Official Munzee Podcast
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Official Munzee Podcast
Munzee Weekly Podcast - Friday January 31st, 2025
In this episode, Craig and Rob discuss various aspects of the Munzee game, from the week that was to what is new, including tips for keeping maps clean, upcoming clan requirements, and community engagement through the Garden of the Month initiative. They celebrate the Lunar New Year with special events and introduce the Rainbow Serpent, a new mythology inspired by Australian folklore. The hosts also address community questions regarding personal Munzees and provide strategic tips for deploying Munzees effectively.
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Craig (00:00.078)
Welcome to the official Munzee Podcast.
Rob (00:18.515)
I'm Rob, also known as Coach V, your host and the president of Munzee.
Craig (00:22.17)
And I'm Craig also known as Seemyshell, I started as an avid Munzee player, now proudly part of the team.
Rob (00:28.243)
Each week we'll delve into Munzee's mysteries, divulge some secrets, and inform players from around the world just what is coming your way.
Craig (00:35.658)
So sit back and relax. Today's episode, it's the end of one month and going into another February, February, February is going to be big for lovers, Rob. We've got the dancing duo events. We've got all these other things coming up too. So it looks pretty cool. And I'll say lovers because I'll say like couples things, things happen together. Rob. We say, let's just say that things can happen together. Two, twos, pairs, partners. Exactly. Exactly.
Rob (00:47.824)
Rob (00:56.241)
Hmm. Pairs, partners, lovers of lovers of points, lovers of all types of things. Yeah. And and I laughed. I laughed during the intro because it's still new. The I'm now proudly part of the team. It's still new to me. So, you know.
Craig (01:04.462)
Craig (01:10.894)
that's why I thought, I thought you laughed because I had a funny inflection when I did it too. So it's a possibility because I'm still, I'm still getting used to it as well. Like it's, it's, it's, a, it's a thing, Rob. You know, I'm still getting used to, I'm still getting used to, the, the backend Rob, I'll say that, you know, in regards to all your meetings that you have and how you meet and the different, you know, platforms you meet upon, whether it be your discord and all these other apps that you guys use. I'm like, okay, bouncing from one door another. But anyway,
Rob (01:17.893)
Nope, nope, just.
Rob (01:28.593)
Mmm, yeah.
Rob (01:36.347)
Craig (01:43.062)
I'm not going to complain about it because I'm actually enjoying being on the back end. And yeah, I've got a lot more stuff to know about now too. But Rob, I will say this before we go on and that is some people have tried to take advantage of me. Some people are testing, they're testing the waters of my NDA by messaging me privately saying, Craig, what's happening next month? go, have you seen, I reply, have you seen anything on the blog or have you seen anything on being released? They say, no, I'll go, well, we have to wait for that then. yes.
Rob (01:50.749)
Rob (02:03.906)
Rob (02:11.963)
Well, there you go. Well done. To those of you who asked to test, see my shell, thank you. And he has passed. So well done. But don't stop. For the other six of you, you know who you are. Keep on going.
Craig (02:13.068)
There you go, yes, yes, yes.
Craig (02:18.734)
I like it. You feed, you feed that little worm in my brain, Rob. That's what you're doing. That's exactly what you're doing. So mate, what else are you up to this week? As in personally yourself.
Rob (02:29.616)
Rob (02:39.087)
man, you know, getting it done. That's truly all there is to it. We made it to January, we made it to 2025 and claim requirements are always a big deal that kind of looms over me. So those have gone out this week and then really it's all about getting into the shortest month of the year and figuring out how much fun are we going to have during this month? And the answer is a lot.
Craig (02:41.774)
Craig (02:48.13)
Craig (02:55.319)
Craig (03:04.492)
Very, very true, very true. Mate, have to amend something too, because last week, Rob, we forgot to mention, we mentioned about Q22Q17 flying across the country, but we didn't mention anyone else flying from overseas. had, LISoft had traveled across the seas just to get to the Munzee events in Florida. We had dinner with him, Rob, too. Remember, he had the orange shirt with the orange shoes.
