Official Munzee Podcast
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Official Munzee Podcast
Munzee Weekly Podcast - Friday December 13th, 2024
In this episode of the Munzee podcast, hosts Craig and Rob celebrate their 50th episode while discussing recent events, community engagement, and the exciting new 13 Labors Deploy Challenge. They share insights on game mechanics, player strategies, and upcoming events, encouraging listeners to participate and utilize special promotions. The conversation highlights the vibrant Munzee community and the fun aspects of the game.
In this episode, Craig and Rob delve into the latest updates in the Munzee game, discussing the redeem store, the introduction of cursed items, and the community's engagement in solving gameplay puzzles. They explore the implications of the eerie fog and cursed Munzees, share tips for maximizing points, and clarify the future of cake credits. The conversation emphasizes the importance of community and staying informed through social media channels.
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Craig (00:00.15)
It's going to much quicker than that. got questions, I got questions. Anyway, welcome to the official Munzee podcast.
Rob (00:06.882)
And I've got answers because I'm Rob, also known as Coach V, your host and the president of Munzee.
Craig (00:13.07)
And I'm Craig, see you all soon on the C-Marshall. I'm an avid Munzee player. I'm here to explore the game further.
Rob (00:18.176)
Each week we'll delve into Munzee's mysteries, divulge some secrets, and inform players from around the world just what is coming your way.
Craig (00:24.558)
So sit back and relax as today's episode, we're to chat Friday the 13th, 13 labors, 13 this, 13 that, 13 questions all for Rob, Rob, Rob, g'day to you buddy. Mate, I've got lots of questions after this week that's just happened. Things happened this week that we don't know anything about. Well, I don't know anything about anyway.
Rob (00:42.606)
Howdy sir! And everybody buckle up for 72 minutes of fun! No, hopefully we can finish this in, well it's not gonna be 13 minutes, I can tell you that much. hey, let's aim for that. We always aim for 30 and we miss it, so let's aim for 31 and see if we can land. That sounds great.
Craig (00:47.286)
Craig (00:55.374)
No, no, maybe 31, reverse it, maybe 31. There you go.
Craig (01:06.68)
Well, I'm gonna get a quick start on them too because I've got to tell people that first I've got to thank people as well that I met recently last weekend in Phoenix, Arizona, Vado Tech, big shout out to Vado Tech, the man, he's not a myth, but he is the legend, picked me up from the airport, Rob as well, drove me around to different places. We went to the event that was going on and very smart man to Vado Tech. I've learned a few things, munsie things from him also.
And he's very happy for people to reach out to him and say, like, you what's going on? You know, he was, talking about different techniques, different styles, different thought processes, all as we were doing the Munzee walk with two of us around the park, capping all the physical Munzees. Yeah. So a great big shout out to VadoTech and everyone I actually met in Phoenix too, at the event too, had a lot of fun, a lot of fun, mate. So before I picked up, before I picked up the van, the van, the van, Rob, I'm in the van. I'm in the van.
Rob (01:57.464)
Yeah, that's great. yeah. the van. That's, that's right. That's right. I want to say I agree that Otech is cool. Now tell us about the van. Tell us about Tuesday.
Craig (02:03.606)
I'm in the van.
Yes, the van's name is Tuesday. I didn't I didn't name the van Tuesday. Tuesday was already its previous name, but still suits me because I'm Australian. And I'll just leave it that for a family friendly podcast.
Rob (02:23.182)
Good idea. I wondered and was thinking, yeah, good idea.
Craig (02:28.802)
No, no, no, no. I don't. I see. hold back. I hold my tongue. I'm tasting blood because I bit it so hard, but that's OK. No, she's she's very good right now as we speak. As people know, we do record this on a Wednesday, Wednesday morning. It is right now. It's chilly. But I am where am I? I'm in the lower part of Texas, Rob, meeting up with some RV friends here in escapees RV in Texas. So your home state, your home state.
Rob (02:35.095)
Mmm, yeah.
Rob (02:47.256)
All right.
