Official Munzee Podcast

Munzee Weekly Podcast - Friday February 21st, 2025

Rob Vardeman & Craig Michell Season 3 Episode 8

In this episode of the Munzee Podcast, hosts Rob and Craig discuss various topics related to the Munzee community, including upcoming events, leaderboard standings, and the importance of player engagement through referrals and monthly video submissions. They also address recent gameplay issues with bouncers and the adjustments being made to improve the experience for players. Also discuss various aspects of the Munzee game, focusing on transparency in promotions, the importance of utilizing existing resources, and insights from player-created spreadsheets. They also introduce new secret ZeeOPs and upcoming features, including a mailbox that offers triple points for certain activities. The conversation emphasizes community engagement and the value of understanding game mechanics.

Whelen Video

MinnesotaBoy Video

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Craig (00:00.238)
3 2 1 Welcome to the Official Munzee Podcast.

Rob (00:05.678)
I'm Rob, also known as Coach V, your host and the president of Muncie.

Craig (00:09.554)
And I'm Craig, also known as Seemyshell. I started as an avid Munzee player, now I'm proudly part of the team.

Rob (00:15.846)
Each week we'll delve into Munzee's mysteries, divulge some secrets, and inform players from around the world just what is coming your way.

Craig (00:22.702)
So sit back, relax. Today's episode we're talking videos, bounces, points, double points, and a brand new secret. A secret, Rob. Z-Op that is. Z-Op, Z-Op. Same, same, same, mate, same. good morning to you, Rob. Good morning, dear sir. As you can hear. mate, I am absolutely fantastic after a brilliant, brilliant hashtag van life afternoon, evening, night in my van. I'm telling you now.

Rob (00:30.652)

Rob (00:38.098)
Good morning, howdy.

Craig (00:51.374)
You can probably still hear it in my voice, Robert. It is 7 a.m. Munzee HQ time as we record this. I know, Rob, that for you, that makes no difference because you're in the afternoon there.

Rob (01:01.17)
Yeah, feels good to me at 1pm. I'm enjoying it.

Craig (01:03.982)
For me, for me, it is actually 7am. I'm in central time zone at the moment. So Rob, you're still in the UK, are you? What else is happening? What else is happening?

Rob (01:13.208)
I am, but well, I'm getting ready for coming over to the U S whoo. Here we go. I'm coming to America. anyway, channel a little Josh there and, give a tune to it. Yeah. I'm, I'm getting ready to come over for a Munzee madness and, yeah, that kind of stuff. Yeah. I told everyone last week. That's not a secret. Yes.

Craig (01:23.406)

I noticed that.

Craig (01:32.684)
Mmm. What? What? Rub, rub, rub.

No, you didn't. No, you didn't. You see, you don't really listen to the podcast. Everyone last week, you said it wasn't locked in. It wasn't assured. You gave a high percentage. Now it's locked in. Okay. The extra 15 % has ticked. That's what it is. You did say 85%. You said an 85 % chance. So, see, you just dug your own grave. You don't listen to the podcast.

Rob (01:44.528)
well guess what? Surprise, surprise I'll be there.

That's right. Me and you were hanging out.


Rob (02:03.686)
Everything's everything's booked. I'm in I'll be there. I thought I had made that secured last week, but apparently not. So there you go.

Craig (02:12.17)
Mm-hmm. That's all right, mate. That's all right. That's okay. I'm here to hold Rob accountable even as a part of the proudly part of the team. I know, I know. Oh, mate. Mate, I've been busy as well. I got some new tires on the van yesterday and while Rob, I was sitting there, you know, I did some work and then I bored of some work as well. So I...

Rob (02:20.488)
Boo, get lost.

What have you been up to?

Rob (02:32.382)

Craig (02:38.872)
I sat back and I sat there and watched. I watched Minnesota Boy, Minnesota Boy, Minnesota Boy. He's brand new Munzee video. And of course as well, the other one is W. Helen also known as Munzee Events on YouTube. And they both got new videos out on Munzee too. So, Rob, it's good to see, Minnesota Boy, he's obviously, hello, it's in his name. He's in Minnesota. They've got like snow and freezing temperatures. And yet, they're still at the cabin.