Rob (03:19.834)
Craig (03:31.826)
Such a fun guy to hang out with too. yeah, yeah. A big shout out to LISoft. Thank you for showing up, mate. I appreciate seeing you and having a couple of beers with you, Rob too. He didn't even, it's so good now. I've been here in the US for three years. I remember what it was like when I first visited the US and I saw your soda machines here and there was like 15,000 different buttons you had to press to get, just to get yourself a plain Coke or what do call it? A vanilla Coke or a cherry Coke or a lime Coke or a lemon.
Rob (03:31.997)
Craig (04:01.165)
It's just, that's insane. So yeah, so I watched him. I watched him with all the options as well, like with his little twinkle in his eye. I'm like, yep, welcome to the good old US of A where there's plentiful of plenty of everything. So, a big shout out to LIsoft. Now also Rob on the weekend just gone. I was in the, I'm in Florida still and I had fun at the Florida event. We had the block party with Dale and Barb from Space Cache Geostore, the geocaching event.
Rob (04:03.283)
Rob (04:12.562)
That's right.
Craig (04:30.198)
And then straight after that, we had the Munzee event itself. Now we had Mr. CB and Mrs. CB, they were hosting and Mr. CB Rob did a great job of the pins, out two beautiful big walks around this beautiful park as well, around a beautiful pond. And yeah, it was really, really nice walk too. So a big shout out to Mr. and Mrs. CB for that. So very, very cool. You missed out.
Rob (04:52.871)
Rob (04:56.945)
Well done. I'm sure everyone had fun. I know I did. Sorry.
Craig (04:59.436)
We did, we did. You missed out though. I got my steps in. I got my steps in. Yeah, exactly, exactly. Meanwhile, Rob, as we said, the weekend that was in USA, we had the one event in Florida and also in Kansas and around the world we had.
Rob (05:14.299)
One in the UK and two in New South Wales, Australia. And guess what? The one event went mega. One of the two. So yeah. Yeah.
Craig (05:19.884)
Craig (05:23.35)
Mm-hmm. in Sydney, in Sydney. Yes, yes. Again, that was sort of just outside of the geocaching block party that they had there in Sydney as well. Big shout out to those who organized that. I know a few of them too. So yeah, we sort of promoted that too, Rob, quite a bit over the last few months. So, mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Rob (05:44.211)
We did. We talked a lot about it. So yeah, it's really great to see people coexisting because you know that's a big part of that. So hopefully some of those players who attended the event kept the badge and that kind of thing. Stick around. Keep playing. Try this new recreation of a game that they saw probably years ago, kind of like you.
Craig (05:53.441)
Craig (06:01.855)
Craig (06:06.446)
Exactly like me. that's, and that's what I tell everyone to Rob. I'll say this. And that is that people say, know, I remember Munzie. No, no, no. That's just a geocaching with stickers, you know, like, you know, the QR codes are always gone. Well, I got, it's, different now. It's changed now. I wouldn't be playing it if it was the same game back in 2014. When I, when I first started playing, I will say that. So it has changed and yeah, it's good to promote it when you're amongst other like minded people. Meanwhile, Rob, a leaderboard is over the weekend on Friday. had.
Raven on the road. Now Raven on the road, Rob. It was their first time that they took out first place with 473,000 points on Friday. In a close second was Herbie with 234,000 points and of course, little Colecracker seven on 214,000 points who was with me in Florida too. You can see her in my video, Yes. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. She's in my video too. So.
Rob (06:57.031)
Yeah. I did see your video already. It's a good one. I liked it. Where I go cashing with coal crackers. That's great.
Craig (07:06.254)
And Mrs. YB and Yanker Bucks as well, they were with me doing it too. and, and W. Helen was supposed to be there with us, but he saw my camera out and he ducked the other direction. So, poor W. Helen on Saturday, Rob, had.
Rob (07:10.033)
And Yankablex. Very true.
