Official Munzee Podcast

Munzee Weekly Podcast - Friday February 28th, 2025

Rob Vardeman & Craig Michell Season 3 Episode 9

In this episode of the Munzee podcast, hosts Craig and Rob discuss the innovative design of the new mailbox, emphasizing its value for players. They explore the Gardens of the Month, detailing the requirements and how to tag gardens for consideration. The conversation shifts to clan requirements and strategies for gameplay, highlighting the importance of teamwork. They also announce double and triple points weekends, encouraging players to maximize their scores. The episode concludes with an explanation of pack rats and a question from a listener about gameplay notifications.

MinnesotaBoy Video

Whelen Video

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Craig (00:01.398)
Welcome to the Official Munzee podcast.

Rob (00:03.718)
I'm Rob, also known as Coach V, your host and the president of Munzee.

Craig (00:07.474)
And I'm Craig also known as Seemyshell. I was started as an avid Munzee player, now proudly part of the team.

Rob (00:13.222)
Each week we'll delve into Munzee's mysteries, divulge some secrets, and inform players from around the world just what is coming your way.

Craig (00:20.174)
So sit back, relax, today's episode we're talking mailbox, munz packs, clans, you know what Rob, we're talking all the good stuff and, and, and, not much is new, which is PJ Happy land, you know, we're just talking about what's coming up for next month with the clans, et cetera, as well, so mate, I'm looking forward to this little episode, are you?

Rob (00:32.775)

Rob (00:40.98)
And think this will be good. Yeah, sometimes, you know, when there's not a lot of new stuff to talk about, we get to kind of just slow it down a bit. That works within the team and on this podcast as well.

Craig (00:42.797)



Mm-hmm. Exactly. we also got to remind Rob, we remind Rob about the original stuff that's already in play that some people and especially with the request of the week or the question of week and the tip of the week, we remind people Rob what's already there that a lot of us forget, including myself. So stay tuned for that one, mate. Stay tuned for that one. Meanwhile, meanwhile, you sir,

Rob (01:11.794)
Yeah. Stick around.

Craig (01:16.332)
back in the closet again, what's going on? And I mean physically, not metaphorically. So what's going on, mate? What's going on?

Rob (01:17.94)

Exactly. Yeah. So I'm currently in Florida. Came to visit my son for for a week before heading on to Muncie Madness. I'm trying to soak up some sunshine because it's missing in England. Temperatures are nice. First day that we were here wandering around, you know, got got a nice red neck going on again. That's how my neck is supposed to be naturally, I believe. So, yeah.

Craig (01:25.571)


Craig (01:33.838)
Craig (01:45.71)

Craig (01:49.646)
you mean, you mean your actual neck is red. You're not becoming a red neck. There's a difference. Yeah.

Rob (01:52.496)
right, right. Yeah, yeah. I put that layer back on my skin. Yes, that is correct. Yeah, so did that hanging out and then off to California here before too long.

Craig (01:59.712)
Yes. Yes.

Craig (02:09.536)
Yes, yes. I'm so looking forward to California, Rob. It's going to be a great fun weekend. Not a long weekend. Like some of them drag it out over three days. California is two days, Rob. So Friday and Saturday. And we have the six events and we'll talk about that a little bit. We have the six events too over those two days. So I'm really looking forward to that. But also Rob, I'm looking forward. People don't realize I'm looking forward. I'm going to meet the parents as in.

Rob (02:21.79)

Craig (02:33.536)
Coach V's parents. I'm looking forward to that. Can you imagine like Coach V's parents meeting this mad Aussie? Like I'm really looking forward to that.

Rob (02:40.404)
It's, yeah, it's going to be an experience, I'm sure, for them in particular. Yeah. Yeah. They're looking forward to it.

Craig (02:44.8)
Yeah. They all have to talk slower. You know, they won't understand me, you know, where, where, from Texas here? Like we don't understand the Australia. We're from Texas.

Rob (02:52.552)
Yep, yep.

Rob (02:57.774)
It's yeah, it's true. That's true. Well, I'll do some translating. It'll be fine.

Craig (03:03.77)
Exactly. Meanwhile, Rob, I'm actually on my way there at the moment. I'm currently in Louisiana. And over the weekend, last weekend, I stayed with some good, really good geocaching friends that I've met over the past 12 months. A lovely couple they are too. They invited me into their home in Louisiana near New Orleans. And, and Rob, she cooks. And when I say she cooks, she's Louisiana born and bred. We had some crawfish etouffee. Do you know what crawfish etouffee is?

