Official Munzee Podcast
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Official Munzee Podcast
Munzee Weekly Podcast - Friday February 7th, 2025
In this episode, Craig and Rob discuss upcoming Munzee events, innovative engagement strategies, and recent developments within the community. They delve into the mechanics of Flat Rob Scatters, address technical issues that have arisen, and emphasize the importance of mushroom skins for gameplay. The conversation highlights the team's commitment to improving player experience and responding to community feedback, culminating in a call to action for players to engage actively with the game.
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Craig (00:00.99)
Welcome to the official Munzee podcast.
Rob (00:03.846)
I'm Rob, also known as Coach V, your host and the president of Munzee.
Craig (00:07.822)
And I'm Craig also known as Seemyshell, I started as an avid Munzee player, now I'm proudly, proudly part of the team. I've got to get used to it as well.
Rob (00:16.67)
Yeah, each week we'll delve into Munzee's mysteries, divulge some secrets, and inform players from around the world just what is coming your way.
Craig (00:24.92)
So sit back, relax, drive your car, drink your coffee. Today, Rob's a little bit of a somber one today. We're gonna talk about, obviously there's some new stuff happening as well, but we've got some other things we've gotta talk about and discuss to sort of calm down the play, calm down the app, calm down everything, calm down things, calm things down. What do you think? Yes, yes, yes.
Rob (00:32.449)
Rob (00:43.99)
somber, but with a smile on the end, you know, that's the good news. We're recording this one later than we usually do, which, which actually, because of some good things that have happened today, and this is us recording on a Thursday, good things have happened today. And so we can smile, we can talk about how things happen, but also how look at look at the steps that we've made. So yeah, very good.
Craig (00:52.556)
Craig (00:58.596)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Craig (01:11.77)
Exactly. Exactly. And we are doing a lot, a lot later, Rob, because it's only going to be a couple of hours before we're going to get this edited and posted as well. So we'll say that it's not Thursday morning. It's Thursday evening. So exactly. Rob, I'm currently, I'm currently sitting in Alabama, in Foley, Alabama, getting ready now for the 10, 10 full days of events for geocaching events here in, in Foley, Alabama, leading up to Bama Rama this next weekend.
Rob (01:19.297)
Good luck to you. Yeah.
Rob (01:28.481)
Craig (01:39.774)
And my Munzee event, my Bamarama Munzee event too, next Saturday as well. that'd
Rob (01:44.321)
10 days of events? Wow.
Craig (01:46.83)
10 days, yeah. A geocaching event every day for 10 days.
Rob (01:50.731)
That is Bama-Rama-rific. They should, I mean, they should do something.
Craig (01:54.058)
Mm hmm. It really is. And, and, and it's funny too, because I know, I already know it's going to be set off with, you know, know, 15 people, 10, 15 people, whatever tomorrow, and then lead up to over, you know, 500 people the following Saturday. It's just going to slowly grow as more people come down for the main event in, in Bamarama here too. So that's really cool. Yeah. So
Rob (02:11.584)
Rob (02:17.343)
That's cool.
Craig (02:18.37)
That's me, mate. That's me in a little nutshell. Well, my van, I wouldn't call it a nutshell, but it's a van, either way, it's the same same. What are you being up to, mate? What are you being up to?
Rob (02:24.745)
Yeah. Well, some people were tracking my activity and have seen that I've been out and about around, the UK. My brother came over and, he, he was doing some work. He's, works in the oil, and gas industry. And, yeah, I mean, come on. My dad did both of my brothers do. Yeah. So that's how it goes.
Craig (02:36.003)
Craig (02:44.82)
Of course he does from Texas. Of course he does.
And then he's, and then he's Rob working in the, the, the gaming industry, the tech gaming industry.
Rob (02:55.937)
tech. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. I'm the black sheep of the family for sure. Um, yeah, so he came over. His wife was here over the weekend. So me and Lou and brother and sister in law got to some time together, which was really fun. And then I've been on the road with my brother, he had some meetings to go to. So I've been blasting my way around England, which is really cool. I actually got to go over into Wales to meeting with him.
Craig (03:24.558)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Rob (03:25.657)
And I'm the big brother. I'm 10 years older than him. But really impressed. He's he's he's he's doing some cool stuff with his work. And it's fun to fun to get to see a different side. You know, somebody like that. And so while he was in meetings doing boring things that I totally don't understand way, way, way beyond my understanding, I was out walking around playing Munzee. And yeah, well,
Craig (03:38.477)
Craig (03:51.491)
Rob (03:53.961)
I was not driving, so that was nice. So I was actually able to cap things on all of the motorways here that I've never been able to cap because either I'm driving or if lose driving, I'm, you know, talking as opposed to playing onesie all the time. Yeah.