Rob (07:21.683)
Well on Saturday it was Miniman000 with 370,000, Coalcracker7 again with 346,000, and Aiden29 with 336,000.
Craig (07:34.38)
Her cold cracker again, she's on the leaderboard. Guess what? She's on the leaderboard again on Sunday too. Rob, she did the trifecta, except in first place again, for the first time, first place, another first first. How cool is this? And this is AP719. who's AP719? May have been my latest referral back months and months and months ago. So 12 months ago, I think so. She did well with 260,000 points.
Rob (07:50.999)
hey there.
Rob (07:56.726)
Yeah, I think so.
Craig (08:02.698)
In second place we had Jack Sparrow 201,000 points and Cole Cracker 7 in third place with 193,000 points and the trifecta for the weekend. well done, Cole Cracker 7. Exactly, now events around this coming weekend Rob, only two, only two and both in Missouri. That's it, that's it. Nothing around the world. Again, it's in between clans. So that makes sense, that makes sense, exactly.
Rob (08:15.325)
Rob (08:22.63)
Rob (08:27.676)
huh. Yeah.
Craig (08:30.786)
But don't forget people, the week after starts the new dancing duo event. So you must get yourself to one of these fun events in February. Rob, you don't have to dance to be going to these events. Although some of them, I dare say some of them will have dancing involved, you know, because there's the, what do call it? There's the chicken dance one, two, there's different badges you can have. If you haven't got yourself or you can't get yourself to an event.
Rob (08:52.648)
Craig (08:55.328)
Again, have a look back at the blog post whereby you can get these dancing duo and get your own event started. Now, we spoke about it last week, Rob, as well, for the low price of $75. You can get all those different things. Rob, I put my hand in my pocket and I'm hosting one too coming up in Alabama in a few weeks time. So, yes, yes, yes, yes.
Rob (09:14.631)
How are you? Well, that'll be good. Yeah. Well, I look forward to your video of dancing then because clearly you have to do.
Craig (09:22.238)
Well, yeah, in order to cap the pins around the little walk that I'm going to do, you have to dance around to actually cap the pins. I'll hide the pins until you do so. But no, I'm only joking those people who don't want to That's why. All right, Rob, big events coming up as well. have Munzee Madness in California, six events in total, March 7th and 8th. There's 25 in that. And I'll be attending, Rob. Now, what's happening with that with you? I heard a rumor.
Rob (09:33.405)
Ha ha ha.
Rob (09:50.799)
I have heard all kinds of rumors and I've got no official word yet to be shared. there, I, I believe there will be other freeze tag, people, team members that will be there. exactly who that is. I am not sure quite yet.
Craig (09:52.929)
No official word yet? okay.
Craig (10:02.716)
Mm-hmm. Yes. Yeah.
Craig (10:08.938)
is yet to be determined, yet to be determined. So get your, get your Willattensian ASAP for the Munzee Madness in California, March 7th and 8th. We also have April 5th, Toxin, again Toxin is hosting three fun events in Wolverhampton, West Midlands UK. There's 15 on that so far as well. Yeah.
Rob (10:24.911)
Yeah. Now, now this one, this one's on my short list because he's got some really cool stuff going on and it's not a super far distance away. I haven't met toxin. He's really starting to grow his area. Like I said, it's not far away. So this one's on a short list, but not confirming quite yet. Like, boom, see you there.
Craig (10:32.931)
Craig (10:37.95)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Craig (10:48.6)
Rob (10:49.263)
On the edge of that, but but there's life as well. So so waiting to confirm quite a few things. Yeah, exciting stuff growing in the UK there.
Craig (10:55.681)
It really is. And without giving anything away at all, Toxin did reach out to me, Rob, as well. And I think I shared it with you. I won't tell anyone exactly what's happening. All I'll say is if you get to one of his events, he's, I think it might've been this event that he's doing it for. I'm not sure. Don't, don't quote me on that too, but he's doing something special, which, which he involved me from across the pond. So that was very nice. So yeah, get to his event and he's got something special and different, for Munzee to Capy QR code. So that's all I'll say in regards to that. All right.