Rob (03:06.094)

Craig (03:08.61)
They're still at the capping. So, and making videos at that as well. So, I don't know how he goes wrong with their phones with the cold weather. must die quicker with the cold weather.

Rob (03:18.244)
I have no idea. I thankfully don't have much experience in the cold and the capping. I'm not really cut out for that, I don't think.

Craig (03:22.861)

Craig (03:26.56)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah, and nor do I because you know over the weekend as well I co-hosted that's right I co-hosted an Munzee event here in Alabama at in Foley, Alabama with one of my one of my referrals Rob So I'm gonna touch on this before we move on and that is referrals because I think it's a really good thing to do with referrals so this referral this is going back out 12 months ago this particular one as well and Melanie

Rob (03:42.878)

Craig (03:55.822)
So M-E-L-O-N-K-N-E-E. So Melanie, but obviously Melanie is her real name. And when she started, I was checking my referrals almost weekly, you know, to see if I got any new ones and I've got some new ones and I've got Melanie as a new referral. And I then reached out to them on the Munzee app saying, you know, if you need anything, if you've got any questions, let me know. She'd come back with some questions. I'd play some Munzees for a round. She's still capping today. She's getting.

Rob (04:00.402)

Craig (04:22.318)
better and better at it now she's co-hosting an event with me so it's worthwhile to check your referrals sometimes and help them along the path that is the Munzee Way Rob. What do you think about that?

Rob (04:34.878)
I think that's a great idea because the points that they get, you know, help you out as well. So it makes sense. Yep.

Craig (04:39.918)
Exactly it makes it makes and it doesn't just make sense Rob if you get enough referral points It also makes dollars as well you get a $25 gift card to the freeze tag store So doesn't just make sense it makes dollars also look at that for a segue Rob wow wow Something we must be doing this for a few years now just you and I Exactly exactly exact we had great fun. I was showing her how to deploy

Rob (04:46.92)

Rob (04:51.323)
is true.

Rob (04:55.016)

Rob (05:00.39)
It certainly feels like it some days, doesn't it?

Craig (05:08.78)
the physical pins all around the park. You know, we had a really nice walk. We had a really nice chat. And she's one of the only ones in that particular area that is actually a Munzee player as well. So she really appreciates the capping around greenies also, which is really cool. But meanwhile, Rob, that wasn't the only event in the USA on the weekend. We also had Minnesota, Rhode Island and California and around the world we had.

Rob (05:31.902)
over in the UK, Denmark, Lithuania, Finland, and Netherlands.

Craig (05:37.198)
Now the leaderboards over the weekend. Again, some very typical names on this leaderboard. First place on Friday is Jaroslav Gas. I love saying that name. 391,000 points followed by Herbie on 337,000 points and Schmitz van Foer on 300,000 points on Saturday.

Rob (05:55.838)
DJ Mitch 25 with 361,000, Schmitz Fam 4, 331,000, and Joe 222S, 311,000.

Craig (06:07.182)
Would that be Joe Triple Twos S or Triple Twos? Just Triple Twos, Joe Triple Twos. I don't know, it sounds good to me. Exactly, very true. Sunday we had FRLK in first place with 418,000 points. Aaron Sook with 380,000 points. And Cajar, Cajar? think it's Cajar. Yeah, it looks good. 348,000 points. Now the events coming up this weekend, have New Mexico, Ohio. New Mexico?

Rob (06:10.354)
Yeah, I don't know. depends on where they're from. Yeah.

Rob (06:26.94)

Craig (06:35.948)
New Mexico, that's one we don't really have. Ohio, Minnesota of course as well is at North Carolina and Texas. I got them right this week. Around the world, mate, we have.

Rob (06:36.572)
Hmm. Nice.

Rob (06:45.054)
Way to go. Impressive. Finland, one in the UK and also in Denmark.

Craig (06:52.022)
Very good. as you said at the beginning of the episode, Rob, Munzee Madness in California, six events, March 7th and 8th, six events over two days, Rob. That's it. I looked at the calendar, two days, six events. There's some cake to be had. And as Rob said, he is in on this one as well. So Rob, myself, Mari Tamera and the other Craig also being the CEO of the Flat Typewriter.