Rob (03:08.477)

Rob (03:27.444)

Hmm. Yeah, etouffée, yes. Growing up, man, down south, this is all, yeah, that stuff that I'm familiar with. I don't eat it, but I am familiar with it. Now, it fits into that seafood category that I'm just not a massive fan of. My brother loves it. Trey loves that stuff as well. So he's been raised, you know, to eat more stuff than I.

Craig (03:34.848)
Et tu fais? Let's et tu fais.


You don't? You don't either?

Craig (03:54.786)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Rob (04:00.062)
than I was. So I know that he'd be jealous, especially if you get homemade good stuff. I understand that it is extremely good. I'm glad somebody took care of you. That's good, man.

Craig (04:00.194)

Craig (04:06.222)

yeah. And they took care of me in other ways in terms of, so they did the cook up the crawfish etouffee and she's like, she said, do you have a refrigerator in your van? I said, of course I do. I've even got a freezer. Well then Rob, she started, she packed me two full meals, leftovers of the crawfish etouffee as well. And I've consumed both those each night afterwards because they are delicious, man. I'm telling you. Crawfish, homemade crawfish etouffee.

Rob (04:29.352)

Wow. I bet. That's cool.

Craig (04:42.176)
in a van down by the river. Like you can't get better than that in Louisiana. It is, it is. But, down this way as well, cause I'm going across on I-10 and so that's very, very South. And I didn't realize Rob how swampy the Louisiana areas and the Bayou down at the swamp and Bayou. I didn't realize how swampy it is. like the I-10 is mostly

Rob (04:45.976)
I- it sounds very, very Louisiana to me, yes. Definitely, that's cool man.

Rob (05:07.54)

Craig (05:11.84)
a bridge and literally going over the swamp full time. Like these big concrete pylons going into a swamp, know, these cars, trucks, buses, everything go over the top. I don't know how they did it. I don't know how they built all these things through Louisiana, all the road network through Louisiana. that's amazed me. so if you're in Louisiana, which there hasn't been that many munchies in Louisiana, I'm telling you now, if you're in Louisiana, start playing Munzee and start getting some out on I-10 and other highways as well. So meanwhile, Rob, one more thing I've been doing to

Of course, two brand new videos recently dropped this week as well from Minnesota boy, Minnesota boy, Minnesota boy, and W. Helen also known as Munzee events on YouTube. So links are in the show notes as always, and go and take a look at those two great, great videos. I do believe like Minnesota boy, for instance, he talks about and how, how they, they, we Munzee in the snow, like they do the dancing duos in the snow, Rob. So.

Rob (06:10.43)

Craig (06:11.262)
Even even Joshua the geocaching vlogger features in it too and and all their clan as well So the whole clan features in it, which is really awesome, but They were all rugged up. They got three layers of pants on and here I am driving my van in shorts and a shirt Along Louisiana in the bayou and it's like it's very very different very very different. So go check those out anyway All right, Rob speaking of the events and that's what they were the videos we had in USA. We had New Mexico, Ohio, Minnesota

Rob (06:14.76)

Rob (06:26.228)

Craig (06:41.006)
North Carolina and Texas and around the world.

Rob (06:44.594)
Finland, UK, and Denmark.

Craig (06:46.926)
Very, very cool. Relator boards over the weekend. Friday we had Finder 400 with 298,000 points, Schmitz Fam 4 with 244,000 points, and a good friend of mine, Rob. Jaffa 43 comes in third with 180,000 points. Well done Jaffa. Third place, I like it, I like it.

Rob (07:05.912)
Alrighty, on Saturday we had Brazilia 415,000, Unicorn 55, 290,000, and Herbie 259,000. That's all UK players.

Craig (07:17.678)
Yeah, it is too. And then on Sunday, we had all US players. You see, look at us on that. We had in first place, Colecracker7 back in first. We haven't said her name in first place for a while. So well done, Colecracker7, 190,000 points. What's this? AP719, that's a cool name. I wonder who that is. 189,000 points. And then the man, the myth, the legend, that is W. Helen, 171,000 points back into third place as well.

Rob (07:22.813)

Rob (07:29.385)

Rob (07:36.562)

Craig (07:47.608)
You can see Rob, it's getting to the end of Clan Wars time, the end of the month, because those points sort of start to slow down over those weekends too. So it's not as high as some, we're not really at millionaires this time, but I'm sure we will after the California events, I'll say that. The events coming up this weekend, we have two in Missouri and one in Kansas and around the world.

Rob (08:03.335)

Rob (08:09.076)
Norway. That's it.