Rob (11:13.17)
Craig (11:29.45)
May 3rd as well. You can't forget about having a Munzee in Uranus and big fun in Uranus as well. And I will be attending that one as well. May 24th, Munstock and you Rob will be there myself, GCV, Minnesota boy, Minnesota boy, Minnesota boy. There's a few people going to that one. Of course, W. Helen will be there as well. June 7th and 8th, Ohio hosting SOS. And again, I'm looking at getting that one as well.
And then there's a more big weekend that same weekend as well in the UK with five events in the UK on June 7th and 8th now Rob It's not it's not on the it's not on the official calendar yet, but I'll say this Minnesota events they're coming on the calendar if not already by the time this is posted But they are coming so put that in your calendar because it's September 12th to 14th. So there you go. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yeah, that's that's I can't remember all the MMS
Rob (12:15.187)
Mm hmm. That's one of the mania, right?
I their main, yeah.
Craig (12:21.944)
So there's Mecca, Mecca is Florida, Madness is California and Mania is Minnesota. you don't have to be M's people. You can just say, know, Munzee, Minnesota, Munzee, California, Munzee, Florida. I know, right? I know. That'd be too easy to remember as well. All right, Rob, getting into this week and what's been happening. Of course, we said before end of January and end of the premium appreciation month.
Rob (12:29.863)
I so.
Rob (12:37.395)
Craig (12:50.742)
Now, Rob, heard, we spoke about last week, we had all these things for the appreciation month for premium members, things like the extra, what do call it? I'm trying to think now, I've got a blank, magnets. So you get extras on magnets, et cetera. You can magnetize things more often, that sort of thing, and also cap your own greenies. Now, as we said before, that was just for the month itself, but one thing is staying, is it?
Rob (13:19.441)
Yeah. So, I don't know when this is going to go out in writing, but, so this might be podcast exclusive for now. but you know, I've kind of already leaked the information a week ago, two weeks ago that, that, yeah, we're going to keep the, we're going to keep the premium players can cap your own greenies. We're going to keep that alive beyond the end of this month. we've gone ahead and set a, a, so that everyone can feel comfortable. We're going to run it all the way through March.
Craig (13:24.238)
Craig (13:30.786)
Craig (13:40.91)
Rob (13:48.177)
We're going to that gives everyone in the Northern Hemisphere time to thaw out from their freeze. for some people who, you know, haven't been able to get out there and do that. And, and then we can see what the numbers look like. And so we'll make another decision as we make it into March. as far as, that going to be something that we keep or not? As far as the other two things where you get the ability to magnetize a Munzee one additional time each day. So it's a total of four times.
Craig (13:48.312)
Craig (14:07.086)
Rob (14:15.089)
We're gonna hit the pause button on that one. That one's going away at the end of this month. And then the other thing that we added was the bonus 10 % on a blast. is also, yeah, that one's gonna be paused as well. So that's ending at the end of January. Will we see those two things return again? That's a great question. I have no idea. The team will all be talking about it. We'll keep them in mind.
Craig (14:17.838)
Craig (14:25.139)
that's what it was, yes.
Craig (14:29.774)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Craig (14:40.76)
Ha ha ha.
Rob (14:41.715)
Are there other things that we might add at some point in time as well? Sure. Why not? Because we, you know, we want to keep giving premium members good value. And we also want to encourage the rest of you who are not premium members to join us. So yeah.
Craig (14:46.734)
Craig (14:52.578)
Craig (14:59.458)
Now remember we said this last week and that is if you're like some people out there that enjoy a clean map and you don't want to see your greenies, you don't want to see the greenies every single day pop up for you, that's okay. All you need to do is click on the filter and it says, you know, hide what you've already actually capped. And that includes though your greenies. However, however, Rob, it won't hide your greenies until you've actually gone ahead and capped them as well. So you need to go around your area and whatever.
the map you want cleaned and cap those PJ, are you listening? Go around your area, whatever area you want cleaned and actually cap those greenies at least once. And then they'll fall under that, that hide filter. That's how you do it, PJ. That is how you do it, PJ. It was always there PJ as well, but he sort of said something on the latest Munzee Maniacs podcast saying, I wish there was another filter for it. So, and I can say PJ with a voice like that too, cause he doesn't mind. Anyway.
