Official Munzee Podcast
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Official Munzee Podcast
Munzee Weekly Podcast - Friday February 14th, 2025
In this conversation, Craig and Rob discuss the ongoing developments in the game, including the challenges of maintaining server stability and player engagement. They highlight recent events, leaderboard standings, and upcoming community activities. The discussion also touches on player feedback from podcasts, gameplay changes, and the importance of utilizing filters for a better gaming experience. Rob and Craig discuss the intricate dynamics of the development team, the importance of upcoming specials and promotions in the Munzee app, and the new features that enhance user experience. They also delve into the Lovesick Munzee events, account management, and the potential for future enhancements in gameplay. The conversation wraps up with practical tips for users to maximize their engagement with the app and the Munzee community.
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Craig (00:00.99)
Welcome to the official Munzee podcast.
Rob (00:03.846)
I'm Rob, also known as Coach V, your host and the president of Munzee.
Craig (00:07.822)
And I'm Craig also known as Seemyshell, I started as an avid Munzee player, now I'm proudly, proudly part of the team. I've got to get used to it as well.
Rob (00:16.67)
Yeah, each week we'll delve into Munzee's mysteries, divulge some secrets, and inform players from around the world just what is coming your way.
Craig (00:24.92)
So sit back, relax, drive your car, drink your coffee. Today, Rob's a little bit of a somber one today. We're gonna talk about, obviously there's some new stuff happening as well,
Craig (00:00.588)
So what have you been up to, Rob?
Rob (00:03.003)
Well, I've been making some future plans. And yeah, we've been doing some testing, as you know, of several current updates, things that have been pushed out, we haven't made big, huge announcements about all of it. But we've, we've definitely been working on quite a few things related to bouncers and all that. So it's been working on that, but also continuing on with conversations about the future stuff.
Craig (00:23.64)
Rob (00:30.771)
and where I might be traveling as well. So that makes it fun, but we're not there yet.
Craig (00:30.999)
Craig (00:34.99)
Oh, oh, oh, no, no, no, exactly, exactly. I will say Rob, when it comes to things behind the scenes, now I'm actually, you know, got my head ducked under the curtain, so to speak. I can actually tell this to everyone out there listening and the players themselves. And that is things happen on a, not only a daily, sometimes hourly, sometimes minute by minute basis, whereby, how can I put this Rob, plain and simple. You want a pot.
You want a pot of water to be exactly, you want it to be exactly 75 degrees, for instance. And so you turn that little dial up to maybe an eight and then it goes up to 78 degrees. You went, no, that's too hot. So you dial it back down to seven and then it goes down to 70 degrees. You're like, no, that's too cold. And so what I'm saying this for is that's what's happening behind the scenes when it comes to these servers and these type of games whereby you literally have to tweak these things by numbers.
and watch it and watch it and watch it and it goes up and down and up and down and it's like why can't it just click on that exact sweet spot that I want it to be at and it doesn't happen and that's what's happening because people out there have seen as well with the the bounces all of a sudden the map's flooded with bounces and there's been no magnets used and then all of sudden the bounces go again and they all come back and that's what's happening so those of you out there listening it is not a glitch per se it is just literally the tweaking-ness that has to go on
Rob (01:40.019)
Rob (01:46.823)
Craig (02:01.922)
Daily, hourly, minutely basis Rob. Am I wrong? No.
Rob (02:07.097)
you're you are correct. We've we've run about an 18 hour shift by shift tweaking over the last over the last well 18 hours specifically while we're talking. So yeah, it's my it's my shift now because the rest of the team over in the US is sleeping and yeah, as people wake up, then they'll take over the main part and I'll take over the
Craig (02:14.977)
Craig (02:20.256)
Yeah, exactly. Exactly.
Craig (02:28.854)
Rob (02:35.047)
the sitting back and watching. Yeah. Anyway, busy.
Craig (02:37.134)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Exactly. So I'm just trying to give people a bit of a, a bit of an idea, Rob, a bit of a, you know, a visual of actually what exactly it is that happened. So not everything breaks all the time and it doesn't break because you introduce new things sometimes. What it does is it literally is very malleable. Like it moves around all the time. The algorithm moves all the time. Um, AI isn't just normally straightforward per se. So that's the reason behind it. It, sometimes it is human error.