Rob (07:01.52)

Rob (07:05.575)
It's a lot.

Craig (07:21.646)
He's a flat typewriter. that's the one I was like. April 5th, have Toxins events hosting three fun events in Wolverhampton, West Midlands, the UK. May 3rd, Munsie and Uranus, big fun in Uranus. I can't wait, Rob, for that to be over and done with. I don't have to say Uranus on this podcast anymore. Anyway, May 24th, Muns stock. There should be a lot more people to this one that there is not listed there. Just saying that.

Rob (07:22.034)

Rob (07:37.96)

Rob (07:46.971)

Craig (07:47.566)
Now I do believe someone reached out to me Rob during the week and said Munstock is coinciding at the same time as the Giga I'm like no no no that has to be changed because at the moment It's midday. It's listed as midday on the same day as the Giga so I said no no no that's gonna be changed So maybe that's another reason why there's lower numbers there than what they're what they should be so that will change that will change

Rob (08:13.177)
Well, I think that we'll see at least one other event pop up for that weekend. Like there can't just be one. That doesn't make any sense to me. even if I have to host it, as in you get to host it, then I think that there will be at least two, maybe even three that pop up just because it's going to be a full weekend. It's going to be yeah, we'll be there.

Craig (08:20.871)
yeah, no, no, no, exactly.

Craig (08:33.718)
Yeah, full weekend, exactly.

Rob (08:39.454)
Friday, Saturday, Sunday, you know, it's, it'll be full. So anyway, no, the event will not happen during the geo Woodstock because we're not going to be competing against that because I'm going to be at both.

Craig (08:41.58)
Yeah, yeah, exactly. Exactly.

No. The Giga. No. No, there's no way we can. Exactly, and me also, and same with Joshua, the Jcashing vlogger as well. After that, Rob, we have June 7th and 8th, Ohio hosting SOS, and I am gonna be there for that. That's on my list of B2 as well, the SOS events. I'm looking forward to Ohio hosting me. I spoke to a few them recently over at Alabama this weekend.

Rob (09:11.26)

Craig (09:15.154)
And yeah, I'm really looking forward to it as well. July 11th to 13th, four events in upstate New York. There's 10 already on that one itself. But this will draw players from Canada and the US and bring them all together in a calm way. and I can't forget, I went to the next page. September 12th to 14th, four Munzee events, Munzee Mania in Minnesota. Now, Rob, I did get a message about this. It is not wrestling themed. Okay, it is not.

Rob (09:30.088)
Hey, there you go.

Craig (09:42.542)
Sorry, if I offended or not offended, I got anyone's hopes up, Joshua. It is not wrestling theme. keep an eye out though. And Munzee, Minnesota Munzee players, they have their own Facebook page. So have a look at their Facebook page. Join up with the Minnesota Munzee team Facebook page and you will see the up-to-date, what's gonna go on, what's happening, what sort of theme they're talking about as well. So there you go, Rob. That's all the news we have. All the news we have.

Rob (09:48.222)

Rob (10:11.376)
All right, cool. Well, it's been fun. Catch you later.

Craig (10:12.312)
We're only 10 minutes in. Yeah, yeah, exactly. No, we've got more coming. News, news, this is developments is different than news. Exactly, exactly, exactly. Should I start? I think I'll start because we're halfway through the month now as well. If you haven't already, get your Munzee Monthly Moments videos in ASAP. And the reason why I say that is because don't give me all the work to do when I wake up on the first of every month. There's always.

Rob (10:20.376)
gotcha. All right. Well, then, let's talk about the fun stuff.


Rob (10:39.774)

Craig (10:41.998)
I'm telling you Rob. So the Munzee Monthly Moments videos, if you don't know, you record a Munzee video and there's a, the rules are literally, you know, cap a Munzee or place a Munzee. And this time, this month is something to do with duos and it's open. It's open to interpretation. Some people have been capping to Munzees, you know, other people have had the duo things. Other people have been capping with other people, you know, that sort of stuff as well. So get your Munzee Monthly videos in. But Rob, I find that.

that people, I'm talking normally five or six, I wake up on the first of the month because it finishes, the entry is closed on midnight, on the last day. I wake up on the first, there's five or six ready in the hopper that I have to check, I have to add the list and I have to go. And those five or six, you know who you are. Almost, almost, almost. So get them, this is your friendly, your friendly Aussie reminder.

