Official Munzee Podcast
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Official Munzee Podcast
Munzee Weekly Podcast - Friday December 6th, 2024
In this episode of the Munzee Podcast, hosts Rob and Craig discuss various topics related to the Munzee game, including recent sales, community connections, player strategies, and upcoming events. They share personal experiences, insights on leaderboard performances, and tips for maximising gameplay, particularly during clan wars. The episode emphasises the importance of community engagement and the fun aspects of the game.
In this episode, Craig and Rob discuss various strategies for maximising points in Munzee, including the importance of capping and deploying stickers. They also reflect on the recent Black Friday sale, the quality and longevity of stickers, and the potential for future sales. The conversation shifts to a discussion about the capture radius of physical Munzees and the impact of GPS technology on gameplay. They highlight the Munzee Monthly Moments initiative, encouraging community engagement through video submissions. Finally, they address questions about the Garden of the Month nominations and the need for improvement in the selection process.
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Craig (00:01.216)
Welcome to the official Muzzee Podcast.
Rob (00:03.719)
I'm Rob, also known as Coach V, your host and the president of Munzee.
Craig (00:07.31)
And I'm Craig, also known as C. My shell. I'm an avid Munzee player and I'm here to explore the game further.
Rob (00:12.477)
Each week we'll delve into Munzee's mysteries, divulge some secrets, and inform players from around the world just what is coming your way.
Craig (00:19.65)
So sit back, relax, have a cup of coffee, Rob. Drive your car to work, however you listen to this. But today, Rob, we're gonna talk a few, it's a mixed, it's a mixed show today, a mixed show. We've got Clan Wars, we've got some sales going on, the Munzee Monthly moments as well. And of course, you brought up, you, sir, brought up a discussion question last week that was really, let's be honest, it was gratefully answered by a few people, including.
The Munzee Maniacs podcast as well. So let's chat about that, mate. Let's chat about all about that sort of stuff. What do you think?
Rob (00:47.381)
Rob (00:52.863)
So much to talk about, Yeah, as with every week. So let's see if today we can make it all the way to the topic and not extend past 30 or 35 minutes. That is our task.
Craig (00:58.914)
Craig (01:04.974)
It's, it's okay. A few minutes here and there makes no difference to be honest with you, but mate, I saw, I saw a post that you put on social media this week as well. And you were, you had like stickers going everywhere, all over your head and your fingers were going all like crispy and cut up. What's been going on with you,
Rob (01:21.909)
Thank you.
Rob (01:26.483)
Well, I think you just, you summed it up in one sentence. What's been going on with me, crispy cut up fingers from dealing with tens of thousands of stickers. And, yeah, we call it black Friday. man, we, we had a, black Friday sale. Put a, door buster deal, which I mentioned door buster deal to Lou. And she was like, I don't even know what that means. So we looked it up and I showed her some old.
Craig (01:29.26)
Craig (01:41.193)
Craig (01:47.874)
Rob (01:53.915)
U S ads. And, and she was like, so it means exactly what I thought it meant. And said, yeah. So, so anyway, put a little video out about that because I have so many stickers here and, I'm really happy to say now I had so many stickers here. successful, really good, black Friday sale. it has caused me many, many hours worth of shipping, which is a good thing because that means those stickers are out into the real world.
Craig (01:59.138)
Craig (02:08.91)
Rob (02:22.063)
I, I'm actually, as we speak now, just today, I got caught up fully from all of the shipping. I've got Lou and her two boys here, you know, to help me, but I don't exactly push them to help me, very much. haven't, or really even at all. Lou's helped me some with some of the things, stamps and some of that kind of stuff. But, but yeah, Lou's, Lou's mom was here, for the last day or two.
Craig (02:30.813)
Craig (02:34.798)
Rob (02:50.305)
And she was just like, I want to do something, please let me help you. And she does a lot of stuff with fabric. So she was, she started off with just cutting stickers down into sheets for me, which was nice. And then because she did so well at that task, she graduated to like putting stamps on envelopes, putting stickers inside the envelopes, getting it fully ready to ship. Anyway, no, I really appreciate it. She does not listen to this podcast, but that doesn't mean that I shouldn't say thanks Leslie. I
Craig (02:53.966)
Craig (03:02.607)
Craig (03:19.682)
Rob (03:20.412)
I it so much.