Rob (02:51.827)
Craig (03:06.808)
But other times it's literally not. It's just the way the system works. And because Rob, you are a worldwide game, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, things happen when people are asleep, saying. So there you go. All right, Rob, let's get into the events of the week that was. had in USA, we had Alabama, Indiana, Arizona, California, Missouri, and Florida around the world. had...
Rob (03:21.875)
Doesn't it? Yep.
Rob (03:33.683)
Well, we had Iowa, but not Indiana. In the world, had Ontario and British Columbia, Canada. And we had two in Germany and we had one in Denmark as well. I love abbreviations in states.
Craig (03:37.084)
Craig (03:46.757)
I'm Australian, I shouldn't even know these abbreviations at all. anyway, the leaderboards over the weekend, again, we had one particular, actually one or two, no one, one particular person on the leaderboard every single day. And that one is Schmitz Fam 4 on Friday with 394,000 points, followed by the bridesmaid Munzee Prof with 227,000 points and Jack Sparrow on 205,000 points. Saturday we had.
Rob (04:14.131)
Mickey Lin 71 with 479,000, Skindo 379,000, Schmitz Fam 4 again 355,000.
Craig (04:21.452)
Yeah. And then we come back into first place again on Sunday, Schmidt's fan for with 334,000 points, Jack Sparrow again on 282,000 points and FRLK on 252,000 points. Now, Rob, that's a very European names all over the last weekend. There's not that many of the US names is there?
Rob (04:43.237)
You have seen Schmitz Fam for actually is from the US. Yeah. Texas, Oklahoma, Mickey Lynn, 71 California. Yeah. So.
Craig (04:46.397)
that's yeah, that's yeah. And Munzee Profs US as
True, true, of course. See, I get confused with Jack Sparrow all the time, but anyway. Anyway, the events coming up this weekend, don't forget we have Alabama and I'll be there. I'll have my badge as well, Rob too. So if you haven't kept me my badge yet, and see me cap my badge and come to the Alabama event on a Saturday. We have in Minnesota, Rhode Island, which if you ask ever the rest of the US, it doesn't exist. And California as well in the US. Around the world we have.
Rob (04:58.119)
Rob (05:20.275)
Two over here in the UK. We've got one in Denmark, one Lithuania, Finland, and the Netherlands.
Craig (05:26.74)
And of course the big events we have to talk about coming up over the next few months now. Munzee Madness in California, six events in total, March 7th and 8th. There's over 30 there now as well, Rob. Any other information that you may or may not have in regards to...
Rob (05:41.255)
Well, yesterday it was 29 and then there was one more that went click, I will be there and that was me. I'll be there. See you there. Yep.
Craig (05:49.678)
there we go. Yeah, we go. Yep. So you come and see Rob as well. So I'm not sure Rob with those numbers going to go up or down now that you're going to be there. anyway, we'll see.
Rob (05:58.927)
It's true. We will have five team badges. So there will be all the badges for the events Which is six events there might be another badge It's not my job to share all the news about how many badges and what's going on for Munzee madness I believe they do that well on their own however, I think you're looking at at least 12 badges for the weekend based on based on five team badges and so yeah
Craig (06:06.53)
Craig (06:14.592)
No. No.
Craig (06:19.021)
Craig (06:23.232)
wow. Wow.
Craig (06:28.332)
And that's if you haven't got those team badges already. yeah, if you, those, those ones, they are the separate to the staff. That's right. Team is bad. separate to the staffing and wow. Yeah. Team travel badges. Exactly. Exactly. A unique one for just for Munzee madness. course. and April 5th, we have toxin is hosting three fun events in Wolverhampton, West Midlands, UK, May the third Munzee Uranus. And we're to have some big fun in Uranus as well. I will be there having great fun in my anus.
Rob (06:30.995)
No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Mm hmm. Yeah. Team travel badges, if you will. Yeah. So you and I will have a unique one for the weekend.
