get nominated.

Seemyshell (14:50.669)

Seemyshell (15:04.61)

Rob (15:14.252)
Vollen told to send a support ticket in. Do you know how many people in there love to send support tickets? Why didn't we hear from them? That would be my question of the day. So.

Seemyshell (15:23.202)
Yeah. I think the people that send the support tickets in Rob aren't the ones that sort of magnetize that much. I think so. That's maybe, they're too busy sending support tickets in rather than magnetizing. But in saying that people, yeah, I'm a big advocate too, Rob. Send in support tickets. know, as you said, as you said, Rob, the worst, honestly, the worst thing that can happen, not the worst, but the least thing that can happen is,

Rob (15:30.697)
Rob (15:35.032)


Yeah, please. Please do, honestly.

Seemyshell (15:50.05)
that you get a message back saying, you know, that every player is different and it's a chance, you know, that sort of thing. Yeah, that's the worst thing that can happen. The best thing that can happen, it gets fixed for not just you, but for everyone. So, sending your support tickets, people, don't just complain on the water cooler. I mean, of course, send your grievances on the water cooler just to see that you're not the only one having an issue. But as soon as, as you said, Rob, as soon as, you know, there's been...

Rob (16:01.848)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (16:15.79)
And Rob, I'm telling you, there'd been more than 10 people on that water cooler on that one post saying that, nope, I haven't got any, I haven't got any, I haven't got any, I haven't got any. And so not one in 10, that's a bit suspicious, especially when people are using, you know, several magnets for that. So there you go, people, send in your support tickets for that as well. you know what, Rob, you don't have to, not for that.

Rob (16:28.386)

Rob (16:35.404)
You don't have to don't don't send support support tickets in on that, because guess what? By the time people are listening to this, I certainly hope that it will be fixed. All right. So let's just run with that. Your your word support ticket on this podcast as you you you representing the the masses in the Munzee Water Core. I understand.

Seemyshell (16:42.318)
This is true. This is true. This is true.

Seemyshell (16:53.23)
The people, the people, there you go. I'll send in the support ticket people and say, don't you send it in? I'll send it in for this one on Wednesday, which is where this morning when we were talking about it now. there you go. Meanwhile, Rob, we're moving on with the other flats and that is the, the, buy two get one free. We said this last week or week before as well. So is that still available as well?

Rob (17:15.352)
Yeah, so last week, last week, what we said was on Thursday, the flat cup scatters started, right? So flat cups were by to get one and this extended to all all flats. There's even like a flat day, the 13th pack. There are multiple different types of ways to get flat. So there is a link on the blog.

Seemyshell (17:19.373)

Seemyshell (17:32.694)

Mm -hmm.

Rob (17:42.712)
for people to click in order to make sure that you've got things in the right collection. So yes, you can load up on flats while they are discounted.

Seemyshell (17:49.627)

Seemyshell (17:54.102)
Would this, would this Rob, would this include, instance, you know, if I, cause always, I always said, remember I last week as well, you bring three items to the counter and you pay for two, but you've got to bring those three items to the counter. Would this say, say for instance, Rob, wanted one of you, I want one of Lou and one of Murray. Would that include that as well? So it's all, you don't have to be the same type.

Rob (18:03.054)

Rob (18:11.972)
Yes. Yes. Mix and match. will say that if people put the flat day, the 13th pack in there, which is $13, then add two of the others. They're going to be, you know, getting the lowest value free, obviously. That's how discounts work. Yeah. Yes.

Seemyshell (18:23.338)

Seemyshell (18:31.246)
The best value, best value. There you go people, you heard it here first. Put the pack in there for $13 and then add two extra flats as well and you'll get a good deal. All right Rob, I saw something happen on Thursday this week. What happened on Thursday this week?

Rob (18:47.81)
Yeah, so Thursday was talk like a pirate day are matey, you know, that's what it was. Thankfully, it is not Thursday while we record. So we did not have to record this podcast in pirate voice. my. Yeah. So so yeah, on talk like a pirate day, we decided to have a little bit extra fun and thought players might want to join in. So we released four.