Rob (02:52.686)
I know you were capping a bunch of my old stuff you actually you drove through some of the places that were on my regular route to down to my parents house. So driving from Dallas down to Houston, you were on that route. I saw it. I was like, Hey, you're in you're in my area. So yeah, stalking as usual.
Craig (02:58.7)
Craig (03:04.046)
Craig (03:08.194)
Right. Mm-hmm.
Exactly. That's fine. Stalk away. I got no problem with that. When people Munzee stalk me too Rob, I find that when I stop for the night, next minute things start to pop up around me, which I appreciate you have too. So, you know, different cards and different, you know, virtuals. And I'm like, who's this from? Who's stalking me today? So yes, yes, yes. You renovated a few of your destinations that you had along the way too, mate. So getting some rooms along with you.
Rob (03:29.357)
Never a bad thing.
Rob (03:39.95)
Thank you.
Craig (03:40.91)
no, thank you for putting them out and so yeah, it's been lots of fun. Meanwhile, as well, a quick point as well that double point or sorry, what was it? Triple points were had for some people, the Nutcracker holders last weekend on those things. Rob, I used, when I did my greenie walks, I used a double point booster on the physical greenies. At the same time, there were triple points. was getting, Rob, was getting 120 points per greenie, per greenie.
Rob (03:51.403)
Craig (04:08.846)
I know, I know. there's a tip for everyone. Use your boosters. And the tip of the week as well will come in regards to the potion of plenty that was used by plenty, plenty of people as we go along too. Meanwhile, Rob, what's happening with you? by the way, by the way, before we move on, congratulations Rob. Happy 50th. This is the 50th episode this year. 50 episodes this year.
Rob (04:11.692)
Rob (04:31.884)
Wow. Thank you. And happy 50th to you where we're both almost there in age as well, but we won't talk about that right now. yeah, man. It's super excited. I honestly, I look forward to doing this every week and, you know, we've, I've, there's been a, a difficult episode this year, but, but I really do enjoy it. It's fun to chat. Fun to talk about the fun side of Munzee and, know, inform the players from around the world. Just what is coming their way.
Craig (04:35.927)
Craig (04:39.98)
Craig (04:53.027)
Craig (04:58.734)
Look at you circling back. Rob, you're becoming a podcaster now. You know that, don't you? What you did just then, you're becoming a podcaster, see?
Rob (05:01.774)
What what can I say you've led me well, that's for sure. You know what I am super excited about the day that this is going live because it is the final Friday the 13th of 2024. And I mean, I'm like, yeah, we've been
Craig (05:18.968)
Craig (05:24.621)
it is.
Craig (05:28.279)
Rob (05:29.078)
We've been excited for this day to come because the last one we wrapped up the flat day, the 13th franchise. Right. We shut that one down. So I'm just super excited, but we'll talk a little bit more about about that. The spooky stuff going on around Friday the 13th and what happens in Cappy's world on Friday the 13th. Yeah.
Craig (05:37.614)
Mm-hmm. Yep. Yes.
Craig (05:45.94)
wow. Wow.
Yeah. So stay tuned people because there's lots of information coming up because I'm going to grill Rob us. So things that happened this week that I had nothing, no idea about until I read the blog myself. But anyway, we'll get to that. We'll get to that. And also if any of the Munzee official Munzee people listen to this podcast and
Rob (06:04.238)
Craig (06:11.756)
You see, I did it, Rob. I wrangled you week on a weekly basis. I wrangled you in and sit you down, record the podcast and it's done. So nothing, nothing like the old podcast used to happen, which was still good for the time. But this is very different, very different now. So there you go.
Rob (06:26.22)
It is different, good, people listen. So, hey, that's good.
Craig (06:29.006)
Mm hmm. Exactly. All right. The events from last weekend, had Florida, India, Iowa, Iowa, California, Kentucky, New Mexico, Rhode Island, Texas and Arizona. So I told you, I let you do that last week. That's the reason why around the world, Rob, we had.
Rob (06:37.966)
Rob (06:44.59)
Well done.