Craig (03:22.242)
Listen, listen to the manager in you as well. Like you've actually used words and you encourage people and you say the promotion and yet she was not paid a cent. you know, and same with the same with the child labor laws, Rob too, in regards to lose boys. So yeah, hopefully that you don't get in trouble with the child labor laws.
Rob (03:30.866)
Rob (03:38.173)
She is paid in virtuals and in blasts and zeds. So she, she's a player. Yeah, she's actually she and Lou and and Lou's uncle. They all started way back. Twelve, thirteen years ago. Yeah. So they, they all played as a family. And so, anyway, that's that's what I've been up to. What about you?
Craig (03:42.632)
she plays, does she? there you go.
Craig (03:50.006)
Mm-hmm. no.
Nice, nice, Well, mate, I've sold, yes, I sold my SUV, my camper, Stu. Stu's gone, he's made an exit. So yeah, it was good, it was a somber feeling, but you know what, it's a means to an end because on Saturday, Rob, I fly to Arizona, pick up my van, but before, before I pick up my van, let's talk about Munzee because.
Rob (04:06.921)
Craig (04:24.322)
That I take the man that I take in Arizona is picking me up from the airports again Rob the player the friends in the players that you you have in these games that we play I tell you we I do appreciate it very very much but that I text pick me up from the airport and then hosting an event as well so I can meet all the other local players in Arizona area or Phoenix I should say area. Yes I'm looking for that and then he's going to drop me off in the afternoon after the event to to my my new van my new.
Rob (04:30.218)
Craig (04:53.004)
my new digs. So technically, technically he's going to be the first person to see these my new digs out of all the Munzee players out there. So yes, yes.
Rob (05:00.821)
Nice. Well, lucky, lucky guy. And yeah, that's really cool. The connections, you're right, the community, the games, geocaching this, you know, Munzee, it's, it's what it's all about. And that's cool when, when people that you know, and you've met maybe once or twice before, then, you know, they, they do reach out in different ways, because they listen to this podcast, or your, you know, treasure of our town or wherever they may hear
Craig (05:07.096)
Craig (05:11.725)
Craig (05:20.803)
Craig (05:29.262)
Mm hmm. Exactly. Thank you, mate. And if you can't make it to the Phoenix event, remember people place cards for everyone, all the events out there, not just for the Phoenix one, but all the all the events out there, but especially especially for the Phoenix one, just for my purposes. But anyway, I'm being selfish now. So, hmm. there you go. There you go. No, no, no.
Rob (05:29.269)
different things about the travels that are coming up. Yeah, so very cool. I hope you guys have a great time.
Rob (05:47.797)
it's double, it's double points this weekend actually on stuff like that. I didn't put that in the notes, so I'm going to look up exactly what, while you talk about the next thing so that I can make sure we, we say the correct things that are double points this weekend.
Craig (06:01.582)
Absolutely, but well, I'll start off with there was no events in the US all around the world either last weekend and the leaderboards are as as follows. Friday we had a tofu girl. It's 273,000 points. W. Helen on second place with 241,000 points. HBRB 237,000 points.
On Saturday, we had Jeffo 43 on 344,000 points. W. Helen again in second place. He's taken over Munsey Prof. 253,000 points. Jack Sparrow on 244,000 points. On Sunday, W. Helen has now hit the lead. Now he's in front with 311,000 points. And then, then Rob, Munsey Prof. The bridesmaid himself on 184,000 points and Jack Sparrow on
163,000 points. If you look back, Rob, if you look back at Wheeland, like he's got almost a million points there, you know, over the weekend, like, you know, and it was a, it was a nothing weekend. There was no events. There was nothing like that. There was no double points. There was, there's a reason why Mr. W. Helen is a number one player in the entire world. And, you hear it right here on the podcast. So what are your thoughts on that?
Rob (07:01.801)
Rob (07:18.873)
That's true. Well, one, I thought that that sounded like you were calling a horse race. So I kind of enjoyed it. I think I'm going to be busy every week during the you read the leaderboards as if it's a race. So that was fun. But yeah, I'm guessing that a lot of that is cap on points for him on those last days of the month. Don't you think the majority of the play that's happening is it's probably more that or
Craig (07:23.618)
Craig (07:30.348)
Craig (07:37.395)
of course. Mm-hmm.