Seemyshell (18:52.526)
Yep. Yep. Yes.

Seemyshell (19:03.124)
No, this is true.

Rob (19:15.286)
new cards, which, you know, we don't always say the names of the cards, but because of the theme here, you know, it's important. So do you want the first or the second?

Seemyshell (19:21.401)
we've got to say it. Yeah.

Seemyshell (19:27.424)
you can read them all because I've got things with this Rob. I've got some questions about these ones. So yeah, you go. Yeah.

Rob (19:29.422)

no, do you know? All right. So the first one is plunder and party card.

Seemyshell (19:39.266)
There you go. Plunder and party. Plunder and party. Exactly. See.

Rob (19:41.348)
party. Party. Yeah, I guess you got to it has to be my accent. You're right. And then the next one is seize the day. So that's you know, seize se as so you know, sail the seven seas and then boy boy. So we say this word differently. Definitely. We Yeah.

Seemyshell (19:51.141)
yes. Yes. Yes.

Seemyshell (19:59.475)
There you go. So people don't know that you're talking about B -U -O -Y. B -U -O -Y. America only. That's right. A USA only pronounces buoy. In the rest of the world, it's pronounced boy. So just boy. It still works, but buoy -o -bouy.

Rob (20:07.459)

Rob (20:19.384)
Boy, boy boy, it still works though. Yeah.

Seemyshell (20:24.672)
Not really Rob, because the term buoy in Australia means mental health issues. anyway, there you go. So when Australia watches an American TV show and they talk about like, know, jaws, go out to the buoy. We're like, yeah, that's right. If you go out there with sharks, you are crazy. So there you go. And the last one is hooked on you. So hooked on you.

Rob (20:30.858)

Rob (20:45.58)
Makes sense, makes sense.

Rob (20:50.46)
are hook hooked on you that's right there you go captain hook yeah hook hook where's the hook yes that's the guy

Seemyshell (20:53.742)
like, what do call it? The pirate Captain Hook from Peter Pan. There you go, people. get those for, again, Rob, those cards are available in store, they?

Rob (21:08.022)
They are they are indeed. And not only those, but we also released elemental cards because remember our theme for last month was elemental. And so we were like, hey, let's throw back real quick to the water, earth, fire and ice themed cards. So eight new cards in the store. Yeah. Get them if you want them.

Seemyshell (21:14.008)

Seemyshell (21:28.844)
Get them if you want them. If they're the same as any other card, Rob, then you get three for a dollar. I do believe. If my memory recalls, because that's not on the show notes, people. That's just my memory, personally, because I buy all the cards.

Rob (21:35.164)
Ooh, yes, I believe so. know. I don't remember. I don't remember if all of these are limited edition or if the elemental ones might be open edition, which means four for one. I do not remember. I apologize.

Seemyshell (21:51.563)
There we go. Either way, people get to the store, have a look at those new cards themselves. And of course, we all know they're gonna be good looking cards, Rob. The actual designs themselves, I haven't seen them yet, but I'm assuming that they're gonna be good looking cards as they always are. All right, Rob, we're gonna move on. We're nice and early too, which is good. We've smashed through this, but don't worry people, we're still gonna go to 30 minutes because I have not one, but two, two tips of the week. And one of them,

Rob (22:04.504)

Rob (22:16.536)

Seemyshell (22:22.838)
is about flats, Rob, so get ready for that. Meanwhile, we've got a question of week for you, Rob, from Facebook, and this is from The Late Arrivals. She says, hi Craig, I have a question for Rob for the podcast. Please, can you ask him on cruisy days, why don't all the Munsies with over a year of inactivity go to cruise status? I know the Evolutions ones don't, but what about briefcases and premiums, et cetera, thank you.

Rob (22:49.006)
How interesting. I wonder if she's talking about current experience because I've got a tool where I can turn on and off the switch for what things are in, go into crew and are into cruisy and sleepsy status. All of them are turned on right now for the month of September because September is great. And how can it be great if everything doesn't turn into

Seemyshell (22:53.485)

Seemyshell (23:13.314)

Rob (23:17.408)
cruisy. that doesn't include prize wheel and surprise wheel because the, yeah, we're not going to throw those into let's give more prizes that people will only complain about. so anyway, we, they, they've got all of those, everything is turned on. So hopefully she's talking about something from the past and not current. they could have been landing pads at some point in time, which would have reset them. And maybe it doesn't show that.