Rob (11:27.73)

Rob (11:32.023)
Because it's every month, isn't it? Yeah, okay.

Craig (11:40.034)
Get it in ASAP, so there we go. And if you want to know more information, reach out to me Rob, reach out to me and say, look Craig, I want to know more about this or I don't know how to record a video, I'll walk you through it, hold your hand, even make a phone call with you, I've done that before where literally, Rob, I've been on the phone with someone and click by click showed them how to upload and what to do from there, so very helpful.

Rob (11:42.504)

Rob (12:06.854)
Indeed. Indeed. How nice of you.

Craig (12:09.682)
Exactly. All right from that sort of good news we're gonna get to some a little bit of information now Rob in regards to the week Over the last week there'd been some bouncer issues now we touched on this Rob We touched on it last weekend in regards to the the dial I called it like the the hot and cold dial and you're trying to get that that sweet spot, right? You know you had you we said last week you did 18 hours of full-on Sitting there with a dial in your hand wall, you know amongst the team

Rob (12:34.43)
Yeah. Yeah.

Craig (12:38.478)
But something happened over the week with the bounces. Rob, can you explain more about that? Now firstly, do you know what happened first? Let people know if they didn't know what happened, what actually happened in the red guys. Tree houses and Skylands and because they seem to bounce on everything except for tree houses and Skylands, you see.

Rob (12:54.908)
Yeah, so we let's see as we went into the double magnet strength event last week, we we you know, what normally happens during those times is that the bouncer pool starts to get depleted quite a bit, because whenever you're pulling for, you know, a premium member 14 bouncers to a premium Skyland,

Craig (13:04.792)

Craig (13:16.984)

Rob (13:25.086)
or to a regular skyland 14 bouncers at once. And then you're capping that then those 14 go back into the pool, then they may get immediately distributed again. And if they do, and they don't get captured, then they're going to be sitting somewhere for anywhere between six and 12 hours. So the the pool itself is in a massive state of flux for the entire time. And that was a 72 hour event. During that time,

Craig (13:48.088)

Rob (13:52.144)
everyone noticed that yes, the tree houses and Skylands were sitting emptier than usual. And that is true, because we noticed it as well. And we being me, like in my normal gameplay, I totally get it. So the the way that we started to deal with that was different than what we have done now.

Craig (13:59.032)

Craig (14:05.965)

Rob (14:18.502)
that the event is over. really and truly what has to happen during that specific event is we pretty much have to ride it out. And we have to wait because the tools that we have, and you don't have access to them, but I do, to be able to tweak sort of the flow of the bouncers from the pool back out into the real world. That tool.

Craig (14:35.598)

Rob (14:43.294)
has a variable that's built into it that is related specifically to gameplay. So how many bouncers are being captured? How many bouncers are are, you know, in flux at the moment that are that are pending out there. So anyway, now that the events ended and everything else has happened, we are continuing to make some updates and some changes because as we came out of that, the Skylands, I believe are the ones that are still

Craig (14:49.549)

Craig (14:55.459)

Rob (15:13.182)
sitting a little bit emptier than I would like for them to be. So I'm playing with the dials myself and the team has put in a good bit of work. But I've kind of released the tech guys to go and work on a couple of the other issues that we have, which we fixed one yesterday. So pause for a shout out to the fact that the the test scan feature works again. Yeah, that's been fixed now. So that was fixed yesterday.

Craig (15:17.155)

Craig (15:20.814)

Craig (15:39.282)
yes. good, good, good.