Craig (06:58.056)
sorry Uranus. May 3rd we have, sorry, May 24th we have Munstock as well. There's going to be a good turnout there. That's going to slowly grow Rob because of the Giga event that is now there, the Geocaching Giga event. June 7th 8th, Ohio hosting SOS. And the same weekend we have five events on the South Coast of England as well. And yeah, so they're going to be huge Rob, I'm going to say. July 11th to 13th, we have four events in Upstate New York.
That is slowly growing I see, which is really, really nice to see. And again, this will draw on people in that area known as the Calm group. Was it Calm? Caching Adventure Labs in Munzee. So there you go. And then September 14th, or 12th to 14th I should say, four events, Munzee Mania in Minnesota. I'm hoping Rob, that they're gonna be a bit of a theme to the Munzee Mania this year. I know Josh is pushing for it, so yes, he wants to.
Rob (07:52.698)
really? I haven't heard, that sounds good.
Craig (07:54.75)
well, think about Munzey Mania. What's Mania got to do with? Yes, and Josh loves a dress up. We all know Josh loves not being Josh sometimes. So anyway, let's get into Rob. What's been happening this week? Firstly, firstly, firstly, Rob, did you listen to the Munzey Mania podcast?
Rob (07:58.355)
Oh yeah, that would be cool.
Rob (08:14.387)
No, but I heard the weather maniacs podcast. Uh-oh, sorry
Craig (08:17.222)
don't talk, don't say the W would don't encourage them at all, at all, at all, because they can't get over that themselves. So I don't, I just, I just, I'm just going to ignore it from now on. But yeah, the Munzee Maniacs, if you haven't listened to the Munzee Maniacs, it is, it is a good podcast to listen to. have three, three quite separate differences of Munzee play as well. you know, and different people are playing in different ways, you know, and, and no disrespect to any three of these, but you've got someone like
Rob (08:23.846)
I know, I know.
Craig (08:45.506)
Kevin who can't play too much because he's a sole person in his area, which is good for those other soloists out there in their areas as well to know that there's other people out there like that and so they can listen to how he plays. You've got PJ who is literally the OCD, the guy who likes to clean the map, the guy who likes to get everything and make it all nice and cleaned up and stuff. And then you've got Sarah. And Sarah's the brains behind all three of them in regards to the Munzee.
the blog. So she reads the blog. She listens to our podcasts as well. And then she then talks to them about, you know, the information and what they need to do to, to up their clan war game and stuff too. you, that's the, that's the three, I think if there are three good blend, to be honest with you, Rob. Yes. Yes. Yes. Exactly. Yes. Exactly. Exactly. Yep. Yep.
Rob (09:29.181)
Yeah, Sarah's the interpreter and the whip cracker and the leader in general. Yeah, but it basically the general Yeah, so you're right. Three unique people. Unique perspectives. I agree. They do a good job of spreading the word about Munzee and keeping everyone else informed and also very much sharing their opinions. Shall we get into PJ's opinions because he spent the whole time talking about
Craig (09:45.293)
Craig (09:53.868)
Well, I will say this Rob, I didn't listen to the entire podcast because as soon as PJ started, I heard the dragging, it dragged it out. He dragged out his soapbox. He got on top of it as well. And the first thing he said was, okay, before I start, I'll say that Craig was right. And that's when I switched it off.
Rob (10:11.635)
You know what, that was the moment to stop because if he agrees that Craig is right, then really what else is there to say? And yet he found quite a few more words to use anyway. So I decided to listen on.
Craig (10:22.274)
Craig (10:28.446)
I know, I did, you know I couldn't help it. When he says Craig is right and then he doesn't sort of put the period, the full stop at the end of that sentence, he says, but, those three little word, but. Let's talk about his buts a little bit in regards though. His buts, if you haven't listened to it, you should go and listen to it, but his buts were firstly about the filters, Rob. Tell us about the filters, what he was talking about there.
Rob (10:34.259)
Rob (10:40.221)
Mm-hmm. But,
Rob (10:55.123)
Well, let's see. Mainly conversation was about the daily capture of greenies, right? So as a premium member, you know, he's able to and everyone who's a premium member is able to capture your own greenies. And, you know, we've extended that through the end of March in order to give everybody more time to test it out, see what you like and that kind of thing. He shared his opinion.