Seemyshell (23:23.168)

Seemyshell (23:38.41)

Rob (23:45.96)
I do not know. All I know is it should be working for all the different types.

Seemyshell (23:51.82)
There you go, the later rivals. Check your cruisies around your area now on the days. Remember, it's every third day people as well. So some people don't understand that Rob, especially new people who have just got to that status. mean, Rob, I remember I was one of these people. I got to the crew status and all of a sudden on the third day, all this stuff popped up and I went, wow, what is this? I went around and I capped literally everything.

Rob (24:17.298)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (24:20.974)
I didn't even have a car. was in Australia, Rob. didn't even have a car. I did, Rob. I'm talking almost 10 miles of walking in one day because on the cruisy day, because I didn't know what they were. I'd never seen them before. They've given me a hundred points each. You know, they were worth it. You know what I mean? So unbeknownst to me, I should have probably just held off a little bit and just grabbed the few that I needed for clan wars, but you live and learn. You live and learn, Rob.

Rob (24:35.502)

Rob (24:44.974)
you. Yes. Don't you? Yeah. Don't we all?

Seemyshell (24:49.662)
Exactly. And I'll be honest, we're able to, at the time I thought it was a mistake because of the, the color, the orange sort of maintenance looking color as well. So I thought, maybe this is a Munzee glitch. I'm going to take advantage while I can, like a lot of people do. So it happens to all of us people. It happens to all of us. So if you're brand new to the actual crew status, go in the water cooler, go in the Munzee water. If you see it, go in the Munzee water cooler.

Rob (24:56.723)

Rob (25:03.753)
great, yeah. Love that.

Seemyshell (25:18.74)
scroll through or actually click search for that status, that crew status, and you'll see all the comments and the topics and the talking and the chatting, the links to it, et cetera, as well. And as always, Rob, links to crew status, et cetera, are always in this show notes too, just to let you know. So there you go. Thank you very much for that, Rob. All right, let's get on to not one, but two tips of the week. This first one, Rob, is talking about the flats. This is me personally. I'm gonna talk about tourism munzies on Cuppa Z.

Rob (25:34.03)
Very good, thank you.

Seemyshell (25:46.316)
What people said to me, I posted about this Rob on the water cooler, on my Facebook post. People asked me, what's this? How did you do this? Rob tell us first of all, I'm talking about the, I capped myself then one, that's right. One only in the entire world. One that you Rob have not even capped yourself in the entire world. I capped the flat hammock. And that was in Pennsylvania, Rob.

Rob (25:49.369)

Rob (26:06.34)
Mm -hmm.

Seemyshell (26:16.226)
Tell us about, there's fours in there the entire world. Tell us more about these.

Rob (26:16.515)

Rob (26:20.076)
Yeah, so there is a very special flat hammock at Gettysburg. So each of us got to choose a location, the original four flats, the flat friends. So yeah, we've got a flat hammock at Gettysburg in Pennsylvania. We have flat mat and flat Rob at our final, we shall call it final destination for MHQ before all of us went home.

Seemyshell (26:25.899)

Seemyshell (26:43.609)

Rob (26:45.364)
and stayed home, back in the, lockdowns and COVID times and shut down our offices after that figured out that we could probably work better from home, all around the world. So flat mat and flat Rob at MHQ is what those are called. and they are in McKinney, Texas. And then there's flat Lou. Flat Lou is on tower bridge in London because that is her favorite bridge in the world. And, yeah, we don't live too far from there as the crew of flats, you know.

Seemyshell (26:55.448)

Rob (27:14.756)
30 miles ish.

Seemyshell (27:15.148)
Yeah, yeah. Well, just let you know, Sorry.