Craig (08:10.53)
And that was yesterday. So you can't even, don't even publish your card for Norway, because that was yesterday. So too late for you as you listen to this podcast. You got to keep up to date with a calendar like I do. See? Exactly. I've kept up to date with a calendar, Rob, when it comes to Munzee Madness in California. As we said, that's March 7th and 8th. Rob, you're in, I'm in, Mari's in, Tamara's in, and the other Craig as well, the flat typewriter, that's who the other Craig is.

Rob (08:15.668)
See you too late.

Rob (08:21.711)
Mmm, yes.

Craig (08:37.646)
So come down and see us. I do believe we said that last week, Rob, there's gonna be special, special staff event badges for all to have as well. if you're one of those, if you're one of those badge hounds, I say hounds because it's a PG show, not like Eagle Dad does, but if you're one of those like Eagle Dad, then get yourself there because you'll get extra, extra badges as well. Only 32 listed, Rob, as attending so far. That's...

Rob (08:47.122)
if so.

Craig (09:03.896)
That's a little bit disappointing, I will say, and it does need to have the numbers pumped up. If you're going and you haven't logged, make sure you log so the hosts know that you're gonna come too. we'll say that. And then we have on April 5th, Toxin is hosting three big fun Munzee events in Wolverhampton, West Midlands of UK. May 3rd, Munzee and Uranus, a big fun Uranus. See, there's 30 going to Uranus, which is almost the same as California. 30 going to Uranus. So hopefully Uranus can fit 30 people in, but we'll soon see.

And then May 24th, have Munstock again, Rob and myself, what do call it? Minnesota Boy, GCV, like all the players you hear on the podcast are to be there. W. Helen's going to be there as well. So if you want to see the man himself come to Munstock also. And what else is...

Rob (09:49.852)
Yeah, I've seen a message about this one saying that the calendar is so packed that it's hard to figure out when another Munzee event might fit in. So I think there are some conversations going on behind the scenes, which is good with some extra players trying to figure out when else do we think we could do something? So it was like, okay, that's good.

Craig (09:55.361)

Differentiate. Yeah.

Craig (10:02.466)

Craig (10:11.788)
Yeah, there'd be more than one event, I dare say, in regards to it. And you know what, Robbie, I did see after last week, because we said it was at midday or something, and that it was conflicted with the Giga, and now it's been moved to 6 p.m., so the evening after the Giga event. So it has been moved in timeframes, that's good. June 7th and 8th, we have two big events. We have Ohio hosting SOS, and again, that's got 30 Willa Tens ready to go to. And then at the same time, we've got five events on the south coast of England.

Rob (10:24.926)

Craig (10:40.398)
11 only so far, that that's going to be they're to be big, big, big events because I mean England just England just show up to that. That's they do. They just show up.

Rob (10:46.301)
It will be.

Rob (10:50.694)
Indeed. almost, almost as much as the, the Dutch players do in Netherlands. Don't forget they've, they're the ones who are pulling, you know, mega events, 50 people plus every single month, because those people, they just travel around in a pack, you know, from one section of the country to the next. I think that's, that's part of, having a country that's not so massive and that is nice and flat that they just, they just enjoy each other's company. And so they travel around checking it out and seeing different places.

Craig (10:55.646)
that's right.

Craig (11:01.934)
Yeah. From one to another.

Craig (11:13.71)

Rob (11:20.244)
It's very fun. But yes, the seventh and eighth on the South Coast of England, yeah, I've seen a request from them, from Herbie, who's the main organizer. yeah, so I'm working something out to see if maybe, maybe there'll be more.

Craig (11:20.583)
Exactly. July. Yes.

Craig (11:30.641)
okay. Tell me.

Tell me Rob, tell me, does he live up to his name? Does he go bananas?

Rob (11:39.694)
Herbie yeah, maybe what is that? is that?

Craig (11:42.264)
That's Herbie Goes Bananas. It's an actual movie. You don't know it. What? Yes, Herbie Goes It's a famous movie. You're my age, Rob. You should know that one, surely. Geez, unless that's rest of the world movie that the US didn't pick up. But anyway, moving on, have July 11th to 13th. We have four events, Upstate New York already there as well. But again, that'll draw players from both sides of the fence, we'll say.

Rob (11:46.36)
I don't know. Herbie the car? Herbie the car? I don't remember it. I don't remember that one.