Craig (03:56.002)
Craig (04:00.482)
Craig (04:07.406)
Exactly. Exactly. So in that case, Rob as well, you would have been a live tester, we'll say that before we actually start the real show today, a live tester. And so that may have been one of the many reasons things may have changed slightly over the last few days is because Rob may have been on a high horse. Rob may have got a whip in hand. Rob may have cracked that whip quite a bit.
Rob (04:16.289)
Rob (04:33.089)
Craig (04:35.086)
to the non enjoyment of others but anyway. Yeah, oh there he goes. You don't sound anything like Josh so Josh is the singer of my podcast co-host.
Rob (04:38.273)
Yeah, my my whip and nae nae hand. Definitely. Watch me whip and watch me nae nae. Anyway, yeah, the it's it's been a very busy week, hasn't it? So
Rob (04:54.995)
And yeah, nope. I, I attempt not to, not to sing every time.
Craig (05:01.102)
Exactly, Alright Rob, let's see, the events from last weekend, there was only two in Missouri in the US and none around the rest of the world. As I said before, that was because it was the between clan wars, so people don't tend to host that sort of stuff either. But in saying that...
We still had the Friday, Saturday, Sunday, we still had leaderboards as well. And there's one name on this leaderboard that appeared all three days. So a big shout out to them. I'll start though with Friday. Tofu Girl, Tofu Girl in number one with 312,000 points. And then B514, 244,000 points. And here's the name, Schmitz Fam 4 with 194,000 points. On Saturday Rob.
Rob (05:44.065)
what they've done across the weekend. This is a fun one. So stay tuned everyone. Here we go. Saturday, Skindo 328,000 and Schmitz Fam 4, 289,000 in second place and there's Munzee Prof 175,000.
Craig (05:45.793)
Yeah, I know.
Craig (05:59.521)
So Schmitz Fan 4 got third on Friday, second on Sunday. Who got second on Saturday? Who got first on Sunday? Schmitz Fan 4 got first on Sunday with 359,000 points. In second place was HBRB with 179,000 points. And Rob, you just deleted third place. What did you do?
Rob (06:20.601)
I was just looking at this and I'm like, where did it go? Where did it go? I didn't delete it. I didn't click on it. I did. I don't know. No.
Craig (06:24.594)
You just deleted third place for him. Just click back. What did you did? You clicked on it. Click back. anyway, anyway, there was a third place and they were 170,000 points. And I really do apologize for this. Even though Rob just clicked on it and literally flicked it back. I don't even have the date or anything. I did all that before. Rob, killing me. You're killing me, brother.
Rob (06:45.505)
I know. You know what? It's all my fault. This is what happens. As I've been told, technology man, technology breaks. When humans touch technology, things just fall apart sometimes and you can only do so much about it. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.
Craig (06:51.79)
Exactly. Yeah. What was the date on Sunday, Rob? What was the date? I don't even know the date on Sunday. You're killing me. can, we'll get back to it anyway. The current events this coming weekend, there's one in Alabama, there's one in Indiana, Arizona, California, Missouri, and in Florida as well. And around the world we have Ontario and also
British Columbia in Canada, two in Germany and one in Denmark. And Rob, you're clicking into the little, your secret button area where you can see who got third, very good. I'll keep going then while you're doing that.
Craig (00:00.866)
So the big events we have coming up, of course we've got Munzee Madness in California, six events from March 7th to 8th. Now there's 27 Willattons there. Rob, Rob, Rob, while you're still checking that, is there any more information in regards to who may or may not be coming to California for these large events?
Rob (00:17.623)
Well, I believe the freeze tag people that are in California. So Craig will be there. I believe that Mari is going to be there from what I have seen. Tamara is also going to be there. So that's the three that are they're usually there because they're right there local. There's you obviously. And then there's a guy who starts with R and ends with B, but he's not 100 % confirmed as of this moment in time still yet, even though.
Craig (00:28.056)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Craig (00:42.503)
Rob (00:47.223)
would love to be able to say it need to need to finalize one more thing. So apologies, apologies for the fact that I can't say, hey, I'll see you there. But it is definitely it's right on the edge. Yeah, it is. So yeah, I can say that it's on the cards. I'm hoping that I can pull it pull it through.