Craig (07:47.298)
Rob (07:48.145)
or it might have been putting cards out for the upcoming events from some of these people as well. So yeah, seeing the breakdown would be interesting, but guess what? There is a way to see the breakdown. In the app, you can look at the leaderboards and see what was captures and cap-ons and deploys and all that, or in CUPZ.
Craig (07:53.268)
Yes, yes, makes sense, makes sense.
Craig (08:05.196)
I was about to say that same thing Robin that is if you're a brand new player or newish and you want to improve your gameplay look to these bigger name players and you can we call Munzee store them basically go into their profile on the Munzee app and see exactly what they're doing how are they getting these big points I can tell you now Rob they're not getting these big points just by capping their local Munzees and that's it no no no this is this is a two-sided coin this game you've got capped
You got capping like physical capping and also virtual capping, but you've got deploying. You've got Evo resets, Rob as well. People, a lot of people forget about the Evo resets as well. And so that could be W. Helen there, setting up himself for the next month. You know what I mean? So he's putting out his Evo resets. He's getting them already. He's maybe even chucking some whittles out in the wild to start off the whole thing as well. Doing his daily stroll with his stars, you know, that sort of thing also too. So yeah, have a look at these big players, Rob and see what they're doing.
Rob (08:39.562)
Craig (09:00.494)
And go from there. What are your thoughts?
Rob (09:02.355)
You know what that was right there? That was our Munzee Tip of the Week.
Craig (09:07.229)
there you go. Well, I'll have to, I'll have to re say it now. Jeez.
Rob (09:08.351)
You'll just have a, okay, everyone rewind to, know, the ninth minute. That's when you can find the tip of the week. you go. Love it.
Craig (09:16.85)
Exactly, exactly. I'll rewind back to nine minutes. Rob, the events for this weekend coming up in USA, we have, can say these ones because they're all in American style.
Rob (09:25.757)
Okay, can't do an American. Yeah. We got Florida, Iowa, California, Kentucky, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Texas, and the one that you're going to be at in Arizona.
Craig (09:35.49)
There you go. Yes, yes, yes. And when I say American style, it means that they're the abbreviations, they're the two letter abbreviations. I'm good with 99.9 % of them. And I probably would have got all those to be honest with you, but yeah. And because technically I've been told living in New Jersey, Rhode Island doesn't exist. But anyway, that may be an American state by state thing. But anyway, around the world in Canada, we have two in British Columbia, one in Ontario, we have two in the UK.
Rob (09:53.077)
I bet, yeah.
Craig (10:03.256)
Two in Denmark, one in Finland, one in Germany, one in Lithuania, and Osaka, Japan with the Munzey Maniacs podcast, two out of the three, the Munzey Maniacs podcast too, which we'll discuss more about them coming up very soon too, so there you go. Big events, Rob, coming up. What have we got?
Rob (10:23.007)
So we've actually got several big events that are coming up during the month of December and starting this weekend. So instead of talking about all of those, I've just said, hey, how about if we, know, everybody open the app, click on the events button, you can filter by most attendees and you can see the ones that are coming up. You can also see the ones nearest to you. So yeah, get in there and check those out. That's what's happening this month. Now.
Craig (10:37.966)
Rob (10:52.785)
next year. Want to do it? Go ahead.
Craig (10:54.22)
Mm-hmm. Sure can. January 16th and 19th, have Florida. This is growing again, as we said before. It's a Munzee Mecca. Munzee Quest and Block Party, January 25th and 26th in Sydney, Australia. Munzee Madness in California, March 8th 9th. May 3rd, Munzee in Uranus and Big Fun in Uranus too. There's two events in now. June 7th and 8th is Ohio hosting the SOS events. And don't forget, if you're a host of a big event or a growing event, reach out to me and we'll have such chats from there.
So Rob, Rob, Rob, Rob, firstly, did you answer the question from the start of the episode? Yes. nice.
Rob (11:27.537)
I did. I've got the double point weekend information. Here it is, everyone. Yeah. So double points this weekend on cards, flats, greenies, gaming and Max. And my, if I remember correctly, it's actually premium is triple points. Do you remember? Okay, good. I thought so.