Craig (11:02.005)
of course, yes, yes. And capture your own, yeah.
Craig (11:13.357)
Craig (11:19.512)
Rob (11:23.763)
They've even said, like, comment, come to our Facebook group comment, let us know what you think. Because, you know, it's one opinion. And, and there are plenty of others out there. He did agree, which was nice, because I started writing notes. And the main notes that I wrote were that there are different filters for a reason, and that you should use them. And as a premium member, you have customized filters and customized filters are your friend.
Craig (11:27.244)
Yeah. Yeah.
Craig (11:45.047)
Craig (11:50.721)
Rob (11:53.253)
and you should use them. He said, though, you know, like he uses the customized filters. And the problem is that right now it's below freezing in Japan. And so he's wearing gloves. And so he's having a hard time switching between filters and all that kind of stuff. Specifically mentions that he's got 800 to 1000 greenies that he has deployed. So those have now regenerated on the map. The part where he said you were right.
Craig (11:54.723)
Craig (12:04.526)
Craig (12:10.23)
I can't.
Craig (12:15.683)
Craig (12:20.546)
Rob (12:23.067)
is he knows because he's tried it that all he has to do is cap it once he's got to go and cap his own greenie one time and that takes it off of the map. If he removes the daily, capturable greenies, he removes that by using the filter. So here's, here's my wrap it all up and my thoughts back is PJ is a victim of his own success in growing the map. He
Craig (12:24.974)
Yes, once.
Craig (12:37.206)
Yes. Yes. Yeah.
Craig (12:48.878)
It's true. Exactly.
Rob (12:51.611)
He did a lot to grow the map early on and give other people things to come in cap and all that kind of stuff. And that's fantastic. And and it's a good thing. And all three of them talked about the fact that this is what we want. We do as Munzee want players to grow the map. We don't want it to be painful. I don't think that it's painful for everyone. I see all of the greenies myself on my local map.
Craig (12:54.606)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Craig (13:06.958)
Yes. No.
Craig (13:18.124)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Rob (13:19.687)
And whenever I'm trying to look at the who lives in Marlow Garden, it does get a little bit difficult for me to see some of the new things that are landing there because of the number of greenies around. Anywho, filters are there. Even if your hands are gloved, there's really not a lot more that we're going to do on the Munzee side because we've already put all of these things in place. So it's going to be a matter of time and PJ's got to budget his time and he knows that so.
Craig (13:24.194)
Craig (13:35.244)
Yep. Yep.
Craig (13:41.528)
Craig (13:48.748)
And I will, I will say this as well. I, I look back, I thought about this too, and I did look back to one of their earlier podcasts. when, when Munzee changed it up in regards to the everyday greenies in general, not your own, but the everyday ones in general. I remember that, yeah, one year ago, one year ago that happened and, and he lost a little bit. Like he had a hard time with that change. Now I think it's more about the change of gameplay for him than the actual.
Rob (14:04.531)
That was a year ago, by the way, one year ago.
Craig (14:18.734)
problems of the game itself. And that's what I said, cause he said as well, he's adamant, I'm going to keep playing. I enjoy it. But then I'll say this to PJ directly and listen to this PJ, the way you were back in February last year, when that happened and you almost had a little meltdown sort of thing over it. And that's fine. Like a few people were like that, but then he, his change of mind after one month, Rob, he got onto one month and he said, I like this now. So he changed his mindset. He changed his game play.
You can get the crates now a lot easier. know, there's other, there's so many positive aspects to this as well. So, I will just remind PJ that remember from 12 months ago, mate, you you went from, went from like, you know, living almost living in hell by the sounds of it. Sometimes when he, when he explains it to he's very, very, like animated. so he went from that back to calmness and back to happy play. And so all this is now is this, it's just the same thing again, but with your own greenies and he's done that. He hasn't gone on this far this time. He hasn't gone as.
Rob (15:05.639)
Craig (15:17.076)
Neo is far out this time. He's just gone, hang on, what's going on here? So it's another change. And I think him and all the other players like him will get used to it and we'll get used to that change as well. There are filters in place as well. But that's the other thing he said in regards to an overhaul of filters, Rob. What's happening? What's your thoughts on that?