Rob (15:31.153)
Ha ha ha.
Rob (15:43.027)
Rob (15:51.004)
Craig (15:54.286)
Moving on. Yeah. That's how you do it to keep your, your, your maps clean for those clean map freaks. However, Rob, now is the time. If you can't get out there to build your own area up, you know, with your greenies at the same time, here's a little hint and tip an early one for everyone as well. There's a special badge. Do you know the special badge Rob? You remember the special, special 100 batch for deploying 100 greenies in a day. You get a special, special badge. If you didn't know that, or you haven't got it now.
Rob (16:16.423)
Craig (16:23.762)
Now is the time for you to find your local sort of walking area, your local park, even walking just around the local streets, Rob, if they're safe to do so, of course, in your area, to deploy 100 greenies in a Munzee day. A Munzee day. Yes, so that's, you know, for your time zone, Munzee day. So that's a good badge, Rob. I got that one. I got that.
Rob (16:38.766)
Rob (16:45.905)
Yep, that's the one with co-founder Scott's face on it. Scott will give you 100 green backs. To my knowledge, it's the only badge with Scott's face on it and I blame Scott. So that's it, just blame Scott.
Craig (16:50.536)
Craig (16:59.15)
Oh, there we go. All right, Rob, moving on now to the clan requirements for February of 2025. Rob, there's, there hasn't been much back and forth, I will say in regards. Not many questions come through with the clan requirements on the water cooler, which, you know, it surprised me because my first question to you would be, there's so many whittled points, Rob. Like the whittles, what's going on with the whittles?
Rob (17:19.921)
Yeah. Yeah. Level six, man. We got some crazy stuff coming up. I don't, I don't know if everyone has remembered, you know, muns pack has something brand new coming out in the month of February, which doesn't happen before this podcast goes live. So we won't talk about it today, but there is something really cool that is coming to those of you with the virtual and the hybrid ones back. Stay tuned for that.
Craig (17:23.651)
Craig (17:36.086)
Mm-hmm. Nope.
Rob (17:49.351)
However, Wittles are, you know, just one of those little game pieces that inexpensive fun little bouncer to get accustomed to and to start learning the game. If you're new, you know, for 150 zeds out of that Wittles trunk. And so, yeah, I'm just like, I would like to have some more Wittles fun myself for those people who
Craig (17:49.453)
Craig (17:58.126)
Craig (18:14.989)
Rob (18:19.271)
I don't know, you've opened all your chunks. You got all of your Whittles maxed out to top level. You have to use stars at the wishing well in order to redeploy those, right? Well, I don't know for sure when the information's going out, but we're going to be doing a double launch, double Whittles launch from the stars. That's coming up this month. Also coming up this month, double magnet strength.
So when you use a magnet, it's going to pull twice as many. So that's something that might help with like the story land bouncers. It could also help with the Whittles on a Whittles workshop. Macs we're doing something with Macs. There's going to be double Mac deploys for your cogs. And if you purchase a Mac, yeah. So where we, we, you know, had a few issues February or sorry, not February Florida event weekend, right?
Craig (18:48.276)
Craig (18:53.879)
Craig (18:59.085)
Craig (19:05.902)
Craig (19:16.504)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Rob (19:16.773)
And so rather than going the usual direction of double points, triple points, know, mass chaos. I, I've, I pulled the reins back a little bit and said, let's, let's not do that. Let's go a different way. So we're doing some, some, different types of events and they are like mid week events, but they're also the kinds of events that you don't have to be going out to places to really benefit from.