Craig (11:39.883)
Craig (11:46.792)
Yes. No, no, it wasn't premium. It wasn't premium. True points. It was nutcracker holders, triple points. That's the one. If you hold your nuts and you crack them, then you get triple points rather than this, the double. So there you go. Nutcracker holders do get triple points on those things. Cards, flats, greenies, gaming and mech. Rob, again, look at you with your clan wars and your double points. You have to break mechs as well in this month's clan wars. We again, we're to talk about those a little bit in a sec and straight away.
Rob (11:52.181)
That's it. That's it.
Rob (12:07.657)
Good save.
Rob (12:14.153)
Craig (12:16.076)
double points or triple points if you like on those to get more mechs out in the wild so people can break them quicker and easier this month.
Rob (12:23.839)
Such such a crazy coincidence that things stack up like that last week last week I said, you know, as we were talking about everything we we had the claim requirements hadn't been out yet. You hadn't seen them either. And, you know, I just said, like, don't worry, everyone, there's going to be some method behind what may seem to be madness. And I haven't seen much chat about any of that stuff. So I guess everybody just settled in and went, yeah, OK, these are fine. So.
Craig (12:26.926)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Craig (12:36.546)
Yeah. Nope.
Craig (12:44.504)
Craig (12:49.078)
No. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. mean, there has been some chat, Rob, and there has been some chat and, people can laugh at this. And I know I did. And no disrespect to the person who asked this question. I'm not going to name names, but someone did say things like, you know, how do we get stars to redo the wheels? And, and I was like, what blown away? I'm thinking of, so how does that person not know this has been happening? The stars have been happening now since like April of this year.
Rob (13:05.612)
right. Yeah.
Craig (13:14.536)
but in saying that route too, and that is that everyone's very respectful in regards to the question and they answered it quite quickly and it was all said and done. So if you do have questions like that, make sure you reach out because you know, Rob, sometimes they don't listen to the podcast. They don't read the blog. They don't even read the notifications on your phone too. So there you go. Rob, let's talk a little bit now about the clan wars apart from that. You know, you've put in there now about the Whittles points as well.
Rob (13:39.742)
Craig (13:40.462)
A quick tip again, this tip come through by his name is Phil photos or PHL photos. He's in Sydney, Australia. And he said, with the new clan targets, I've got a couple of level 10 widdles. I deploy a point potion and I sat near my closest well. I then made a 25 star wish on an outdoorsman and got 373 points. So multiply that by three is 1119 points. So.
There you go, just by doing one whittle with a point potion, I'm tripling that, so that's all you need to do. Yeah, yeah, see?
Rob (14:15.465)
PHL photos. Wow. And, know, I set these things up and I'm like, a thousand points. Yeah. I'm sure someone can figure out a way to make that happen quickly. I didn't think it would happen within a single, you know, deploy of one of those. That's great.
Craig (14:23.95)
Ha ha ha ha.
Craig (14:29.826)
Yeah, there you go. There you go. And if you're a level six player as well, let's be honest, because level six is the top tier Rob. A lot of people, you sort of reconstruct or reconfigured a little bit in regards to the clan wars. so levels one and two of the lower levels, they should be done for beginners or those people who are in a clan by themselves and just starting out. know, levels three, four and five are the more intermediate and into the advanced level five. And then you've got, I'm going to say extreme.
Rob (14:36.661)
Craig (14:56.609)
In level six, Rob, because we're talking extreme because in level six, you've obviously got to have to have a clan, Rob, because I mean, you've got to have seven million total points. You know what mean? So you have to really be in a clan for levels to hit level six. But in saying that level six is still doable for those people out there who do play every single day. Those people who do, you know, make sure they encourage themselves into how I'm going to get all these points, you know, stuff like that, too. So it's still doable, Rob. And even so right now, as we speak, after day one, after one day, one day for me.
playing I've now accomplished my level six Whittles points of 2000 points that was accomplished in a day. So there you go. There you go. So I did exactly what Phil Foto said. I went to two wells because you can only do one wish at a well every single day people. That's the other thing as well. One wish at my local well, drove up the road, et cetera, for the next local well that I have here and then did another one from there. And bam, there's my 2000 Whittle points for the month. So there you go.