Rob (06:48.384)
Yep. That's true. Canada. had two in British Columbia, two in Ontario. sorry. One in Ontario. You're losing my mind too. Two in the UK, two in Denmark, Finland, Germany, Lithuania, and Japan.
Craig (07:02.606)
Now the leaderboards over last weekend because of that triple points on the nutcracker stuff as well. had toxin on Friday with one million, one million points. Then unicorn five five with 843,000 points. And then coming up in third place, we had finder 400 at 689,000 points. You wanted me to read it like a race, race caller. So, in that case, I'm to keep going. I'm keeping going, Rob, because Saturday we had Q.
Rob (07:12.822)
See ya.
Rob (07:23.822)
You did. You did well. Yeah, do it.
Craig (07:31.63)
22Q17 with 1.33 million points. Next up we had Lanky Spanky with 1.13 million points, followed by Max Maggot with 1.07 million points. We had four millionaires in total because in fourth place we had Molly Moo 09 with 1.04 million points. On Sunday around the corner we had Nightwood with 1.1 million points, followed by Finza 2LR with 841,000 points. And in third place, coming in third place, we had the Chime Member with 833,000 points. There you go Rob.
You happy?
Rob (08:01.506)
was quite a race and I really enjoyed, I mean, it was down to the wire on some of those, really enjoyed it. Thank you.
Craig (08:07.074)
Alright the current events this weekend, Rob you can call this one up because again it's in the shorthand for the USA
Rob (08:15.95)
Can do Alabama, Massachusetts, two in Florida, two in Missouri, and two in Texas.
Craig (08:21.954)
Yeah, I'm gonna miss out on those Texas ones Rob because I'm leaving Texas today. But anyway around the world we have a UK Germany There's two Finland Netherlands and Hungary as well Hungary Hungary Hungary. don't know how you pronounce it But I know I know I haven't had breakfast yet Rob. So that's that's what I know about so big events We have of course several this events in December for desserts people I shouldn't I should stop saying people I got told Rob. I can't say people anymore. It sounds rude. So I'm gonna say everyone everyone everyone
Rob (08:24.184)
Rob (08:34.958)
Rob (08:48.559)
really? Hmph.
Craig (08:51.118)
Get yourself to an event of some sort, especially the desserts event. I got special badges last weekend Rob, thanks to VadoTech. You get special badges people for, say that again, you get special badges for the dessert event. So get yourself to a dessert event now and you will not miss out on those special badges. Yes.
Rob (09:09.76)
Also, the December events, these December desserts events, they are where you can get the special discount code. This is the first time that we've been doing this, right? I can tell you from some of the response that I've seen that these are being used and I'm guessing appreciated because of how they are being used. So that's great. It's been a really cool, successful thing for us to have added. So yeah, excited to see.
Craig (09:14.371)
Craig (09:18.75)
Of course! Yes!
Yeah. Yes.
Craig (09:34.627)
Rob (09:37.624)
How many big events there have been. the one in UK this past weekend was actually the only one to have gone mega. and they braved some serious weather, serious weather has blown in. was a tropical storm that came in. so congrats to the UK event for that.
Craig (09:39.779)
Craig (09:45.297)
Craig (09:50.03)
Mm-hmm. Yep.
I did notice Rob that Vadotech had a full printout of the list that Lou gave him in regards to what they can be useful for the discount codes and everyone that was attending the event, they looked and went, what? can get a discount. He goes, yeah, here it is here. So everyone took a photo and then when they got home that afternoon, sat down at their laptop or their computer and then worked out what they wanted, what they wanted the discount for and then tapped away and then bought away from there.
It's a good discount too Rob, a good decent chunk of discounts. So yourself to an event to get those discount codes. 25%, yeah. 25%. Exactly. Good job, good job. All right, in January 16th 19th in Florida, we have Munzee Quest and Block Party 25 and 26th of January in Sydney, Australia. Munzee Madness in California, March 8th and 9th.
Rob (10:22.094)
Yeah. 25. Yeah, 20, 25%. And you've got 48 hours to use it after an event. mean, it's not bad.