Craig (12:10.238)
And then September 12th and 14th, four events. Munzee Mania in Minnesota, mark your intentions to that one again so the host can plan accordingly. September 12th to 14th, I plan to be at that one as well. Unfortunately, I can't be at the New York one. I definitely can't be any of the English ones yet because, know, Munzee budget me for that. So I don't have the budget for it either. So that's not going to happen for a while until I save up the cash and I'll come over from there. Already been over last year, so.

Rob (12:38.772)

Craig (12:39.114)
All right, Rob. So there are the big events. And if you are hosting one of these big events, then reach out to me and we'll talk. I've had had a couple of people reach to me, Rob, and ask questions like, how can we make our events larger or bigger? And all I say is look for the time being, get them posted, get them posted early, and then try and spruik them on your your Facebook pages, for instance, like your if you got a local Facebook page, put it on that local Facebook Munzee page. And then obviously the water cooler as well is very always appreciative of those sort of posts. So

That's the only way I can think of to do it. Can you think of any other way to sort of spruke up your Munzee event role? How else?

Rob (13:15.796)
can't right now. still, you know, we're working on how to bring more players in. And once you get more players in, the sooner you've got your event on the calendar, it actually does send out a notification to players that are within a certain range. There is a notification that goes out through the app. So, so yeah, we do a little bit of work for everyone, but that is something that I think we'd like to figure out how to help.

Craig (13:20.951)

Craig (13:26.445)

Craig (13:31.542)

Mm-hmm. Yep.

Rob (13:44.22)
more in that area. We'll see.

Craig (13:44.702)
Yeah. Yeah, definitely. So grow your player base in your local areas. What I think the takeaway from that is too. So that's the best way to do it. Yeah, exactly. Sounds good. All right, mate, moving on now to what's happening in the week of Munzee. Firstly and foremost, the lucky mailbox is now out. You, you, Rob, you let this cat out of the bag early last week, which I did appreciate, but it's now out, the lucky mailbox. Grab yours ASAP. You did notice, well, the rewards.

start rolling in on March 7th. So how long did they go for Rob with these rewards?

Rob (14:17.744)
it's actually 11 days the way that we set it up. We, we were like, yeah, it's 10 days. It's not 10 days. Not when you go from the seventh to the 17th, it's 11 days.

Craig (14:21.451)
11 days!

Craig (14:26.03)
You gotta count the day one as day one.

Rob (14:32.468)
Everyone is luckier than they knew because, um, cause we did plan to make this 10. It is 11. Um, uh, here's one thing that I'll say about mailboxes. And we've talked about this in the past, and this is actually one of those things that goes back to Munzee maniacs, um, conversations and just things that, you know, we, we see people talk about, which is, um, the value of the mailbox. So mailbox is useful not only for daily caps and moving and all that kind of stuff.

Craig (14:35.534)

Rob (15:02.398)
But it's one of the higher valued pieces. You could call it an investment in the game if you really wanted to. Because with this one, it's $15. You can only buy it through the online store. But the value that you receive in terms of game pieces that come back and all that kind of stuff, this is possibly going to be one of the highest valued.

based on the cost that we've ever done. Almost like we're trying to really say, hey everyone, including new players or especially new players, give it a shot. Like this is something that is part of the fun of the game and you're spinning, you know, this time a wheel for a prize without actually physically spinning a wheel.

Craig (15:34.082)

Craig (15:40.792)


Craig (15:49.954)

Craig (15:56.674)

Rob (15:59.032)
because there is no actual gambling involved in any of this, obviously, but the theming of it is that, and, I mean, you, you, you specifically were part of, building out the, Mac this time, which was kind of fun, I think, because I got to just sit back and be the one at the end going, yes, okay. I'll approve. I'll approve this.

Craig (16:09.774)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Craig (16:16.009)
Yes, yeah that was fun.

Rob (16:24.11)
unique idea that is definitely not something that we've done in the past, especially for a mailbox. But I think that the way that this Mac has been built is makes it pretty valuable for both cappers and owners. And and I expect to see lots of these being rebuilt in the future. So anyway, yeah, I think it's fun.

Craig (16:26.142)
Yep, yep.

Craig (16:35.576)

Craig (16:39.15)

Craig (16:46.447)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Exactly, Rob exact and I will say I do appreciate you allowing me. I always say Rob player first I want I want the points more than anything else and so that's what that's what we've come up with. We've come up with a system or a way and and really it was between like, you know, a lot of between Dylan and I for instance, well, but when you said before about this, this mailbox being high value product, people pay I shouldn't say people look I said it again. See it's habit listeners, listeners out there.

Rob (16:57.298)

Rob (17:16.052)
It is.