Rob (15:34.217)
Rob (15:43.903)
Rob (15:55.259)
I'm impressed. Somehow I also have my Whittle points done. wait, I know how I have been deploying more Whittles each day, a couple, two, three, four, just so that I know that there are at least a few bouncing around. So I didn't, I didn't open every single trunk from day one. I've been kind of scattering them. Yeah.
Craig (15:56.92)
There you go.
Craig (16:00.674)
Ha ha.
Craig (16:04.974)
yep. Yep.
Craig (16:16.48)
Yeah. you will like that. And again, again, people, that's the other thing as well. It's not just deploying your widows gives you these points, but people capping your widows gives you your points on cap on points as well. So it's not just the deploying itself. It's also the cap ons and you capping the wheels. Best way to cap a widow, Rob, or even your cubimals now as well. Sam, you see here that cubimals not cubimals. I'll have to say it still.
Rob (16:39.667)
Craig (16:43.198)
is with the new widow workshop, the new temporary destination that you can place in near you cap it every single day, once a day with six on it and the six contain either widows and or cubimomals as well. there you go. They look at all these tips Rob. They're coming out left, right and center, mate. Yes. Yes. Let's move on.
Rob (16:55.721)
Mm-hmm. Very true.
Rob (17:00.413)
It's crazy. All right. Shall we move on to the Black Friday sale? Yes. Good. Because doesn't have to take long. So this was our final chance for players to purchase some of the different styles of stickers. These are stickers that we made 10, 12 years ago. And, you know, we reprinted some a handful of times. Some of these were the pre-coded generic stickers as well. Things like jewels and
Craig (17:08.792)
Craig (17:28.216)
Rob (17:30.293)
bowling stickers and EVOs stuff like that. Yeah, this was the last chance I sold out of quite a few of the different styles, which is actually really great news. But you'll hear that I said I sold out of quite a few, which means I will probably find some of these whenever I do some spring cleaning here in a few months. So as people have used up their stickers, you never know these might show back up in the store at the same prices. So very, very low discounted prices.
Craig (17:48.162)
Rob (18:00.149)
because you know, would like to get all of these stickers out there and I don't think I could deploy every single one of them myself. There are still a good number that are left. But yeah, go ahead.
Craig (18:11.032)
Well, I was gonna say, I've got a question for you then Rob, by the sounds of things, think I even asked this last week. Once they're gone, they're gone. There's no more printing stickers, there's no more posting stickers. Once they're gone, they're gone. So if people, if you missed out, what I'm saying that for is if you miss out this time, keep an eye out for the blog, keep an ear out for this podcast. And when you do the next sale, mean, you may, Rob, what about if you just do a lucky dip sort of sale?
Rob (18:19.838)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Craig (18:39.694)
20, 20 or 50 stickers in a pack at random and they're random stickers too. So people just get a random lucky draw, whatever they get, they get, that's it. So yeah, yeah, yeah.
Rob (18:42.997)
Rob (18:48.809)
I like it. It's a good, it's a good thought. And that may, that may happen, but not until early MHQ spring, I would say. Just give everybody some time. The good news is all stickers are not gone completely. We are still sticking around with the micro sticker. So that's the one that's the 50 pack. That one is still available in the store. And I actually went in to confirm that before the podcast and it was showing sold out. I don't know how, but it was.
Craig (19:04.323)
Mm-hmm. Yep.
Craig (19:15.266)
Rob (19:18.441)
So that's been fixed now. So anyone who's looking to buy generic stickers, the only generic sticker product is the micro. Yeah, so there you go.
Craig (19:18.518)
Ha ha ha ha!
Craig (19:23.64)
Yep, yep, that's it. No, that's fine, that's fine. And if people already don't know, Rob, these stickers, they kind of last, let's be honest as well. Obviously depending on where you place them. But again, placing them out of direct sunlight is very good because obviously for the ink sort of style. Rob, I was going through, where was it? I was in Texas, Rob. Texas, and I at rest stops and I was doing, I stopped at a rest stop and I do a loop on foot around the rest stop.
Rob (19:46.207)
Texas, yeah.