Rob (15:34.385)
Yeah, so let's just go over this one real quick, because there's an agreement here. He talks specifically about how it would be nice if the filters were overhauled. And there were some different options, different settings. And that's because of when we set these filters up, which has been many, moons ago. Here's the answer. Agreed. Here's the bad news. Get in the queue.
Craig (15:37.079)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Craig (15:45.027)
Craig (15:48.59)
Craig (15:54.754)
Craig (15:59.918)
Yeah, so many things. Yep. Exactly. Yep. Yeah. you copying me now? Exactly.
Rob (16:00.541)
There's so many things. There's so many things and all three of them said that they all know everyone agrees. Listen people, not people. Hey everybody, where we're where we're working so hard to try and fix the things that keep popping up right in front of us. And the list is still there of the things that we want to polish because that's what we call it internally is polish things work.
Craig (16:26.024)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yes. Yeah. Yep.
Rob (16:29.649)
How can we polish these? How can we improve everyone's quality of life? Because that is ultimate goals. That's conversations that we had yesterday and things that we are working on for the rest of this month and March because I'm so happy that, you know, we've got so many things under control from a month ago that we are able to chip away at some of that polish now. So there you go.
Craig (16:34.328)
Yeah. Exactly. Mm-hmm. Yes, yes.
Craig (16:45.006)
Craig (16:50.893)
Craig (16:54.482)
Exactly. And I will say this as well, Rob, and that is a lot of people, if you do write something on the water cooler, for instance, you have some sort of idea, some sort of process. If you write it on the water cooler to get everyone's thoughts processed on it too, that's fine. That's not a problem. Or if you can message myself, for instance, or someone else, and we can sort of filter onto the team. But either way, if your message actually the team reads,
the team Rob reads the water filter, you know, that sort of thing. water cooler, water cooler, it should, sometimes it could be a filter, but anyway, like there are filters on the water cooler for a reason. So you don't have to ask the same question twice, but yeah, so things are read, things are put in an order, specific order, things that are easy, things that are medium and things that are hard as well. So there is a full list of things, which then brings me onto the gameplay versus the coding stuff, Rob, that they.
Rob (17:23.027)
Butter cooler? Yeah.
Rob (17:48.625)
Yeah. Yeah, the two of us had a conversation last week that perhaps all the words don't always match. so obviously, anyone who, you know, has any clue can go, yeah, well, that doesn't sound completely correct. Agreed. Everything that we said doesn't match exactly because we do have a coding team. We do have a gameplay team. Those two teams overlap because obviously our gameplay team
Craig (17:48.846)
We'll just touch on that a little bit too.
Craig (18:00.334)
Craig (18:05.934)
Rob (18:17.753)
me. I can't code everything neither can you. Mari Mari doesn't actually write code Mari kind of steers us. And so there's this delicate balance that we have. What I've written here, we're dancing all day every day, like, as I started to think while listening to the podcast, it was it was like, everyone should just imagine it that way. They're there.
Craig (18:20.329)
Craig (18:26.114)
Craig (18:30.412)
Craig (18:35.042)
Craig (18:44.867)
Rob (18:46.403)
Our two teams of us working on all the Munzee stuff and we are dancing. We are always dancing trying to figure out how do we how do we get all the different things in time and and that's where our issue is is our timelines. Our timelines are very tight and we are trying to work on things now that are actually going to be happening in March.
Craig (18:49.517)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Craig (18:58.242)
Yes. Yes. Yep.
Craig (19:08.674)
Rob (19:08.907)
because we, our timelines got way too tight at the end of last year in January. And that's why everyone is feeling the rest of the conversation from their podcast, which was too much. Like there's so much stuff happening and we all agree. And we're trying to get things organized and put them out there, to everyone so that this actually ties in with, with what's going to come up in just a minute about how we're.
Craig (19:22.338)
Yes, there's so much, yeah.