Craig (10:44.394)
May the third is Munsey Uranus and big fun in Uranus as well. Don't forget May 24th Munstock and June 7th and 8th is Ohio hosting the SOS. All right Rob, let's get into it now because this is already into the show. Look at how far into the show we are already. Anyway, quick talk about the double point weekend. This weekend is double points and triple points as well, I think for the Nutcracker holders. Yeah, so what's that about? Which ones do we have this weekend?
Rob (11:05.422)
Mm-hmm. Yep. Yes. So this weekend, live now as you're listening, cards, flats, greenies, jewels, and the colored virtuals. So that is the white virtual and the rainbow and then all of the other 63 colors.
Craig (11:12.812)
Craig (11:17.55)
Craig (11:21.056)
or the... So I'm gonna say, I'm gonna call it the plain virtual, no matter what color it is. Yeah, yeah. So the plain virtual, no matter what color it is, that's what's, it's gonna be double points or it's triple points for those if you're a Nutcracker holder too. So again, I love the triple points with the Nutcracker holders, Rob just saying. Meanwhile, Rob, this thing came out this week on the blog and I was bemused. looked at what, Rob didn't say anything to me about this last weekend on the...
Rob (11:26.658)
Yeah. Good call.
Rob (11:46.37)
Ha ha ha.
Craig (11:50.112)
on the podcast or anything, even off air as well. have no idea. The master of 13 labors deploy challenge. Now that's it's finished now as people listen to this because it was only Monday through to Thursday. That's all it was. Rob, I got confused by this a little bit. I've been speaking to a few people. Yeah, because you know what, Rob? You know what I did? I probably read it wrong and I was about to send in a support ticket. Instead, I spoke to other people and went, no, I did it wrong.
Rob (12:05.485)
Did you?
Craig (12:17.806)
I had a good chunk of the electric mysteries and that was one of the ones on there you see. So I deployed 13 electric mysteries and thought where's my badge? No, no, no. And then I had to reread it again and reread it again. like is it 13 all different types at least one of every type. So I have to deploy physicals and the virtuals Rob. Tell us a bit more about this Rob, what's going on with it?
Rob (12:26.062)
I'm sorry.
Rob (12:39.246)
Mmm, sneaky, right?
Well, I was a little bit confused myself because this wasn't a challenge from us. This was a challenge from a new individual. We've got a new character on the scene and we got this cryptic note. I was, I was a bit surprised, you know, the basically just saying like, listen, here's the deal. I've got a challenge for you. 13 labors. It was like, I don't even know what that means. It was like, doesn't really matter what it means. Here's the challenge.
Craig (12:50.954)
Craig (12:55.214)
Craig (13:11.192)
Rob (13:11.278)
13 different types of Munzees There were five that were jewels there were five that were elemental and there were three that were the Z ops the secret weapons Yeah, so we were like, okay. I mean, this is a cryptic note It's one of those where they cut the letters out of the magazines or whatever. I don't know But anyway, we we thought the team thought this would be fun
Craig (13:18.478)
Craig (13:25.442)
Yeah, yeah.
Craig (13:30.424)
Craig (13:34.882)
Rob (13:40.41)
It's a little bit of a different twist on some of the things that we've done in the past. so yeah, the, you know, Dylan scraped together some, some art from a couple of different places and gave us the 13 labors challenge badge. So for those of you who figured it out by deploying one of each, even though it was written in the blog and everyone was talking about it. Yeah. So not, was different types. It wasn't the same. So yeah, that's what's happening there.
Craig (13:44.366)
Craig (13:59.64)
Yep. Yeah.
Craig (14:06.166)
Hmm. Yeah.
Rob (14:09.682)
we, yeah, we thought it was fun. I thought we had a good response from a lot of people. obviously the, secret weapons, people, know, I really, wrong. Used a bad voice. Shouldn't do that. So they have said, I don't really enjoy the secret weapons because of what the night vision goggles throw out there. And I just don't like, well, they're free. So.