Craig (19:21.72)
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Craig (19:27.736)
Craig (19:42.094)
Yeah, yeah, exactly. Cause I mean, you get double mech deploys. That means that, you you deploy one mech from your couch or lounge, wherever you're sitting at the moment, even the bath, like I said before, and you get two for the price of one on your mech deploys. You get double magnet strength. So if you've got a scrap star, for instance, as well, that means you're going to get 12 on that scrap star instead of six, for instance.
Same with the Whittles workshops if you're looking for more Whittle points, so you play Rob this game then what you need So if you look at your what you need for the clan for that month and it comes up with a double magnet strength Get yourself if you need Whittle points get yourself the Whittle's workshop and then magnetize it get yourself a scrap stuff You need mechs and then magnetize it. It's it's this this game now As you said with no double point so there's no double point weekend at all in February So there you go, but there you go squash that which is it's actually you know What it's a little bit of breath of fresh air to be honest with you
Rob (20:05.16)
Craig (20:34.37)
You know, I will say, will say, and to, to reiterate in regards to the widows, if people, if people, shouldn't say people, I said it again, it's habit. I apologize. Players out there, if you don't know still about the wheels too much, there is a video on the Munzee YouTube channel, which I did after speaking to you, Rob as well, explains the widows a little bit more. As we said before, 150 Zeds, you get it from in app only deploying a trunk. You can't choose.
Rob (20:34.557)
think so.
Rob (20:41.843)
Craig (21:01.71)
how many, what level you get or you can't choose what type you get. Once you get level one and you get the same one again, it's automatically level two as well. The whittles, they don't level down. So whatever you get is what you get. You can then make another wish for more whittles from a wishing well. However, if you've got a level one whittle, then allow you to get a level one whittle. You can't level up in the wishing wells, but when you get the level one whittle, it's like 75 stars.
If you get more whittles from the trunks and they level up, the cheaper they become from stars when you wish for them. So up to a level 10, which is only 25 stars, Rob. 25 stars for a level 10. If you're getting five stars a day or even four stars a day, every week you can actually deploy a brand new whittle. So if it's level 10, see, easy, easy said and easy done. All right, Rob, moving on now to the garden. We're getting late.
Rob (21:42.867)
Craig (21:58.634)
Garden of the Month was announced, of course. February was too hot to handle and March is the grass is greener. Now, Rob Sam has built a new link in the Garden of the Month entries on CUP of Z. Get yours listed, even your old ones. How do you yours listed? Well, in the heading or in the description, you must type the words, the letter, the number two, hot to handle, if it's for February, or if it relates to March, the grass is greener.
These aren't the finalists will say that. However, they do stick out more when it comes to the selection team and having a look at which ones to choose from at the end. So get your old gardens on. As we said before, the garden must be filled as well. It has to be filled in order for it to qualify. No gardens will be available for temporary bouncer. So no card gardens, no potions, that sort of thing either. They must be all.
full-time virtuals in there and it must be filled. then, yeah, so make sure you go and have look at that and get your gardens in. If you don't know how to do that, then reach out to me, Rob. I'm gonna put my hand up again. Reach out to me. I'll help you. I'll have a look at the garden for you and I'll even update it for you from here on the end too, so I can do that as well. So Garden of the Month and also Rob, again, Sam, he's chucked in there too. Garden of the Month.
Itself is there's guidelines now in cup of tea if you go down and into actually have a look at the garden section There's now guidelines in there and the guidelines themselves. There's some great feedback regarding this too It lets you know it gives you good good ideas about what you should do what you shouldn't do what you can do what you can't do that sort of thing too so a good job Sam with the guidelines or Rob moving on quickly now to the lunar new year is here what's happening with the year of the dragon
Rob (23:47.923)
Well, happy new lunar new year. don't know how to say it. Happy lunar new year to you. It's here out with the year of the dragon in with the year of the snake. What we're doing, and this is official as of when we're recording this podcast and it runs through this entire weekend. We're giving the dragon a warm farewell with double points on dragons like all the different dragon bouncer types and also the fire munchies.