Craig (00:51.214)
Craig (00:56.758)
It's on the cards though. It's on the cards. It's on the edge. awesome. Awesome.
Craig (01:06.168)
So those of you who've just started playing Munzee or listening to this podcast, et cetera, Craig, he is the flat typewriter. Mari is the flat cats. Tamara, she's the flat flashlight. And then myself now, proudly the flat Aussie. And there's a possibility of a B gonna be there as well. there's possibility for the last one. So there we go. Rob, going back to Sunday, third place. Do we have third place for Sunday?
Rob (01:27.917)
Rob (01:32.267)
You know what? should have been able to guess this name. Jaroslav Koss. It's one of your favorites. Yeah. So just love cost. Just because there it is.
Craig (01:34.676)
We should. Yes, you gotta say it the way I say it. Cherislovkas. There you go, there you go. All right, Rob, moving on, April 5th as well. Toxin is hosting three big events in Wolverhampton, West Midlands UK. And today, Thursday, as we speak, as we're recording this, I saw Rob on his Instagram. He did a full video promoting the three main events. These are gonna be pretty...
pretty cool events. Did you see it at all Rob? I don't think you have. You've been busy. Okay. What do you view soon?
Rob (02:04.073)
I haven't seen it, but you know what I have seen? There are some emeralds popping up at the location of the events. A little emerald garden has been built there. What? Yeah, crazy, right? That's brand new.
Craig (02:11.31)
really? Really? Wow. What? That's crazy. But are you ready for this? Now, if you can't make it like myself, unfortunately, I can't make it. I would love to. Take some ideas from this. So he's got three events on the same day. The first event is on the south, I believe it's on the south side of the park. There's a big park.
Southside Park is the first event. The first event is where you meet and greet and you meet everyone there. You go around and cap the badges in a circle, like, you know, the normal sort of style and collect your cake. The second event, Rob, the second event is more of a, I think I said it before in a previous podcast about scavenger hunt sort of style where the actual QR codes are out there, but they're hidden.
They're properly hidden, Rob. So you've gotta move things around. You gotta find where the QR code is, exactly where it is. I mean, there's things you literally have to move in. There's even a little lock box for one as well, where you have to decipher what the lock code is to open the lock box in order to cap the Munzee inside, things like that. So it's more gadget sort of style for the pins, which is really cool. And then the third event. So that's on the other side of the park. The third event, and this, Rob, I only got this because it's on his Instagram channel.
The third event itself is like the goodbye event whereby, Rob, you ready for this? You must travel along a, what do you call it? What do you call it over there? Is it the tram, tramways or train system? But it's just like a small train bus sort of system, whatever. And he's put them basically along the tram line system. And they're all virtuals after that as well. So he's put the virtual pins all along the tram line so you can caption on the way home. So how cool was that? Three, three events on the same day.
three totally different styles of events. Toxin Munzee is his handle on Instagram. Go and have a look, make sure you follow him as well and see what this guy is doing for the Munzee event world. We'll just say that. Now, Rob, moving on.
Rob (04:12.397)
Cool. That's T-O-X-E-E-N, just so people know. Yeah.
Craig (04:15.576)
T-O-X-E-N, toxin, toxin munzi, exactly. After that, they've got May the 3rd is munzi and Uranus, and big fun in Uranus. I'm gonna have some great fun in Uranus, Rob. And then May 24th is Munstock, and of course there's lots and lots of people gonna be there now because it is a giga event. It has just turned, actual geocaching side of it has turned giga status. So it is huge event, exactly. June.
Rob (04:34.765)
Yes. Yeah. Get there.
Craig (04:39.286)
June 7th and 8th is Ohio hosting the SOS. And again, that looks like it's gonna be a big weekend making its way as well in the UK on that weekend as well. Five events in the UK that same weekend, then July 11th to 13th, four events in upstate New York as well. now, September 12th to 14th, there's four events on the calendar for Munzeymania in Minnesota. I asked W. Helen the other week, I said,
Rob (04:54.925)
They're on the calendar now?
Rob (05:06.541)
Craig (05:06.902)
Is it going to be, it's going to be WrestleMania sort of themed? That would be really cool. Yeah. WrestleMania theme. That would be nice. Wouldn't it? I know, I know what Josh would go straight away.