Rob (15:43.038)
Thanks to Sam. He dug in. found some stuff. Him and Robbie went back and forth. They fixed it. So that was good. So anyway, they've been released to get back out there onto a couple of other tasks that they've got. We've got a couple of quality of life improvements for players that are coming very soon. And we're hoping that those are going to be out so that we can talk about them next week on the podcast before the end of February. February. I'm sorry. But anyway, the bouncers themselves,

Craig (15:43.181)

Craig (15:59.032)

Craig (16:05.869)

Rob (16:12.862)
I'm messing with some of the landing pads in order to try and balance out tree houses and Skylands so that Skylands are not sitting emptier than tree houses and tree houses are not sitting there, you know, flaunting their leaves to the Skylands and all of that kind of stuff. So anyway, long story short, we're not completely finished with the bouncer updates and landing pad.

Craig (16:20.546)

Craig (16:29.058)

Craig (16:41.464)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Rob (16:42.256)
equity project, we'll call it. I'm still working on that. And we will keep going until it feels good to me. That's what I'm looking for. How does it feel? So there you go.

Craig (16:51.594)
Mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah, that's cool. That's yeah, maybe that makes sense And I will will call out the elephant in the room and that is there was a few people on the water cooler Rob that said No Munzee HQ do this during these bouncer times because they want you to use more magnets. That is not the case I'm gonna repeat that is not the case

Rob (17:13.052)
I wish I had a tool like that. I wouldn't use it. I wouldn't use it because you know what? That's wrong. And I did see those messages. We had actual messages or support tickets or whatever about that as well. I'd like to hope that people have been around for long enough that they know that we aren't manipulative and trying to do that kind of stuff. Our attempts at

Craig (17:14.798)
Yes. Yeah.


Craig (17:25.709)

Craig (17:31.406)

Craig (17:36.884)
No. No.

Rob (17:42.746)
selling things are usually very transparent. You can normally see like, look, they just sent us a message. They must want us to buy something. Yes, that is very transparent. We are not. We are not pulling the strings behind the scenes to make sure that that your tree houses and Skylands are dry. You paid for them. You paid good money. We appreciate that. We want you to get all the value plus the more the bouncers get capped, the more valuable those are for the people that bought them. So

Craig (17:45.634)

Craig (17:50.57)
Yes. Yes.

Craig (18:02.252)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Craig (18:10.176)
Yes, exactly.

Rob (18:11.912)
Remember everyone, yeah, we're trying to, we're giving value, we really are. Not trying to take it away, promise you that.

Craig (18:16.728)
That's right. No. And that makes perfect sense. And I will say, Rob, now, again, as I always say, now I've been able to look under the curtain just a little bit. I can see in some cases, and you showed me as well, some people, are hoarders. They really are hoarders when it comes to their different mechanics. And so some people out there have like tens or hundreds of magnets, et cetera. So when you guys put on these double magnet weekends, it's probably more, I say, more about

Rob (18:31.742)
Ha ha ha.

Craig (18:46.094)
getting those hoarders to sort of start utilizing some more of their tools that they've already hoarded up rather than people actually purchasing any more things. So yeah, when it comes to these sort of promotions, you know, like the double magnet strengths and all that, and even the MEC duos and all that of stuff as well. So it's more about getting people to utilize what they've already got rather than actually purchase any more.

Rob (19:06.646)
and their clam rewards and you know like they don't do much for you if they just sit there and you build up a thousand of them so just here's a good reason to use them and have some fun that's what we're trying to do promote some fun everybody hopefully that makes sense all right

Craig (19:10.296)

Craig (19:15.183)

Craig (19:21.09)
Perfect, Yeah, exactly. Moving on, moving on now, I've got to discuss this all because we couldn't get to it last week, we went overtime. And that is Sarah from the Munzee Maniacs podcast. I don't know why I say it that anymore, but anyway, it's, yeah. Yeah, I like Kevin as well. Anyway. When he doesn't PJ his pants. Anyway, Sarah, we didn't get to her topic.

Rob (19:34.032)
the one that we like from that podcast. That one. Just kidding, Kevin. I like you too. PJ's OK. Yeah.

Rob (19:46.812)
Hmm hmm hmm.

Craig (19:50.114)
So if you didn't listen to Munzey Maniacs, a recent episode as well, Sarah discussed the fact that she started a spreadsheet, Rob. Now on this spreadsheet, now it is just a personal spreadsheet and that means that she's going upon her own capping, her own activity rather than a general activity or general caps. And so she started this spreadsheet. It is a very minimal spreadsheet at the moment. It has a couple of flats on there. It has some virtuals. It had some, you know, the jewels and amethyst and all that sort of stuff as well.