Craig (23:52.46)
Craig (23:58.862)
Craig (24:03.49)
Rob (24:17.235)
So saying farewell to the year of the dragon. That's all running through Sunday, February 2nd. In relation to the year of the snake as we now enter the year of the snake, we've got a new greeting card and we have a story land myth to celebrate the year of the snake. Now I'm going to say the name. All right, the rainbow serpent story land myth. Okay, so that's what it is. and
Craig (24:20.641)
Craig (24:33.097)
Craig (24:41.067)
Rob (24:43.475)
Because everyone will for those who read the blog, they will have seen this and they can read the little story. But here's what I have to say about it. You've come into the team only for the last couple of weeks and your fingerprints are already all over all of my stuff. I don't understand what's going on. We have meetings. You throw out ideas, your ideas pass. I don't get it. Flat Aussie. And now we have this.
Craig (24:47.982)
Craig (24:58.446)
I'm dying.
Craig (25:07.598)
Rob (25:10.547)
The Rainbow Serpent so explain to everyone please if you can briefly. What is the Rainbow Serpent?
Craig (25:16.174)
Okay, the new Rainbow Serpent and again, I'm proud to be part of the team, Rob, I will say that. And the fact is that when it came out that this was the year of the snake, I straight away, I said to the team, said, well, have you heard of the Rainbow Serpent? And I'll say, Dylan, know, big shout out to Dylan, because he's one of the, let's say the creative brains of the team, because he comes up with a lot, a lot of information, a lot of ideas. He pulled this idea and he looked at the idea and went,
This is brilliant. I love this idea. Now the rainbow serpent is actually a story land and it is a myth and it's in Australian indigenous folklore as well. So the actual rainbow serpent, Rob, way back, way back when we're talking thousands of years ago as part of the indigenous Australian folklore, he or she was responsible for creating or destroying nature, especially water. So the rainbow serpent is said to have shaped the earth and its stories are considered to be part of Aboriginal dream time of today.
You've got some Australian culture and Australian history coming through now. So from Down Under into the Munzee world. So being the fact that it's a story land and a myth, it's like, this is ideal too. And I will say Rob, the artwork, supreme artwork. If you have a look in the details, the actual, is a chef's kiss, a chef's kiss as we like to say.
Rob (26:21.938)
Rob (26:32.156)
Ha ha.
Craig (26:39.714)
But the artwork is very indigenous artwork in terms of the dot paintings that they do as well. And as one of the badges, if you have a look in the background, you may even see Uluru, Rob, which is the, you heard of Uluru. It's a big monolith rock in the middle of Australia that sticks out like a mole on Australia's outback. So that's, that's, yeah, that's Uluru. So there you go.
Rob (26:39.983)
Rob (26:49.831)
Rob (27:01.093)
I that's great. It's really great. It fits in with the rest of our story land myths where you've got Fenrir, you know, of folklore myth legend basically, and tree folk. mean, you know, so then you have rainbow serpent. So yeah, super cool to have seen the idea and Andy's artwork is as usual. Killer. Yeah. So very cool. So anyway, get you one. It's in the online store.
Craig (27:04.962)
Craig (27:11.042)
Craig (27:16.119)
Craig (27:23.065)
Phenomenal Exactly And it's good. It's good. It's good to have all these myths It's good to have all these myths as well from different countries around the world I will say that and not different states for instance You you're not having the New Jersey devil for goodness sake like so it's it's actually different countries Exactly, or are we gonna move on now to the question of the week and this one came directly to me at the floral event and they asked what is happening with Personals and can we purchase still the star?
Rob (27:36.659)
Craig (27:49.966)
personal. If you believe, if you've been to an event, probably know what the star personal is because they want to link them all. So they've got more than 10, for instance, personals. You buy one of these star ones and then you can just scan the star one. have to stand up or scan all 10, scan the star and then they all link together. Rob, what's happening with all them?