Craig (14:14.648)
Craig (14:18.862)
Craig (14:25.292)
Craig (14:35.746)
Rob (14:35.978)
OK, here are some redeem options. And a lot of people got rid of some of their stock. And and that's fine because they got things that they wanted that they have used. However, if you ever wipe out your entire stock, then are you are you not familiar with this game where there's always going to be something? So keep one. Keep one of something. Always a good idea.
Craig (14:53.938)
And that's the issue. That's the issue. couple of people have said to me as well. that is, you know, I literally, it's not one said once in my latest referral, she said, I literally like deployed my last night vision goggles on the Tuesday before the Wednesday. And this is like, sorry. Yeah. I'm the chief before the Wednesday. And she's like, what the hell do I do? Where do I get another one from? So luckily for her, I told her the best thing I've said to her, look,
Rob (15:17.582)
Craig (15:22.348)
You really can only get them from doing this secret zeops or the other daily zeops. Luckily for her, she had one of the daily zeops that she's she's like a bit iffy about grabbing that one. I said, just dump it and see what comes up next. What come up next? Night vision goals for her. And so she managed to go outside, get it and then get the night vision goggles back so she can then deploy it again. So then be part of this and get the patch. So, yes, yes.
Rob (15:44.494)
Isn't that interesting? And the specific one was the virtual master of disguise. That one is actually a little less common. It's fairly difficult to get one of those. you know, we, we were surprised by this deploy challenge. We didn't know this was coming. So that next day I was like, I better put something in the redeem store or, or, or, well,
Craig (15:50.414)
Craig (15:54.252)
Mmm. Yep.
Craig (16:01.731)
Craig (16:08.494)
so I checked the redeem stores. Why didn't I think of that?
Rob (16:11.774)
For you for you now, but for all the people listening You should remember that and remember the redeems or is in the camp hub now so you can check there So yes, the virtual master of disguise did make an appearance In the redeems store by the time people are listening now That's probably gonna be gone because I don't need people to get those regularly And the same thing if anyone went to cupsy gardens and searched by type on
Craig (16:14.581)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yes. Yep.
Craig (16:26.286)
Craig (16:32.364)
No. No.
Craig (16:40.793)
yep. Yep.
Rob (16:41.006)
Tuesday that did become available as a you can use zeds to to deploy. Yeah, one of those.
Craig (16:45.772)
redeem was it so just literally think outside the box as well everyone if you listen to this and next time this happens something like this happens yeah that and that's a good that's a very good tip Rob check the redeem store because it Rob let's be honest you want people you want people to deploy you want people to get these badges you want people to succeed you know and so you you you put these things in place so people can actually find out how to succeed and how to do it properly so very interesting very interesting
Rob (16:51.246)
No, no,
Rob (17:05.528)
That's the point. Yeah.
Rob (17:15.096)
I like when everyone works together like you did, you know, to like figure out the pieces of the puzzle, because that's really how, you know, we operate. We like to try and put together fun things, things for people to try and figure out. We don't always put every single piece of information out there. That's just how my, my brain works, how my setup works, how I enjoy doing things that way. So the team has kind of been built that way.
Craig (17:17.18)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Craig (17:24.098)
Craig (17:39.075)
Rob (17:44.676)
so yeah, we, work together. That's where our tips come in on the podcast is like, Hey everybody, don't forget this. So when, when people figure it out, you know, it's always good to share, or, or if you want to just sit quietly and watch everyone else struggle, then you can do that too. And that's perfectly fine. So yeah.
Craig (17:49.514)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Craig (17:54.904)
Craig (18:00.824)
Yeah, no, that's fair enough. So Rob, next question I have is why did you, do you have any reasons why this actually happened? Like, you know, what's, what's going on? What's happening next?
Rob (18:09.442)
Nope, no clue. No clue. This, you know, cryptic note that came in from this shadowy figure. However, we have noticed, I know, right, as people are listening to this, we've noticed midnight last night, this eerie fog came into MHQ, surrounded all the servers as it was cleared away. We noticed that
Craig (18:11.18)
Nope, nothing at all.