Craig (19:30.242)
Craig (19:37.646)
Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. Well, I'm going to jump into that straight away here now and my nice segue into it. and what Rob was talking about is the, the, the, I call it the upcoming specials tab Rob. And basically it's yeah. Yeah. So, so if you're in the app, it's very easy. If you're in the app and you're on the, the, the map side of the app,
Rob (19:38.749)
telling you about that.
Rob (19:51.835)
Yeah, news? It's like the news tab or something like that. Yeah.
Craig (20:02.39)
On the top left hand corner, there's a three bar menu. You tap that three bar menu that brings up the things like, you know, what's new and all that sort of stuff as well. You click on what's new, not notifications, what's new. Once you click into what's new, that brings up three tabs up the top as well. The tab in the middle is called featured. And then this featured tab shows the scheduled promotions happening.
in the upcoming, we'll say almost month Rob as well, think for this one, like at least in the upcoming few weeks at minimum. And so Rob, this was always there, but it went on the sort of on the blind side for a while there because it's hard to get to if you don't know about it, you know, and I understand that, but what are your thoughts on coming back?
Rob (20:49.341)
it's back and it's very useful and that's why we put it in in the first place. And honestly, it was overlooked for a period of time and it were back to focusing on that and that that helps everyone actually as I'm looking at it right now, I'm going, well, there's a featured section, but then there's a schedule section and do these things belong in the schedule or in the featured? I don't remember what the schedule used to have. So it may be that we actually have these in the wrong.
Craig (20:50.688)
Yeah. Mm hmm. Yeah.
Craig (20:59.022)
Craig (21:05.527)
Craig (21:13.128)
yeah. Yeah, yeah.
Rob (21:17.691)
section and they should be in the schedule.
Craig (21:17.912)
in the wrong section, so they may change. either way, either way, that's how you get to it and have a look, get around the app, Rob. know, get yourself around the app. Don't just go straight to the map and just cap things and then close the app out. No, have a look around. Things are around the app all the time. All right, we'll get onto that a little bit further as well because we've got something coming up. If you're listening, if you're an early listener, to this show. In other words, when I say early, like in the first few hours that this goes live, this podcast goes live.
Rob (21:46.471)
Craig (21:48.096)
you listen very closely and that is check the app at midday MHQ time today and you'll see something new popping out that is quite nice, quite unique, special, quite lovely Rob. Interesting. And you said things like there's more than one, but anyway. Anyway.
Rob (22:03.603)
There are some lovely things coming out. You're right. How interesting.
Rob (22:12.409)
yeah, I love it. I love it. That's it.
Craig (22:15.008)
I know, I know. It is very, very good. So guys have a look and keep an eye out for it. And who knows Rob, if you're an early listener as well, get on there and as soon as it comes out, if you can get the hashtag number one, I'll just say that, then that's a pretty cool thing to do as well. All right, all right. Enough, enough for the, see, I give the listeners too much.
Rob (22:27.827)
Rob (22:34.631)
Sometimes, now that you know, it's like, okay.
Craig (22:38.816)
Yeah, I know. I know. Right. See, see now that I mean, actually, I've put my nose under the curtain. I can smell it. And yeah, anyway, anyway. We also had Robert's now finished as well as this podcast goes live, but we have the double magnet strength. Rob, these things, these new specials for this month, they've happened during the week rather than on weekends. Now, is there any reason for that? I mean, we are going to go a little bit over time here, but is there any reason for that as such? Like, I think I thought it was good.
Rob (22:45.233)
Rob (22:59.122)
Rob (23:05.787)
Yeah, reason is the second half of January. Things were kind of slow. Things were not exactly going as I would like for them to or the entire team. So we pulled it back a little bit and put some different kinds of events together. And we made the midweek so that the pressure was taken off of events on the weekends.
Craig (23:10.4)
Yeah. Yeah.
Craig (23:15.021)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Craig (23:26.595)
Craig (23:31.949)
Rob (23:31.953)
so that people could go to the events, know that things were gonna be okay, and enjoy themselves.
Craig (23:36.842)
And it's the month of February, Rob, and there has not been any double or triple point weekends this month, and there's none listed either. look at that. PJ, PJ, PJ. All right. Also, Rob, we can announce as well, because this one has gone live already overnight as people wake up, and that is the Lovesick Munsie events. Mm.