Rob (05:10.359)
Ooh, nice. I like it. What? I'm yeah, yeah, for sure. I'm really excited about that. I didn't know that the the upstate New York events. Remember we talked to bullseye shooter in Florida. I didn't know that they'd been adding to the calendar. Yes. That's awesome. Yeah, you do. That's awesome. And, then Munzee mania. mean, the so the year is starting to fill out everybody.
Craig (05:23.866)
yes. Yes. Yes. They're, they're on the calendar as well. Rob C like I do my research, Rob. do my research, Rob. Yeah, I do say very cool. Very cool.
Craig (05:39.5)
Yes. Yeah.
Rob (05:39.871)
You know, start looking, we've got something big happening literally every single month now. Leading up, we need something in August. But yeah, you've got some stuff going on. This is cool.
Craig (05:45.08)
Pretty much.
Craig (05:49.09)
Yeah, exactly. Yeah, really, really cool too. So awesome to see. All right, Rob, gonna move now to the developments from this week itself. Now, as we speak, this Flat Rob Scatters are now out and about as well. So there's a special in store for Flat Rob Scatters. If people are new to Munzey, Rob, what is Flat Rob Scatters? Explain to us, what are Flat Rob Scatters?
Rob (06:10.113)
Well, let's see. We have flat scatter events that happen for each of the different types of flats. Yours is brand new, so it hasn't had a flat scatter event quite yet. But what happens is whenever a player captures a flat, it scatters different items that might be associated with that specific character or object, whatever it may be. So mine, for example,
Craig (06:14.798)
Craig (06:34.232)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Rob (06:38.989)
known to always wear a hat, which is true. Because if I don't like on this podcast right now, thankfully, it's not video or else everyone will be blind from the light shining on my head. But but yeah, so mine scatter hats. There's there's a International Hat Day or cap day or something that's coming up. And so we're doing this flat Rob Scatters from that. anyway, you you kept the flat Rob Scatters get thrown out.
Craig (06:41.23)
Craig (06:45.506)
Craig (06:54.552)
Craig (06:58.862)
Rob (07:08.811)
You then go and chase the scatters. You cap all of those during scatter events. There are special badges that you can earn, but only during that short time period. And yeah, so that's how it all works. If you don't have any flats around you, then getting in touch with other people through clans, through social media, whatever it may be, you can. We find lots of people trading flats. So you deploy for me here. I deploy for you there.
Craig (07:18.392)
Craig (07:34.382)
Rob (07:37.261)
So that you can get them. in order to help out with that, we have a buy two, get one free sale that goes on in the store. Most of the time when we have these flat scatter events, the one thing when you go to the online store, you must make sure that you have all three in your cart or multiples of three. So three, six, nine, because that's the only way that you get one for free for every two that you buy. And there are, there is.
Craig (07:45.891)
Craig (07:53.933)
Craig (08:02.484)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Rob (08:07.757)
special badge for this weekend. And it's pretty cool. And I don't I didn't remember that this was kicking off already when the podcast goes live. So it's possible that we have leaked this information. So everyone, if if you if they're not live right now, don't don't send in messages. It's not broken. It's supposed to go live at noon. I don't remember right now. And I don't feel like researching. So we're going to roll with it.
Craig (08:10.445)
Craig (08:17.87)
it's possible. Maybe it goes lunchtime on Friday.
Craig (08:31.068)
it's not broken, it's... yeah.
Craig (08:36.16)
No, we're going to roll. It is what it is.
Rob (08:37.729)
one way or the other, it's happening. It's happening this weekend and running into next week. the sale itself will not be live until the actual event is live. So don't go trying to buy them too early. before you click the finalized purchase button, you should see that the discount code has been applied. So if you don't see the discount applied, do not purchase. You will not get reimbursed.
Craig (08:45.006)
Craig (08:49.612)
Yes, yes, exactly.
Craig (08:58.188)
Mm-hmm. Yep.
Yeah, exactly. Especially before the, this is before the event actually starts. I thought it was midnight. I thought it was midnight on Friday, but it may be midday. I'm not sure now. I don't know now.
Rob (09:10.925)
I don't, I don't, I don't remember. so, so, Hey everybody, here's a little behind the scenes information for you. We've had lots of discussions recently over the last two weeks, but in particular this week about the fact that we should probably hold most of our launches to 12 o'clock midday, image queue time, because it turns out most of us are working during that moment as opposed to.
Craig (09:21.696)
Mm-hmm. Lots, lots, lots.