Craig (18:18.956)
as people are listening to this. Yeah.
Rob (18:38.102)
some some residue was left on the map and it oddly only stayed on the amethyst and the briefcases. So every amethyst and every briefcase on the map, they all have this I don't know, like a slimy green coating, something like that. And we messed with a few of them, right? So I
Craig (18:47.149)
Craig (19:00.206)
Rob (19:06.956)
We were testing some theories because have a feeling that it came from that shadowy figure. So we tested a few theories and it turns out that they're called cursed. So the amethyst and the briefcases have been cursed. And if you capture one of those, then there's a message that popped up, which most people obviously just get rid of because why on earth would you want to read messages, especially when some weird thing pops up on the map?
Craig (19:17.07)
Craig (19:26.86)
Rob (19:35.884)
certainly don't read and don't try and figure it out. Don't do that, don't do that, just clear it away. However, we read the messages and there's a little bit of information in those and it told me that there was a cursed wisps that are scattered nearby. when you capture this cursed amethyst or cursed briefcase, scatters these wisps nearby. You should chase them.
Craig (19:37.39)
Craig (19:45.166)
Craig (19:52.791)
Craig (20:00.076)
Rob (20:01.302)
It's little pieces to the puzzle like we're talking about. So I'm just going to pause there because I'm sure out of those little bits of information, you're like, what are you talking about? Because as we record what? So, yeah.
Craig (20:12.91)
Well, well, well, I did, I did, I did notice Rob as well, but that some of, you know, my amethyst and my briefcases that I put out have been this they're appearing on my map now as well. So can I cap my own Munsies now?
Rob (20:23.95)
What you what you mean? Your deploys fit into the category of every yes, every amethyst every briefcase. All all of them have been cursed and capping needs your help to go and cap those and so they are available for everyone to cap. However, it's a race because
Craig (20:39.768)
Craig (20:46.988)
Craig (20:51.342)
one cap
Rob (20:51.832)
They're only available there to be capped once. So it's a first to cap type deal. Perhaps you remember some of the things that we've done in the past that we once called with the flamingos. We called it flocking the map. The overnight flamingos just boom showed up. They were all over the place. They were on everything. It was chaos. Thankfully, the shadowy figure didn't. They didn't curse everything because
Craig (20:54.572)
the first timer.
Craig (21:04.28)
Craig (21:20.895)
yeah, yeah.
Rob (21:22.018)
I'm not, I'm not certain how it would have gone if, if, everyone woke up, looked at the map or sorry, MHQ woke up, people around the world, Japan, for example, they're definitely awake when image you midnight rolls over. So I hope they're not waking up. PJ might be waking up from a nap. so any who, yeah, it's on every single one of them. If you see it, cap it. That's the rule. You know how that goes.
Craig (21:34.222)
Craig (21:40.589)
Craig (21:48.396)
If you see it, Cap, that's always the rule because again, Rob is saying that not just mine, but also ones I've already capped as well have come back. They've come back. And so I can cap them again or cap the curse, cap the curse off them. So that's what it is. and so so Robert's also it's only amethyst and briefcases. That's it. There's nothing else. Yeah.
Rob (21:55.82)
That's right. Help us.
Rob (22:07.244)
Yeah. Yeah. That's what we've seen. we're, you know, we're, I mean, I hate to give too much information away, as you know, but I did read the message on the WISP as well. It, it's kind of a eerie, foreshadowing. There's some, there's some things to be inferred from it, I think.
Craig (22:17.42)
Yeah. Yeah.
Craig (22:24.472)
Craig (22:28.504)
Craig (22:32.428)
Well, you've already got... You've still got some of that eerie fog in your machines though, don't you? Like, in the actual servers. There's still some eerie fog in the servers that you haven't gotten rid of all the eerie fog yet. So keep an eye out on the map.
Rob (22:46.528)
I was told that they did their best.