Just to let you know Rob as well that, I'm going to Texas and guess what? That flat Rob, that flat Matt are on my to -do list before the big events. And then to rub salt into your wound Rob, I personally am coming over to the UK, I'm gonna visit you and I'm gonna visit Lou, I'm going to get the flat Lou. So I'm going to get all four of these before you being the president of Munzee. So there you go, yes.

Rob (27:32.182)

Rob (27:48.894)
well, sounds like I should undeploy one or two of them in the next few hours. No, that's great, man. That's great.

Seemyshell (27:58.338)
People, it's cool. But people, it's not just about these four flats, people. Have a look, go into Cuppa Zee, go into Explore, go into Tourism. So they're the links you go into. In the Tourism, Rob, there's so many others as well. We're talking those history ones, the black history ones, Rob, that people love too, that are only in certain areas in certain states, et cetera, as well. We're talking ones about Garfield, Rob. There's Garfield ones. There's...

There's also Rob, there's Dailan Barb's road tripping ones where they put a physical, not a virtual, but a physical one in a really cool location. And again, Rob, I have two of those so far this trip, including one on the fence right near the Hemingway, Ernest Hemingway himself, his barn where he wrote all these books, et cetera.

Rob (28:47.694)

Seemyshell (28:52.574)
Right on that fence post next to the barn, Dale and Barb were there and they put a road tripping Munzee there. I, again, I would not have gone and visited Ernest Hemingway's original barn if it wasn't for Dale and Barb. So thank you Dale and Barb for pushing me towards that sort of area. yeah, that's, so have a look at these people. These tourism Munzees, they are really cool. And you don't know, you may have some near you that are extremely rare. saying.

Rob (29:06.99)
Very cool. Very cool.

Seemyshell (29:16.972)
We did brush on it Rob a couple of episodes ago as well when I was in Arizona, Arizona, no Utah. When I was in Utah and we had those campfire ones as well. So yeah, that's the one. Yeah, they're the ones. So have a look at these people. They're again, another little facet of the game, another little rabbit hole that you can dive down and enjoy. So there you go.

Rob (29:24.7)

Right. The wayward nation and WAMP nation, WAMP Canada. Yeah. Yeah. Yep.

Seemyshell (29:41.77)
Rob, tip number two, and we're gonna end with this tip, and that is regarding points you need for Clan Wars. This has come up a couple of times in the water cooler. Remember people, this is not, that's right, this is not just a capping game, no. This is a game of strategy. This is game of, you can get the points by deploying, you can get the points by capping, you can get the points by cap on as well, people. I mean, I know myself, Rob, the Munzee Maniacs podcast, they spoke about it too in their last episode, how,

how PJ can't get that pie badge anymore because he wakes up and he's got more than a thousand points already when he wakes up because of CapOn. exactly. And Rob, a big shout out to the Munzey Maniacs podcast. Did you listen to their last episode?

Rob (30:24.632)
I haven't listened to it yet. I've been a bit busy these last couple of days. Yeah.

Seemyshell (30:27.662)
Absolutely. You know what? It's a good one to listen to whilst you're unboxing Rob. So, you know, put your headphones on and listen to it while you're unboxing. So there you go. You may, you may get some peace and some Zen out of it. So yes, there you go. Good job. And people, if you haven't listened to the Munzey Manix podcast, I don't know why not jump on there. Have a look. Kevin and Sarah and PJ do a great job on that show as well. So that's it. Rob, guess what? We're finished now. We're done for this episode. Are you happy with this one?

Rob (30:35.343)

Rob (30:41.342)

Rob (30:56.184)
Yeah, very good, very good. I enjoyed it very much.

Seemyshell (30:57.356)
Yeah. Yeah. This ends another official Munzee podcast.

Rob (31:03.458)
Thanks for joining us on this monstie adventure.

Seemyshell (31:06.164)
And don't forget to subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcasting app and join us next week for another informative episode.

Rob (31:12.576)
And remember, Munzee is more than a game, it's a worldwide community of mobile game players.

Seemyshell (31:18.338)
So keep scanning, keep discovering, keep that Munzey Spirit alive right here. One, two, three, flats, flats, flats, flats, flats, flats, flats, flats, flats, flats, flats,

Rob (31:22.633)
Monzyon, au revoir!


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