Craig (09:37.324)
Rob (09:38.921)
midnight when most of us are not working. Maybe only those of us over in England because it's six, seven, eight, nine a.m., you know, whatever different time zone. So anyway, we'll see. Let's see where it goes.
Craig (09:39.967)
Craig (09:47.308)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Craig (09:52.504)
We'll see how things pan out. We'll see how things pan out. And we're gonna discuss the reason for that too very, very soon. But in the meantime, Rob, as well, there's these, I saw this, this did get posted. I did see this post come out as well in regards to something about the curse things again. Now I remember, Rob, back in the end of last year, I think it was as well, we had those whereby everyone had to place or cap, no, was actually to place those different types. And then all of sudden,
Rob (09:57.645)
Craig (10:19.074)
They were cursed, but they were like cursed one or two every day. It did for two or three weeks. People were getting sick of how long it took, that sort of thing too. What's happening with this one, Rob? Is it the same sort of thing? Or what's, I don't know what's about.
Rob (10:32.223)
Well, I mean, I can't tell you everything because obviously, I don't know all the things. Or maybe I do. But, know, being vague is way more fun. And my my my last name actually should be vague, not Vardaman. So, yeah, we had a good time. We said we set it up in December as like a test. We wanted to see how it would work, how people would enjoy it. And I agree that it ran quite long.
Craig (10:40.992)
Craig (10:50.599)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Rob (11:00.817)
And I think that 13 types was a few too many. So we are running an event, we are going to put out all the details very soon. There were a couple of hints that were in the social posts. So if everyone didn't see it, you should probably check it out. There's a couple of hints in the picture. There's a couple of hints just by reading. But yeah, we've got something that's coming very, very soon.
Craig (11:04.664)
Craig (11:09.358)
Craig (11:15.458)
There were.
Check it out.
Craig (11:28.206)
Rob (11:28.249)
And we hope that everyone's going to have a good time with it. We do not have like a deploy event necessarily in advance. Not really. Like last time we, last time we, basically leaked the information without anyone knowing what we were doing. We're not doing the same exact thing this time. And yeah, well, I, I hear that it's not even a curse. I hear that it's much, much nicer than a curse. That's what I hear.
Craig (11:38.878)
No, not this time around.
Yeah, exactly. No, no, this one's just gonna be the cursed stuff, isn't it? It's just gonna be cursed only. Different types and, it's not? don't even know. no, there we go. All right, all right, moving on then, moving on then. This has already been done, Rob, and that is the double mech event as well. So if you haven't done this, I don't know why.
Rob (11:58.379)
Yeah, it's lovely. That's all I know. It's lovely.
Craig (12:09.728)
you should because it's a great opportunity to get more mechs out in the field as well. Mechs are great. Mechs are one of those bouncers that bounce around and they get capped a certain number of times. So you're always going to be assured of the exact number of caps and therefore the exact number of cap on points as opposed to other temporary bounces out there like the Trojan unicorns and stuff like that too. So the mechs are very good like that. But Rob will say this as well. If you haven't heard about it yet,
jump on the redeem store and you redeem your cogs for one mech and all of a sudden it'll deploy two of that same mech on your behalf instead of the one. That's what we're referring to. But unfortunately though, as we said before, Rob, you said that things come out at midnight, which not many people were working at the time when it came out. And there was an issue with the mech event, Rob. It was only deploying one, not the two. It was happening on some, but not all. And what happened with the mech event, Rob?
Rob (13:07.009)
Yeah, you know, the the main explanation is humans. We just things things happen. Humans and computers, you know, when you have specific numbers, computers understand those. And if the human might not have the correct number in the spot, and even though multiple people have been looking into things, and we're all trying to double check each other, and we're really putting a lot of time into
Craig (13:13.045)
Craig (13:16.429)
Craig (13:25.454)
Craig (13:30.254)
Rob (13:36.489)
organizing better. Yeah, we've we've we've had a couple of slip ups this week. And this was one of them. So even though the Mac event has ended now, we do have, you know, other events that are happening the rest of this month, we've got a double magnet strength event that's happening next week. And then we've got the whittles the double whittles that will be coming out from making your wishes in a couple of weeks. So yeah, so anyway, we
Craig (13:45.708)
Craig (13:50.242)
That's right.
Craig (13:57.671)
that's right. Yes, yes, yes. Yes. Yep.