Craig (22:51.434)
Mm-hmm. Yeah, and also some of the some of that slime whatever you want to call it the cursed mixture Sometimes you can't clean it all off and it drips down onto other stuff
Rob (23:02.334)
I've, I've tried. I've done everything that I can. However, we all know that my coding skills are somewhere in the neighborhood of zero. So got to rely on everybody else. This absolutely this, this curse is it's both a blessing and a curse now, isn't it? Because we all get to play some more. So let's look at it for what it really is. There's the silver lining. There's the cure side, or side of the silver lining.
Craig (23:10.134)
Yes, yes Sam knows it.
Craig (23:16.782)
Craig (23:20.428)
Craig (23:30.19)
Rob (23:30.842)
because you've got this the curse but also the way that we're thinking about this is we are we are cleansing all of the different Munzees that have been cursed. We truly do not know any more information at this point in time about what's happening. So I suppose you can ask me more questions, but I'm pretty much just gonna say I have no idea. There you go.
Craig (23:39.064)
Craig (23:44.14)
Craig (23:51.662)
Craig (23:56.642)
Yeah, yeah, no, that's fair enough. It's interesting though, Rob, in my mind, just thinking about as well how literally, you know, this thing come out where we have to deploy all these 13 different types, but then only two of those types are actually cursed on the Friday. So, yeah, that's super weird. I wonder why they just picked those two. But anyway, I don't think I have any other questions. I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna take off. I'm gonna say this, a tip out there for everyone as well, including myself.
Rob (24:11.542)
It's super weird.
Rob (24:17.037)
Don't know. Happy.
Craig (24:26.318)
Take off that auto pop ups, take off that auto pop ups button when you can click it off. Take it off so it makes you read the actual wisps. It makes you read the story more. It gives you more insight into it as well because I've got that auto pop ups off the little tab. Just for this. Few days, few days. Exactly, exactly.
Rob (24:41.472)
maybe just for the next, you know, little bit. Just a thought, just a thought, yeah. And let me wrap this section up by saying happy Friday the 13th everyone from Cappy and all of his friends.
Craig (24:55.47)
Yeah. Yes, good and bad. Good and bad. The more game play, the better. The more game play, the better. So, yes. And I want to see the whole story, Robert. I know it's going to come out in dribs and drabs and I have to be patient about it. And a big congratulations to Monroe's because she's one that put out there in regards to the badge for the 13 types.
Rob (25:01.102)
Rob (25:06.05)
That's how we look at it.
Craig (25:19.566)
She put it on the water cooler straight away that she got it and she tagged me Rob and said Craig, did I beat you? Yes, you did Sue. Yes, you did. because I went the wrong way. That's the reason I read it wrong. That's the reason why she beat me anyway. Shout out to Monroe's good job for you. I don't think I have any other questions in regards to that because yeah, you were pretty you're pretty good with everything. So I'm going to move on to the Munzee question of the week, Rob, if you don't have anything left for the body of it, because we're getting we're going to get it. We're going to finish on time. think I'm hoping we're going to finish on time.
Rob (25:29.531)
Mm-hmm. Yep.
Rob (25:49.194)
scared that we're going to finish on time. But yeah, let's roll.
Craig (25:50.574)
Yeah, I know. I know. I know exactly. Well, my question of the week came to me in person at the the Arizona event from Lula Lula May Lula May Lula May Lula May. think she told me several times. She even I said, can you anyway? I get it wrong. I know. And I apologize if I do. I know I am. But we're going around capping Rob as well. And we got lots of lots of lots of cake, lots of pieces of cake for because again,
Rob (26:02.978)
Lula May, that's how I read it. Lula May, yeah.
Craig (26:20.558)
Apparently you get extra cake credits too this during December for the Christmas ones for the dessert because it's a dessert month so more cake. So another reason to get to the events. But she asked me a very good question in regards to the cake credits. She said, Craig, are they going to go away on December 31st, the cake credits? So do you have to use all your cake credits before the new year?
Rob (26:27.096)
Yeah. Yeah.
Rob (26:43.054)
Craig (26:44.576)
Nope, they're staying.