Rob (23:43.143)
Nope. Nope.
Rob (23:58.971)
Yes, so if you go back to December, Friday the 13th, we had cursed Munsies that popped up that happened for seven days, there were 13 different types. It was, it was fun. It might have been a bit overwhelming. So we've reigned that back in just a little bit. And this time we have six different Munsy types that are lovesick.
Craig (24:02.819)
Craig (24:06.798)
Craig (24:12.035)
Rob (24:24.655)
So similar idea, actually it's exactly the same idea. Yeah, it's a pink haze. is, yeah, what we will call a lovesick potion, except it's not even a potion. Anyway, flat rob, flat lou, pink diamond, sapphire joystick, and virtual joystick. Those six types have become lovesick. If you cap them,
Craig (24:24.959)
Mm-hmm. It's not a green slime though this time, is it? It's a pink haze.
Craig (24:39.636)
no, you can't kill a person.
Craig (24:48.078)
Craig (24:52.269)
Rob (24:53.555)
It removes the curse and so that's a first to cap type special icon that you get then it scatters up to three new love struck wisps and for those you go and chase them if you capture 14 of these love struck with Then you get a badge for that. There is also a second badge But it's hinted at in the blog, but that is all I've got to say about that
Craig (24:57.581)
Craig (25:14.04)
Craig (25:21.998)
Yes, and I'm not even going to talk about that at all. Exactly. Go and take it for what it is. If you haven't seen these scattered events before as well, if you're a new player, etc. Basically, if you've already kept that Munzee, it will reappear on your map with this haze over the top and you kept the haze off it and then it goes away again. That's the way it works. If you have the item, if you have a pick diamond, for instance, then you can cap the haze off your own Munzees as well.
Rob (25:22.479)
If you actually go read it, good. Go read the blog. It'll help you.
Craig (25:50.658)
But if you don't have any of these at all, and if you're in a clan by yourself, for instance, as well, and you don't have people to put these around, especially the physical items, you can place, after this event started, you can place the physical item that you require yourself under your account, and it'll automatically pop up as it deploys with the haze on it. So it doesn't have to be deployed beforehand. You can deploy during the event. The haze will come on it. You can cap the haze off it. Therefore,
Rob (26:12.499)
Craig (26:20.174)
You can, anyone and everyone can get the badges to get all these wisps out as well. yeah, see, see.
Rob (26:27.517)
That is correct. Isn't it weird? Isn't it weird how we just had a flat Rob scatter event over this past weekend? And, and what what is this is crazy. Any of the brand new deployed flat Rob's now have lovesick curse to them and now you get to cap them again. This is ridiculous. What
Craig (26:33.73)
Yeah. yeah. So,
Yeah. Yeah. Again, this is insane. Rob, there's too many points apparently on these flats, but that's another story. We didn't even touch on that. anyway, all right, Rob, getting in there to the Munzee question of the week. This one was asked of me in person. And this person is trying to find a way to put their entire Munzee account into their will.
Rob (26:55.268)
no, not that. sorry.
Craig (27:11.864)
for their son. So, and obviously they're starting to feel the age, they're to feel the different things and they're like, okay, they're trying to, you know, make sure everything is all said and done. And so they wanted to know, is there a way that everything they own in the Munzee accounts, et cetera, can be transferred into their son's name upon their passing?
Rob (27:31.303)
Right, so the part that you didn't mention there is that the sun has their own account. So, right, so it's not like, yeah, sure, just give your password to this and then the sun can play. Sun's already got an account. So there will be a couple of questions that I would ask, one of which might be, is there a grandchild that will come of age and be interested in running this account? Because if so,
Craig (27:35.936)
yes, sorry, the son has their own account already. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Yeah, No, no, yes, no, no,
Craig (27:59.384)
Rob (28:00.231)
That's that's option number one. The the rest of this goes. Unfortunately, no, we do not have a mechanism in place for any accounts to be merged at all. So so we don't have that. Does that mean that this isn't something that's possible into the distant future? I have no idea what that looks like.