Rob (14:04.301)
We now are doubling back and making sure that we check all of the numbers and that we have everything completely set up. But yeah, it really was just a small number issue. And the thing about it is once we find these things, we try to put a post out or respond to the support tickets saying, thank you for letting us know. Obviously we're going to fix this. It will be fixed retroactively. So everyone who should have had more mechs deployed,
Craig (14:12.68)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Craig (14:21.474)
Yeah. Yes.
Rob (14:33.025)
All of those were fixed. It did take us most of the day because unfortunately it was in two or three different places. And yeah, so we've come up with a better system for the future when we have another double Mac event, because we've done this in the past. So that's one of those things that we actually thought, no, this should be fine. And yeah, we've we've we've made changes in the last year, you know, so it's things slip.
Craig (14:36.579)
Craig (14:47.352)
That's... yeah. And no, it wasn't. It wasn't.
Mm-hmm, yeah, yeah, exactly. That leads me now, Robin, to another thing that's slipped through the little handle, but I don't think this is actually human related. It was the mushroom skin issues. what basically, again, if people don't understand what a mushroom is, the mushroom is a thing that you purchase once a month. It's a temporary bouncer. If you have eight of them by the end of the year, you get it as a permanent bouncer. Now, the skins are given to you for free, but only those people...
Rob (15:10.861)
Craig (15:26.05)
who do the entire month of cap on, so the streak. So if you cap a munzee every single day for the whole month, then you become available to you is a skin, and a skin is something that you put on top, which then allows scatters to fly off from the munchroom as well. that's a good thing, the reason why you should put your skins on your munchrooms or so that. But Rob, the issue was that come February 1st, even sometimes February 2nd for some people, they still didn't have their skins available for them.
some people did and some people didn't. And that's really strange. It's like, it's either all or nothing, but no, this was, this is sort of filtered through what happened with this one.
Rob (16:06.827)
Well, you see, man, I don't know, I don't speak computer very well. And we all know that. I've always explained that to people like I'm not the coder. I'm really happy that I'm not the coder because it turns out it's fairly difficult with this. The pizzeria skin was available and should have been distributed to everyone. But again, we've made enough changes over the past couple of months now.
Craig (16:09.294)
Yeah, yep, yep, yep.
Craig (16:31.95)
Rob (16:36.791)
that there were a few things that slipped through the crack. We've got tests that are set up in order to catch these things. Somehow they slip past those. Each of these learning opportunities that we've had this week have led to us finding another way that we need to set up checks and balances for the system. So everyone that was supposed to have the pizzeria
Craig (16:40.322)
Craig (16:52.13)
Craig (17:01.048)
Rob (17:05.161)
my mushroom skin for the daily activity in the month of January has it now. we've also got a new query set up that will be running on March 1st. So everything should be better than playing my Springs over here. Sorry for that. Yeah. I know I, I moved too much.
Craig (17:16.075)
Craig (17:23.086)
You do that often. That's right. No, exactly. And I will say, because I do read, obviously part of the team as well, I do read what a few of the coders do right. And in regards to this one, again, I am not a coder in any way, shape or form, nor would I would ever want to be. But basically what happened was is that the first of the month comes around and there's a query set in place whereby it activates throughout the entire Munzee
community and make sure that every single, make sure that every person who's capped every single day and has their streak up and then gets awarded this. Well, it missed some, it skipped some people, it skipped some names, it skipped some, and for various reasons of their particular names, it could have been because it was a capital letter in their name, the second letter was capital or the third letter was capital. Things like that happened through this query and that was the issue with it from there. And so from that point of view,
is that the coders then had to go back and physically check every single one. And that's why it took a little bit longer to do that way itself as well. But as you said, Rob, a learning curve, the query has now been changed for next month as well. So, but which now leads me to this, Rob, and that is these are all improvements that come through either way. And knowing now personally, being on the backend a lot more and being involved in the communication, I will say this, that is the coders,
that you have, that Munzee have, are very different to those people who can't with gameplay. Gameplay team is a separate entity altogether and really hasn't really got much at all, if anything, to do with the coding of that gameplay that they discuss. So when Munzee bring out a new item, it could have been the balloon that went out today for the red snake balloon that came out today on Thursday or the day before.
You know, that's a gameplay team. That's got nothing to do with the coding, et cetera. And so why I say that for is that some people out there say, why don't we just, why don't, wasn't Munzee stop doing everything, stop doing anything new and try and fix it? Well, it makes no difference. If you stop doing everything new, then half the team are not going to have a job. You see, and while the other half are still working as hard as they can anyway, either way that makes no difference in regards to that. What are your thoughts on that?