Rob, you looked at the spreadsheet, but basically what it does is she's trying to work out the price per or the points per dollar per se. Now there's an issue with this in terms of, for instance, as we discussed earlier, tell us people about the way the points are set up in regards to say, just the flat rob. We'll just talk about the flat rob for the time being. How are the points set up for the flat rob?

Rob (20:40.722)
Yeah, so my my quick math brain says that a lot of things in the game are kind of easy to track in relation to this. But there are some some different types of things like the flats that they give you a variable on the points that you receive when you capture and the capture and the cap on are split so that

Craig (20:49.866)
Mm-hmm. Yep.

Rob (21:10.3)
what you get this time might be different than what you get the next time. For example, the flat rob is 19 to 76. And that's because those are special numbers. That's the year I was born 1976. So yeah, so 19 to 76 is the range of the points you get 19 for deploying, you get up to 76, it's split 19 to 76 between the cap and the cap on. Yeah, so you'll, you'll see that

Craig (21:23.406)

Craig (21:35.35)
I wondered that 1970. you're a baby, Rob. Yep.

Rob (21:39.44)
Yeah, yeah, you'll see that for the first four that we put out the first four based on age. So you've got Lou at nineteen and seventy nine. Matt's is considerably higher second number because he's quite a bit younger. He was a little a youngster when we made the flat mat and hammock hammock, you know, reasonable. He was closer to my age, so not too bad. But anyway, that that's how those are split. The virtual itself is a completely random.

Craig (21:52.844)

Craig (22:01.688)

Wow, I never knew that.

Rob (22:09.022)
number that we had virtuals at the beginning of the game, then we made mystery virtuals. And many years ago now, we did away with the mystery virtuals. And we made all virtuals run on that same point scheme so that it is a mystery amount when you capture a virtual for what you get, both as the cap on and as the cap. So anyway, I like the theory. I like the thought behind this process.

Craig (22:10.339)

Craig (22:25.624)

Craig (22:36.608)
Mm-hmm. Yeah. Yeah.

Rob (22:38.718)
I will tell everyone that we use this sort of a system as we're coming up with things and how many points they're going to give. We specifically use this with mechs. We fit mechs into a category and how many mechs or how many cogs it will cost to replace based on the cost of the mech and how many on average, how many points you should receive.

Craig (22:52.984)

Rob (23:08.392)
from it. anyway, that is what's going on. With those, we've done the same thing with whittles and with the brand new pack rats as well, because we did figure the system out. From the very beginning of the game, there wasn't necessarily this economy of cash translated into points and all that kind of thing, which is why over the years we've you've seen an increase in points of different types of things like changing

Craig (23:14.134)
Mm hmm. Yes.


Craig (23:23.224)


Yeah. Yeah.

Craig (23:36.078)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Rob (23:38.428)
the jewels, the different types of those. Anyway, thanks, Sarah, for the spreadsheet. I have seen it now. I would be willing to bet that there's someone out there on the water cooler who has put together an entire spreadsheet of the whole thing and has taken many, many, many point setups in order to come up with big averages across many, many, many thousands of captures would be my guess. Anyway.

Craig (23:44.418)

Craig (23:51.272)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Craig (24:02.774)


Rob (24:08.062)
Hopefully that gives a little bit of insight into it. It is something that we do look at and think about on our side as well. thanks.

Craig (24:17.334)
Rob, still can't, I understand everything in regards to it now and I do appreciate that, but I still can't get over that you were born in 1976. You're a year younger than me, sir, and yet I've got more hair than you. What's going on there? What's going on? Genetics, genetics. It's your Texas solar panel, sir. Anyway, moving on, Rob. We had this week, sorry, during the week, we had the secret ZEOP start.

Rob (24:25.49)

I mean, you know, sometimes it's lucky, just lucky like that, yep.

Rob (24:39.218)
Isn't it?

Craig (24:46.83)
Tell us a little bit more about this particular secret zeal.