Rob (26:46.348)
I'm keeping us on track for time. Nope. There you go. We, you know, we put this stuff out there earlier this year. This is when we launched it. so yeah, we've, we've been very excited about how this has gone. Lou really loves the program. she's the one who came up with the idea for double, on the badge for December desserts events. And, yeah, honestly, we've loved it. Love to see, all of those, all those special bouncers that people are putting out there and,
Craig (26:49.004)
No, easy, done.
Craig (26:54.25)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Craig (27:06.254)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Rob (27:16.162)
Yeah, yeah, just let's keep having fun with it. We're gonna roll cake over into 2025.
Craig (27:22.072)
There you go people, you heard it here first. If you didn't already know, the cake credits are still, so that's a double-edged sword because that means you can keep your cake credits. You don't have to, and also you don't have to do the math, the equations, go, okay, I've got to make sure I use every single one of my cake credits before December 31st. Keep them, roll them over until next year because cake is not going away because it's a delicious dessert. So very good, Rob, very good. I'm going to move straight on to the Munzee tip of the week.
And this tip again comes from what I thought about this tip because of the water cooler and because of last weekend. I'm going to say this to everyone out there. Keep up to date with the Munzee water cooler, because when something like last week happens with the triple points on Mech, for instance, then it was only Rob, it was literally minutes, not even hours before someone put on there a hack Rob, a Munzee hack that you can get thousands upon thousands upon thousands.
Rob (28:14.456)
Craig (28:18.464)
of points. Now the strategy was if you didn't know, if you didn't see it, the strategy was this. And that is if you have a high end mech before you deploy that mech for triple points. Yes, before you deploy that mech and you have to do all this on your device, on your phone. can't do it from a computer that you deploy a potion of plenty. Maybe, maybe just deploy that potion of plenty for another clan member near them. You see, so you deploy the potion of plenty. Do not do I repeat, I repeat, I repeat, do not cap.
anything, do not deploy anything else, just potion of plenty. Boom, one, leave it that go into the redeemed store via the camp hub on your phone, on your device. You then scroll down to the biggest, the biggest one you can find, which is normally 18 cogs or something like that. And then and then redeem, redeem the 18 cogs for that mech. Some people were getting, you know, seven thousand eight thousand nine thousand points for a deploy of the mech. But Robert doesn't end there.
Rob (29:02.99)
Craig (29:14.796)
Because the deploying of mechs sometimes takes a little bit longer with the Munzee servers. Do not go ahead and cap anything else until you see that mech has been deployed on your notifications and that you received the entire points for it. So it's a little bit of patience. I understand that. But you know what? You get rewarded for it. So so there you go. That's my tip of the week. Rob is keep up with the social media, either the water cooler or discord, wherever you get your information from.
because some people will find these little hidden tricks and tips and then that's what you get to do. did you do it Rob? Did you deploy a couple of mechs here and there?
Rob (29:54.712)
I didn't on the weekend, I did use a potion of plenty today to deploy a cyborg Santa. I think that's what he's called. And, and so that gave me 3000 points, I think. So yeah, not bad.
Craig (29:56.493)
Craig (30:03.182)
Craig (30:08.566)
Yep. Yep. So it still works. The potion of plenty still works as well outside these the triple point or double point weekends, but it just it just enhances. So it doesn't go from double points anymore. Triple points goes from six times points. So, yeah, keep an eye on those things and and really, really utilize the social media aspect of this game. Meanwhile, Rob, guess what? This ends another official Munzee podcast on time.
Rob (30:21.902)
Rob (30:34.03)
Thanks for joining us for this Munzee adventure.
Craig (30:36.983)
Don't forget, subscribe, rate and review on your favourite podcasting app and of course join us next week for another informative episode.
Rob (30:43.803)
And remember, Munzee is more than a game, it's a worldwide community of mobile game players.
Craig (30:48.878)
So keep scanning, keep discovering, keep that Munzey spirit alive. 1, 2, 3, 13. I'm going to say cleanse. I'm going say cleanse the map. Cleanse the map.
Rob (30:52.814)
13 on?
Cleanse on!