Craig (28:14.688)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Rob (28:25.747)
What we have talked about in the past is memorializing accounts in some way. It's not something that we've ever made it to like, okay, here now, now's the time that we're going to figure this out and we're going to put it in place. That again, maybe something in the future, but what what players have done, the current system is that moneys don't get removed from the map until an account becomes inactive and it takes two years for that to happen.
Craig (28:30.049)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Rob (28:56.143)
So players can purchase things that are automatically deployed that do keep accounts active. So if the Sun in this case wants to keep that Munzee account active and those Munzees on the map, then there are different types of things that you can purchase. Excuse me, Emeralds is one, a single Munchroom once a year, that kind of thing. Yeah, so.
Craig (29:04.6)
Craig (29:18.646)
Munchroom, munchroom for instance as well. Yeah, once a year, yeah. Perfect, perfect.
Rob (29:25.607)
So there are options. Hopefully that makes sense. It's a question that we've heard and we understand and we will continue to look into. just not there yet.
Craig (29:28.086)
Craig (29:31.661)
Craig (29:36.21)
Exactly. Exactly. if you do have any questions for Rob or even a tip of the week as well, you can message me on any of my social medias or, or, or I have an email address. See my shell at freeze tag.com. So I have a new email address as well. I know, right? I know. I know. All right. The good, moving on to the Munzee request of the week. And it says that this request is, is it possible that the, that in app Zed store
Rob (29:51.475)
Mmm. Look at you.
Craig (30:05.654)
that the buy one and buy 10, et cetera, are in line with each other. So what they mean is this. So the EVO, you can buy one EVO reset, okay? And the one EVO reset is on the left and buy 10 special is on the right. But then directly underneath it, you can buy 10 crowbars for the special, which is on the left, and then the buy one crowbar is on the right. you know what mean? So you don't have the buy ones all on the left and then the buy 10 specials all on the right.
So I can understand that side of things. yes, in the Z store and you can see it, can't you?
Rob (30:33.426)
my I'm scrolling through the the store now and seeing it and going okay those two examples are correct and that makes sense and so the my my question back is what OCD person noticed and requested this and number two this is something that actually I can take care of so I might
Craig (30:46.806)
Yes, yes.
Craig (30:54.978)
Craig (30:59.534)
perfect. Perfect. I see. Okay. I can, I can be honest with you, Rob. It was, it was me. It was me. I requested it. And I know, I know Sam listens to the show rather than just to do it behind, you know, in in the behind the scenes. thought, no, I'm going to, I'm going to do this. I thought about it. I thought about it yesterday, Rob, during a game play team, the team meetings. Yeah.
Rob (31:04.283)
It's you.
Rob (31:17.293)
that's funny.
Shoot me a message, I'll do it. that's funny.
Craig (31:29.322)
All right, Rob, we're gonna end this episode with a Munzee tip of the week. And I'm gonna go back. I'm gonna go back, Rob, to what we said before, and that is check out the app and everything the app does, and including, especially including that three bar menu at the top left, what's new, featured and scheduled in the promotion section. Have a look at that. And that will keep you up to date with what's coming up. mean, Rob, it only talks about what special things are coming up, things like, you know, the double magnets, the, you know, all that sort of thing.
the Flat Robb Scatters. It doesn't talk about though the different other things that may happen and where Munzee bringing something new each time, you like a new bouncer or a new this or a new that. So it doesn't talk about that. It just talks about the specials for everyone coming up, which is really, really cool. get looking in the app. Look around the app Rob. That's my tip of the week. So Rob, this ends another official Munzee podcast.
Rob (32:21.075)
Rob (32:25.363)
Thanks for joining us on this Munzee adventure.
Craig (32:27.618)
Don't forget, actually subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcasting app and join us next week for another informative episode.
Rob (32:35.64)
And remember, Munzee is more than a game, it's a worldwide community of mobile game players.
Craig (32:40.674)
So keep scanning, keep discovering, keep the Munzey spirit alive. Munzey on? Just a Munzey on? I didn't even go the PJ route. I was gonna go PJ. PJ,
Rob (32:45.683)
Munzeon! you didn't even ask me. 1, 2, 3, Munzeon. Maniacs.