Rob (28:09.939)
Yeah, so complete honest time. Here we go. Ready, everyone? I believe back November, December, I said, like, when we get into 2025, we're going to reevaluate the personal program in order for people to buy more that kind of thing. We're not there yet. I personally am not there yet. Everyone may have missed it, but I just talked about a few minutes ago, Florida events weekend, things kind of fell apart. We are definitely still working to.
Craig (28:13.389)
Rob (28:38.387)
improve and to ramp everything up. So I'm not distracting the team with any of this stuff yet. We will have some sort of a premium personal, is, which was previously shaped like a star. We haven't sold those for several years now. We actually ran out of the material and we just never did come up with a backup plan for it. So we will. I, I,
Can't guarantee anything, but what if it's maybe a birthday kickoff? That's the only thought that I can have is just to kind of say to people, not yet and not next month. but hopefully coming soon, it is not forgotten. We will get the personals back online.
Craig (29:22.638)
Exactly, And don't forget as well, everyone out there, if you've got a question for Rob, please hit me up on any of my social medias or directly in the Munzee app. There is now a request, a Munzee request of the week. This one came direct to me as well, face to face from the man who loves Starlink more than anyone because that's what he does for a living. He goes out and picks up the boosters, right? He goes out to the ocean and picks up the rockets. It's really, really cool. And his name is Finns down here in Florida.
Rob (29:41.395)
Craig (29:51.328)
And he asks Rob, would Munzey consider making a flat Munzey that is chosen by the players like a vote of some sort?
Rob (29:59.027)
Ooh, I like fins, super cool guy, super cool job. So I'll consider anything that he requests. But honestly, yeah, like we'll consider anything doesn't mean that anything's gonna happen. But this one's an interesting idea. I think that flatty McFlat face would be awesome. And you know that people would rally around that sort of nonsense, wouldn't they?
Craig (30:02.146)
Craig (30:19.936)
Craig (30:25.038)
That nonsense they would. know, he, he a hundred percent, I already knew where his brain was going. He's going towards a flat astronaut. So I know what, I know, I know exactly what he wants. Fins, there you go, mate. The question has been asked. All right, Rob, moving on now to the Munzee tip of the week. This tip again comes from me with my travels and that is know where you're placing and where it's, where you're being placed. Now, what I mean by that is if you're placing like virtual zodiacs, instance,
Rob (30:28.349)
Rob (30:33.424)
Rob (30:38.739)
Craig (30:52.288)
virtual Zodiacs, you cap a virtual Zodiac and out pops the three scatters, which are in the deployers name. So the person capping the scatters, the deployer of those gets extra points as well. Now, Rob, I've noticed a lot of virtual Zodiacs for it, just as an example, this is, we're on fast highway, so there's no pull-offs, et cetera, or no towns. So they scatter backwards, they scatter outwards, they scatter everywhere. and you, you, you, the deployer is actually missing out on those extra bonus scatter points by deploying that sort of types. And likewise, Rob.
night vision goggles or amethyst for instance on highways, they hardly get any caps because I find, I know myself and others, they have filters for when they're traveling and they filter out the night vision goggles, they filter out the the amethyst because they're only 150 foot as well. So that's the tip of the week Rob, is just to to know what you're placing and where to get the most out of your Munzee deploys. Do you like that one?
Rob (31:46.589)
Wow. Excellent advice for the people who want the points. If you are lover of points in the month of February, pay attention to where you're deploying your Munzees. I love it. It's great.
Craig (31:53.506)
Craig (31:59.922)
Exactly. Exactly. All right, Rob, guess what? I I'll start again. That ends another official Munzee podcast. Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcasting app and join us next week for another informative episode.
Rob (32:06.259)
Thanks for joining us on this monzie adventure.
Rob (32:17.276)
And remember, Bungie is more than a game. It's a worldwide community of mobile game players.
Craig (32:21.88)
So keep scanning, keep discovering, keep that Munzey spirit alive. One, two, three, lovers on. there we go. We had the same thought for once. Wow, wow.
Rob (32:26.411)
Love on! That was... Woo! Manzian. That was good.