Rob (24:50.174)
Operation High Wind Honeymoon has kicked off and you know there are so many people who've never read the stories that Dylan puts together for all the different zops and secret zops. There's a whole story that's run throughout so you want to know why this is the High Wind Honeymoon then read some of the missions as you go through it and you'll you'll see. So the cost is 1500 zeds that's 1500 zeds.

Craig (24:54.339)

Craig (25:02.382)

Craig (25:10.338)
The story. Yeah.

Craig (25:15.67)
Mm-hmm. Yep.

Rob (25:18.034)
You can get it in the secret as the option of the app, which is, you know, the next to the daily Z ops. So click on that button, click on secret up at the top, the secret tab. That is the only way to get it. This is something that we will put out now. It will be available for, I think, six weeks and then it will go into the vault. And once or twice a year, we bring all of the old secret Z ops out. So if you want to get involved, get involved now.

Craig (25:22.019)

Craig (25:26.356)
Mm-hmm. Yep.

Rob (25:47.614)
Dylan has put in some extra special work on the Mac here. This one is called the arrow guardian Mac. It is quite a design lots of time went into this one. It looks really great. Dylan's really proud of it. The team is excited about it. We hope that everybody enjoys it. And whether you whether you actually send us a thanks to Dylan or not, I'm going to tell Dylan that everyone said thanks. It's Yeah.

Craig (25:52.675)

Craig (26:01.166)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Rob (26:17.158)
It's cool and hope everyone enjoys it. It should be an interesting Secret Z-OP, I can tell you that.

Craig (26:18.442)
It is.

Craig (26:25.358)
Yeah, well, yeah, 1500 Zed's itself is the cost for it. And as always, you will always get your value. You always get your value back in rewards for these secret zeops. And that's inclusive of the new, the Guardian mech as well, the brand new Guardian mech too. So you always get it back, Rob. You do that for people. You always give them sometimes more value than what you should, to be honest with you, just saying.

Rob (26:50.288)
that that is the case this time. Mari and I kicked in a few extra prizes on this one to make sure that it was well, well over the 1500 Zed price. Hey, can I tell everyone a couple of secrets because we've got something that we're doing on Monday, and we're going to release this information. But I don't know if it's going to happen before the podcast goes live on Friday. Can I tell them a secret?

Craig (26:52.876)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Craig (27:02.497)
Yeah, yeah.

Craig (27:08.449)
Yeah, yeah.

Craig (27:15.694)
Don't have to ask me, I work for you now, so...

Rob (27:17.886)
Okay, everyone, you're super lucky because there's a mailbox coming soon. Yeah. And even though even though it's all not officially announced yet, this is important because there's going to be triple points for mailbox owners on cards, flats, scatters and jewels. And this is going to be March 7 through ninth. And that's the Munzee Madness Weekend.

Craig (27:23.054)
You said it.

Craig (27:37.283)

Craig (27:42.862)

Yeah. yes, yes, yes. Yes.

Rob (27:47.738)
Yeah, so you and I will enjoy that because the mailbox kicks off right about then. All right, there's a secret. Then there's a second weekend that's going to be triple points. Now this is going to be triple points only for the mailbox. Owners on cards, flats, virtual colors and mysteries and that's the 13th through the 16th. All of this information is going to be written for everyone. So don't think that you've got to write this all down and no, I'm never gonna see it again.

Craig (28:12.642)

Rob (28:16.902)
It's all going to be published. think Friday as this goes live, it may come out later in the day. It may have gone out on Thursday. I don't know, but this information needs to get out there. the, the double point weekend is happening the seventh through the ninth, on those cards, flats, scatters, jewels, but it's going to be triple for mailbox owners. So get ready everyone. There's a mailbox, a lucky

Lucky lucky lucky mailbox on the way. I was only going to hint at these things. Forget hints. It's time to just tell everybody. Let's celebrate mailboxes are amazing and we're doing this. Let's do it.

Craig (28:47.054)

You were.

Craig (28:57.922)
You can tell it's after midday there by the sounds because Rob's had his first beer already. Wow, wow, wow. I honestly, Rob, I didn't think you gonna say it, but just to reiterate as well, you said double points weekend for everyone, March 7th and 9th, cards, flats, scudders, and jewels. That turns into triple points though if you're a mailbox holder. Now, PJ, Sarah, Kevin,

Rob (29:02.622)
yeah, yeah right. It's only a Coke Zero.