Craig (19:53.302)
And I kept a couple of yours from going back like 10 plus years ago, Rob. And they're still there today, still capable, you know, really high quality stuff to these stickers too. there you go.
Rob (19:58.761)
Yeah, really.
Rob (20:04.361)
Yeah, that would be one of the things I'm actually really proud of from way back when, when I first started working for Munzee, my first task when I went full time from Aaron was to find someone to make stickers for us. And the contact that I made, just, we sat, we had a lot of conversations about it. We tested quite a few things and we landed on the product that we still sell to this day. And, you know, we've moved to different.
Craig (20:09.646)
Craig (20:19.106)
Rob (20:32.351)
production facilities of it, but, it's the same product and it's a, it's a sticker with a laminate coat on top of it. And they guaranteed five years, even in the Texas sun, but yeah, super excited to have seen a lot of them last in more than 10 years still. So yeah, pretty cool. Hey, so, so one thing about this is everyone, you know, take note of the fact that yeah, all the sticker designs are, gone. Like, you know, you can't
Craig (20:41.72)
Craig (20:48.064)
Mm-hmm. Yeah, very cool, very cool.
Rob (20:59.421)
You can't get the, this one's CCTV. This one is look, it's a warning, you know, all that kind of stuff is gone. however, some of you might, if you've been around for a long time, you might remember the, the old skin machine. so we've been, there's chats happening in the background and who knows what might be, I've hinted at quite a few things for 2025. And so I'm just going to throw the words out there. Skin machine. That's it. Generic.
Craig (21:02.806)
Yes. Yeah.
Rob (21:28.625)
Munzee's skin machine and just leave that let it float through the air see if it lands on any you know individuals then maybe this will be the discussion topic online for this week because I don't have any more news for you today 2025 exactly you have you weren't around when the skin machine was there so you really will be like when you see more about it you go I like this yeah so don't tell anyone but yeah
Craig (21:44.686)
machine. No.
can I, I'll be honest with people and Rob out there as well. I don't know anything. Rob literally has this and he literally has here as well. That's a sticker skins no longer available. That's all you have really pretty much on the show notes. I don't know, but in my mind straight away, can I tell you what I'm thinking or not? Or leave it be, or I can tell you off air.
Rob (22:13.045)
sure, if you want to tell me. yeah, tell me off air because we're already at 22 minutes.
Craig (22:17.326)
Because I think I think we are to. Yeah, because I think we are. I have an idea of I have an idea. Wow.
Rob (22:20.413)
Ha ha ha!
Rob (22:24.639)
Well, let's see if everyone else has an idea and chat it out, people. Honestly, I want to hear some chats about this one. So let's jump. Yeah, I was going to say.
Craig (22:30.058)
Wow. Wow.
Rob (22:37.813)
Right. And that's all I was going to say. Cyber Monday. We had great sales. If you're listening to this podcast, it's too late for you. So there were great sales. A lot of people took advantage of it. Thank you all. We appreciate the support. It really helps us keep going. But let's move on to that discussion topic that I kicked out last week because we don't have a lot to talk about really from the discussions because I looked and there were there. There just weren't many public discussions that were happening. My question to everyone was
Craig (22:44.108)
Craig (22:52.524)
Yes. Yeah, you did.
Craig (23:04.716)
Rob (23:06.933)
Should we look into reducing the capture radius of physicals? And, and, know, there's some obvious reasons for this. And then there's some, some other reasons. But as I said, the the technology back in in the day when the game was created 300 feet radius to capture a physical Munzee was kind of necessary because the GPS and the phone bounced around a lot. That isn't the case now. So
Craig (23:12.76)
Rob (23:37.109)
You tell me kind of see if can you sum up for us the Munzee Maniacs podcast because they went they went on and on and back and forth and it wasn't a bad on and on it was good. So yeah, sum it up for us if you can.
Craig (23:44.664)
Yeah, no, was good.
So they basically had a very good discussion, Rob, in regards to, and I would call it a discussion as well. at one time, guess what? Ready for this? PJ, mate, I agree with you. There you go. I stand with PJ. And basically the back and forward that happened, and PJ did change his mind as well, see? So, you know, he's flexible now. Maybe he's getting a bit more flexible in his older age. I'm not sure, but anyway, I had to dig in there somewhere.