Rob (19:41.847)
Yeah. Those of us who work on the game play side, me and you, definitely would like for us to continue to make and put out new things. Yeah, the devs have built us some tools so that we have a bit of crossover where there's a couple of us that can push buttons to build different things or to set up stuff. And when we have issues like we have this week, then it turns into building a couple of more tools.
Craig (19:47.437)
Craig (19:52.205)
Rob (20:11.797)
So that not only could we do it in advance, but also if you or I noticed the issue with the max, then maybe we could go in and hit the number two instead of the number one, that kind of thing. yeah, we've, you know, you and I were both in Florida three weeks ago when blasts were having issues. We'll call it. All right. Major issues. So the, a, a, a rebuilding project kicked in. Okay.
Craig (20:19.118)
Yep, exactly.
Craig (20:40.824)
Rob (20:41.645)
And, and a lot three weeks worth of work has gone into that. Just, just today, through the continued conversations and because as little fixes have been made, and everyone doesn't see them, little fixes are made, then all of a sudden, boom, here comes some other piece that maybe that either is or isn't connected breaks in some other way. So what we've actually done is we've put everything back to how it was three weeks ago.
Craig (20:45.944)
Craig (21:04.524)
Mm-hmm. Exactly.
Rob (21:11.149)
So that the team can continue working in the background with with the blast processing. So so there were some issues there. The capture or no. Yeah, the virtual capture booster is still applied now, just like we set it up after, you know, those Florida events. That still works, but everything else has been rolled back to previous.
Craig (21:11.299)
Craig (21:19.083)
Craig (21:29.411)
Craig (21:33.898)
Yes. Yeah.
Rob (21:40.161)
while while they so we might see some slower speeds on the blasts. However, you and I were testing and our speeds were very fast. I was super impressed. So the team's been working really, really, really hard over the last three weeks on several very, very specific things. And that's when I can smile at the end of today because those things have come out today. And even though we had a couple of breakdowns early in the week, we've had a major victory as far as
Craig (21:40.238)
Craig (21:47.138)
Yeah. Yes.
Craig (21:54.584)
Craig (22:07.565)
Rob (22:09.719)
processing speed is back to what it should be. And the app feels responsive to me. And it feels like I'm able to play like I want to play.
Craig (22:12.848)
Craig (22:19.714)
So Rob, this leads me to the next point, and that is you said it today in our group chat, in the Munzee group chat, and that is that you have to revert now away from your original gameplay of hand capping when you're going down the road. So if you're a passenger in a car, what, and I got used to it all the time, Rob, as well. You you're going along and you're doing a certain speed or whatever, and you're able to click.
Rob (22:32.863)
Craig (22:44.878)
cap, click, cap, click, cap, click, cap, four or five and then wait for a little while and then boom, boom, boom and they come up. Now that the speed has gone, pumped back up again, you can't do two, three or four more. You just have to do one at a time again now. that's the downside.
Rob (23:00.033)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yep. It it the retraining of the brain because the app is actually work working properly again. So I was very happy to see that. So thank you to the team. I've already told them thanks but but publicly to everyone else. So if everyone hasn't noticed, yeah, the speed should be back. If you're seeing extremely slow processing speed, then please send in a support ticket.
Craig (23:07.264)
Yes, exactly, exactly.
Mm-hmm. Yes. Yes.
Craig (23:29.304)
support ticket yeah yeah no no no
Rob (23:29.902)
Give us good information. Don't just tell us my app is slow. That's not helpful. Give us some ideas about what you're capping or what else might be happening.
Craig (23:37.894)
Exactly. Exactly. And I will say by I'll end the discussion here, Rob. And that is that, that people don't understand that you and I personally, we're players more so than, you know, than we are, you know, at people or members of the team. And so it frustrates, it frustrates the heck out of you and I, as much if not more than it does the average player, because the average player can just put it down for the day and go, you know what, I'm done for the day, I'm not going to get back on it. You and I were like,
Rob (23:52.944)
yeah. Yeah.