Craig (29:26.334)
That there will be the only double point weekend for the entire month for everyone. For everyone. Every Munzee player will have that one and one only double point weekend. There's not going to be two, there's not going be three. Just the one, that's it. So things are settling down. We're not giving everyone all the things all the time. But it will be triple points if you are a mailbox holder. And then as a bonus, you get triple points again when everyone's getting normal points. You get triple points again on March 13th.

and 16 cards, flats, virtual colors and mysteries. Oh Rob, I can't believe you said that. You told them all the things. Yes, yes. Seven, so seven days, seven days of triple points. You said something about like it starts maybe around the seventh. You whispered that as well. What's with the sevens? What's with all the sevens? Oh, oh, that's what it is.

Rob (30:02.878)
It's a total of seven days of triple points for this mailbox. So it's impressive. It's good. Yep.

Rob (30:17.438)
I think I did. It's lucky man. This is a lucky mailbox. That's right. Lucky St. Patrick's Day, you know. All right.

Craig (30:27.469)
Moving on Rob, we're running out of time quickly, we're actually over time. I've got a question of the week for you now. This one's from Demick and I enjoy this question too. And the question is, firstly, he butters me up Rob, or they butter me up, they say, I enjoy the podcast, but I believe Rob mentioned the unredeemable cubamols should be available, sorry, cubamols for Sam, should be available by the end of 2024.

I'm wondering if he has a new time frame now. think there's three, three or four that are still unredeemable. And Rob, can actually thank Sam. You can actually thank Sam because he still has them in. He still has the unredeemables in Cup of Z.

Rob (31:02.578)

Rob (31:08.126)
that's me banging my head on the microphone. And the answer to your question is no, no verbal timeframe shall be shared because this is what gets me into this sort of situation is I say, yeah. Back in whenever September said, yeah, before the end of 2024 and someone actually remembers and goes back and listens. Thank you, Demeka for.

Craig (31:20.656)
Yep, yep, yep, yep.

Craig (31:37.602)
Yeah. I do.

Rob (31:37.992)
calling me on this. really appreciate it. No, don't have any idea when these cubimals will all be live, but you know what? They will be. So Craig, this ends another official Munzee podcast.

Craig (31:47.53)
Mmm, yeah.

No, no, no, no, we've got it. We've got it. We've got to end it with the tip of the week, Rob. you did, you did. That's my line. That's my line, sir. The tip of the week, Rob, the tip of the week is, as you just decided as well in regards to the secret zeops, firstly, grab your secret zeops. Secondly, Dylan puts a lot of work. He does do a lot of work. He's got a very, very, very creative mind and a creative brain.

Rob (31:54.526)
I tried.

Craig (32:14.868)
Instead of just literally open open open open open all the things have a read through as you do it You do not you do not rob. this is me as well You do not have to be number one. You don't have to finish it on that same day. These secret zealots last Forever, that's right. If you can't finish your secret zealots straight away It's okay. You there's no there's no time to finish your secret zealots. So Read through read the story, you know read what's happening in the back end because in some cases

Dylan likes to weave in the stories. There's not just one story and the next story and the next story. No, they're all interwoven to some degree. And you'll find that little tidbits and maybe, maybe you might get some little hints and tips as to what's coming up in later, and later mechs and later other things as well. So there you go. That's my tip of the week. Read the secret Z-Ops. Don't just click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click,

Rob (33:09.31)
Hmm that'll do. Yeah, that's good.

Craig (33:13.358)
So, Rob, this ends another official Muncie Podcast.

Rob (33:19.422)
Thanks for joining us on this Munzee adventure.

Craig (33:21.67)
Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review on your favourite podcast and join us next week for another very informative episode.

Rob (33:27.863)
And remember, Munzee is more than a game, it's a worldwide community of mobile game players.

Craig (33:32.482)
So keep scanning, keep discovering, keep that Manzi spirit live up. One, two, three, Z-ops for the win. Z-ops, secret, secret.

Rob (33:37.074)

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