Rob (24:05.843)
Rob (24:15.722)
Craig (24:19.058)
And what basically, what basically summed up to be was that, that they can see a point that you're making in regards to the 300 foot radius to bring it into to, to reel in a little bit, to stop people from, from, you know, maybe doing untoward things by capping, you know, the QR codes, if they've got a second QR code in their hands somewhere else, you know what I mean? And, yes, yeah.
Rob (24:42.665)
Yeah, in a book while they're driving, example, on a bike, on a bike with a flip book. There are lots of examples.
Craig (24:49.388)
Yes, laminated laminated cards. But anyway, I haven't, I haven't seen any of this. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, I haven't seen any of this. I just heard it. I've just heard it. So anyway, it's basically to stop that sort of stuff from happening to a certain degree. And that makes sense. But what Sarah then brought up was the fact that the GPS sometimes for her bounces around depending upon her signal.
Rob (24:53.161)
We're not giving examples. Right, we're not giving examples of what to do. We're just, yeah, it's known.
Craig (25:14.372)
like 3g, 4g, 5g, you know, all those, those LTEs, you know, the whole lot, whatever your signal is, your signal strength. But then again, PJ come back and said, Sarah, technically IT like your phone signal does not actually affect your GPS of that particular device. And I looked it up and that is true. So PJ is correct in saying that your phone signal doesn't affect that happening. But in saying that too.
we still do have bounce arounds and those bounce arounds are predominantly as we said last week, Rob, by your big buildings, by concrete brick walls, rock walls, you know, all this sort of stuff. So anything that's stopping your phone from getting sort of, you know, almost a direct line of sight to the sky will affect it. I mean, you can be in a bottom level of an apartment complex, Rob, and you're gonna have no GPS signal. It's gonna bounce around from the front of the house to the back of the house to across the road to everywhere.
So it's more about the openness to the sky, more so than the actual strength of the signal. so they both, or three of them, sorry, all come up with the fact is that they understand, should it be a task to do now? Probably not, because they then looked at the other things and said, you know, maybe Munzee needs to concentrate on fixing other issues that they have going on at the moment, rather than just have that as well.
But as you said last week, Rob, it was just discussion point to put out there and to see people's thoughts. And it was great listening to the Muncie Mania podcast and have them have an open discussion about it too. yes, a big thank you to Sarah, PJ and, what's his name?
Rob (26:47.817)
the guy who you must be feeling sick because you actually said two nice things about him during what you just said. sat quietly letting you, you know, keep going and yeah. So PJ and yeah, it was good. I also heard from Jay one Houston. He sent me a message and you know, I don't respond to everyone's messages, but I do chat with him. He's a admin on the water cooler. So we chat on discord on occasion. And you know, he, he,
Craig (26:53.888)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. See, see, there you go. There you go. PJ. Yeah.
Craig (27:11.726)
Rob (27:16.499)
He actually had a lot of the same thoughts that matched with what the the weather maniacs had to say. And it was it was it it was conversation. It was food for thought for me. And we it's not on our list of upcoming changes. We have quite a few other things that we are working on that are definitely more important. It was really just sort of a hey, here's a thought, everyone. I'm having this thought. What what do any of you you know, is this something we should
Craig (27:30.862)
Craig (27:42.114)
Rob (27:46.31)
forward with. So thank you all for that chat. Yeah, look into the the idea of the skin machine, the Munzee skin machine. And let me know what you think about that. That's this week's topic of discussion.
Craig (27:48.931)
Craig (27:55.436)
Yes, yes, that's the new idea for, that's this week's topic for people to discuss. Exactly. And again, a good discussion point for the Munzee Manics to get another podcast out there. Just saying, cause I do actually, I do enjoy it. So guys, if you can get like maybe one a week or one every two weeks, that'd be really, really nice. But anyway, I'm going to put pressure on them now too. So there you go.
Rob (28:05.663)
Rob (28:13.813)
Yeah, exactly.