Craig (24:06.938)
this is frustrating. This is bad. How we have to fix this. How do we fix it? So we've got a point to make whereby we need to fix it. And so that's what I was saying. That is that you feel I feel for you, Rob, especially more so than anyone else when things like this happen, because it's your it's your baby. Basically, it's your game. And this is your, know, that sort of thing. I mean, it is everyone else's as well. But the thing is, Rob, like, you can't just put it down and go, you know, someone else is going to fix it. No, you've got to be
Rob (24:34.157)
Yeah. Yeah. When, yeah, when, when the messages get posted, you know, like, Rob, fix it that that over the years has turned into like, you're right. It has to be me. I get it. Even though I can't type the code. Okay. I'll lead the way. I want to play too. So yeah, you're exactly right.
Craig (24:34.995)
One doing it see so there's a difference. All right, so i'll leave that with you rob meanwhile. Yeah, you got one anymore
Craig (24:45.325)
Craig (24:48.96)
Yep, yep. No. Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. All right, Rob, we're gonna move into the Munzee question of the week, and this one comes from Agent Big D. He said, January Munchroom has only been, because speaking of the Munchroom, it has only been capped three times, and yet my new glass guardian that was deployed at the same time has 40 cap-ons. Is there any reason for this, as less than once a week worth of cap-ons doesn't seem worth it?
What can be done to increase the number of cap ons for the munchrooms? Rob, what's your thoughts on that?
Rob (25:24.033)
Well, Agent Big D, I know exactly why that is, and it makes perfect sense. Are you ready for this? I'm gonna drop some knowledge on you. Okay, here we go. The January mushroom doesn't have a skin, right? It's just the base. The base doesn't land on tree houses or Skylands. So the glass guardian that people have, if they're wise,
Craig (25:32.982)
Yeah? Okay, yeah, I'm ready.
Craig (25:40.118)
Yeah. Yeah.
Craig (25:46.655)
Rob (25:51.563)
brand new glass guardian that they got. If they're wise, they put a skin on it because that skinned glass guardian lands tree houses, skylands and all of the other landing pads. So obviously you're going to get massive multipliers. Plus when all of the other glass guardians were taken off the map, now all of a sudden there's a smaller pool. So they're going to be bouncing faster, blah, blah, blah. So anyway, it makes perfect sense. Agent big D.
Craig (25:55.15)
Put a skin on it.
Craig (26:06.498)
Craig (26:14.36)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Rob (26:20.183)
Do you see why we would do this? We do this so that it drives people to get that active, that skin for the activity. We want you in here. We want you playing every single day. You get that skin. And that's why February 1st and 2nd, it was very upsetting to so many people that they did not have their skin because they were missing out on the cap ons from it moving to tree houses and Skylands.
Craig (26:22.37)
Craig (26:26.029)
Craig (26:31.234)
Craig (26:37.422)
Craig (26:43.403)
on Capcom's.
Rob (26:46.945)
Doesn't it all make sense? It's all one big picture. Totally get it. Yep.
Craig (26:47.19)
Wow, you opened my eyes, Rob. Of all people, me, here I am. See, it goes to prove, you can't know everything in this game at all. That just blew my mind, Rob, so I appreciate that, thank you. That is crazy, but you know what? 100 % makes sense, it makes perfect sense. But again, in saying that too, Agent Big D, thank you so much for the question because some people don't know that, like me. So it makes perfect sense. And another thing I'll say is, this will now lead me to the tip of the week, Rob, and that is,
Rob (27:02.285)
Crazy, Yeah.
Rob (27:14.989)
Craig (27:21.304)
Get your skins on people, get your skins on. Because Rob, I've seen, I've seen, do you like that? How's that for a segue? Rob, today, I capped a glass guardian today, an egg, an unskinned glass guardian I capped today. And I went, why? Because if it's no skin, there's no scatters either, you see? So you're missing out on even more points. So get your skins on people, whether it be your mushrooms or your, especially your glass guardians. If they don't have a skin, I don't know why.
Rob (27:27.648)
Craig (27:48.15)
You can change them out as well as often as you want, but make sure it has some form of skin on it. So there's your tip of the week. Meanwhile, Rob, this ends another official Munzee podcast.
Rob (27:48.674)
Get it.
Rob (27:58.455)
Thanks for joining us on this Munzee adventure.
Craig (28:01.4)
Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review on your favourite podcasting app and of course join us next week for another informative episode.
Rob (28:08.253)
And remember, Munzee is more than a game. It's a worldwide community of mobile game players. Almost forgot.
Craig (28:13.582)
So keep scanning, keep discovering, keep that Munzee Spirit alive. One, two, three, skin on. Skin on.
Rob (28:19.981)
Get on. I knew it. I knew you'd say that. I can't read.
Craig (28:28.334)