Craig (28:15.406)
Meanwhile, Rob, we had the Munzee Monthly Moments finished for November as well. If people don't know what it is, basically all you're gonna need to do is record yourself capping a physical Munzee for this month, capping a physical Munzee near some sort of holiday theme that you like. What does this time of year mean to you basically? So, you know, some people don't celebrate Christmas and that's all well and good, but what does this time of the year, what do you do at this time of the year? Let us know in a video.
post it online and then upload it to CuppaZee. You can win prizes because everyone, everywhere, every entry Rob gets a badge. Every entry gets a card. And I will say this, Eagle Dad, the badge hound of Munzee, he puts in a quick video every single month purely because he wants that badge, just because of the badge. He doesn't care about anything else. He doesn't care about prizes. He just wants the badge. That's all he wants is the numbers for him, which is fine. I like it.
Rob (28:56.551)
Craig (29:10.446)
Rob, at the same time, I'm doing now is that I go live on the first of every month, you see, 12, midday Munzee HQ time, I go live and I give people like a list of names up to like five different finalist names. I then show them as we're live, I show them the finalists, the five finalists, and then they vote live for the winner. So we don't select the winner anymore, you see? So there's one winner. last month's winner was Ansu75, well done to you.
Rob (29:34.665)
Craig (29:40.258)
She was camping Rob in a tent in like six foot of snow. could have been like, was insane. I know, I know. And then she deployed a Munzee on the bridge. So that was really cool too. So there you go. Other finalists we had last month was GeoMatrix, SPD times two, Mobility, and of course, W Helen as well. So yeah, get your Munzee monthly moments videos in. If you need more questions, reach out to me. So what's that?
Rob (29:46.226)
Rob (29:51.124)
Rob (30:03.741)
Hey, guess what? I actually recorded my video yesterday. Let's see if I, if I put it out, I recorded it yesterday. I was actually really excited to have the ability to do it. was cool. And, the, moment struck me and I recorded anyway.
Craig (30:08.494)
But let's see if you upload it. I know, I know, I know.
Craig (30:19.842)
There you go. Question of the week now, Rob, from Jennifer Geyer, and that is, what is the best way to nominate a garden or get it noticed for garden of the month? Is there a key word to put in the tagline? How do we nominate others? Because you got rid of the garden nomination forms. They're gone when Kapazeeb came in. So what's happening with the gardens of the month, How do we nominate or how can we improve our chances if we are a garden builder?
Rob (30:37.055)
Rob (30:46.258)
Well, first off, hello, Jennifer, and thank you for the question. You know what I think? I think that maybe I need to take this task off of the team's plate because we yeah, we may have stumbled around a bit with last month's and and a touch messed up. But I take I take that I take that that's my blame. So as in the blame is on me. So here's my question back. I wonder
Craig (30:57.454)
Rob (31:13.365)
if there are any avid Munzee players that are helper types out there that might be interested in making sure that the Garden of the Month actually is chosen properly comes up with. Here's how we do it. I don't know. I've got a few thoughts, Jennifer. I appreciate this. I might even be reaching out to a few people to see if they can help us make this program better. Get it back to the glory.
Craig (31:19.214)
Craig (31:26.06)
Craig (31:30.669)
Craig (31:40.75)
There you go.
Rob (31:43.197)
that it was just a very few months ago before we kind of took it down the drain. Anyway, thank you and coming coming soon in a better way.
Craig (31:54.744)
Keep your eyes out and keep your ears out by the sounds of things as well. And don't forget to submit your questions for Rob or the tip of the week to me on either Facebook, Instagram, Discord, or reach me out on the Munzee app itself. Rob, we're gonna flick back quickly to the Munzee tip of the week and it was to learn, learn from other big players out there. Do your research people, have a look, stalk the Munzee, stalk them. That's the best things you can do. That's the tip of the week. So Rob, that ends another official Munzee podcast.
Rob (32:21.279)
Thanks for joining us on this Munzee adventure.
Craig (32:23.65)
Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review on your favourite podcasting app and of course join us next week for another very informative episode.
Rob (32:29.607)
And remember, Munzee is more than a game, it's a worldwide community of mobile game players.
Craig (32:34.52)
So keep scanning, keep discovering, keep that Munzey spirit alive. One, two, three.
Rob (32:39.827)
Munzee on!
Craig (32:41.603)
you're going to. okay. Yeah. I was going to say stalk, stalk, stalk away.
Rob (32:44.895)
Stalk on Munzey Stalker! No!