Craig (17:20.266)
It is a high value product. can say that. Why? Because Mari has been more involved in sort of twisting the dials of the value system and Rob's there trying to back it off a little bit and Mari's like, nope, we're going to do this. And Rob's like, no, no, no. Trust me when I say I've had my neck under the curtain for a little while now and I see the value in the staff in Munzee as well and how we all interact. All very different people, all different views, all different opinions, but it all works. It all just...

Rob (17:33.694)

Rob (17:46.174)
Yeah. Yeah.

Craig (17:48.75)
works and I love our weekly gameplay meetings we have. A lot of people don't realize the amount of work that goes into this particular game. tell you, it's insane. And you don't switch off. can't, Rob, you can't just check in and check out. I can't just get my little, what do call it, stamp card, whatever you want, I'm checking in, I'm checking out. No, you can't do that. No, no, you can't do any of that sort of stuff. Literally, it's a message. Craig, can you do this? And then,

Rob (17:56.968)
Yeah. Yeah.

Rob (18:08.346)
Yeah, here's my one hour's worth of work for the day now.

Craig (18:17.71)
you know, five hours later, oh, what about this? Which takes me five minutes. And then what about this? You know, it takes me 10 minutes, like whatever. Yeah, it's amazing. So it's very, it's 24 seven. This game is 24 seven. But we're saying that the lucky mailbox, if you haven't got yours by now, get it, get it ASAP. You can deploy it straight away where you are and cap it every single day. It'll go towards your daily streak. If you're on a daily streak, it'll go, I think it's only 10 points or something small like that to begin with.

Rob (18:21.588)

Craig (18:44.194)
but it gets you in a habit, Rob. And that's what I like because I'm a traveler. It gets you in the habit. And yes, you can move the mailbox and this one, can move it. How do you move it? I put a video out as well on the day that it was released on how to move it. You don't underplay, you literally edit location, but Rob, even better than that, you click edit location and then you click the little target bottom right down the bottom right hand corner, little target symbol, and it will move it onto the top of your current location head, like right where you are.

Rob (19:13.652)

Craig (19:13.708)
It just goes, you don't have to hold it and pull the screen down sideways or up or down or wherever you are or find yourself. The target button will put it directly on you. So great feature, Rob, great feature. yeah, get your mailbox. Get your mailbox. So yeah, moving on, Rob, to the gardens of the month. And they've been released now, the two brand new gardens of the month. They look really, really cool. And it was too hot to handle.

And I tell you some of them were too hot to handle. I will say that but but and we all know now March is the grass is greener April was released to April is jokes on you now If you want to get your garden all gardens are considered all gardens are considered if they go in the rules and the requirements the rules and requirements are as follows must be a minimum 50 pins the garden must be filled it must have a POI that's relates to the garden as well and there can't be any temporary

Rob (19:43.614)

Craig (20:08.494)
Munsies at all. So no potions, no cards, no temp virtuals. It must be a real virtual that's going to stay there 24 seven because it must remain filled the entire time while it's a garden of the month. So they're the rules, regulations, quite easy, quite simple. Someone did reach out to me Rob as well and ask in regards to the copyright issues that may occur. It's, I will say it is hard to breach copyright with Munsy because it's too, you can't get it looking exactly the same.

is what I'll say. But anyway, how you get them, we look at all gardens, but specifically, especially when Sam has set up in Cup of Z with the garden system, you can tag in those tag lines. So you can tag the grass is greener if you want to apply this, your garden to that. And the reason why I say that is all old gardens are considered as well. So if you've got an old garden out there that's filled and it's ready to go and it fits one of these, could be the jokes on you.

Tag it put it in the tagline or the description or somewhere jokes on you the grass is greener Whatever that tagline is and it flicks over automatically to the garden tab the actual garden of the month tab So that's pretty cool Rob. That's pretty cool Yeah, and if you can't get it done if you can't know don't know how to do it reach out to me reach out to me I've done it several times for different people and it's it's not that hard to do and I'll show you how to do it for your next one as well and how to tag it from there so get your

Rob (21:35.38)
Very helpful.

Craig (21:36.386)
Garden of the Months in now. Again, if you deploy in a garden and it's a Garden of the Month, you get a badge. So those badge hounds out there would love the Gardens of the Month. Rob, moving on now to the clan requirements. This is yours now. This is your little baby. You do the clan requirements. They've just been released. Tell us a little bit more about this next month's clan requirements for March. What? that's right.

Rob (21:46.494)

Rob (21:59.56)
But guess what? As this podcast goes live, the clan war requirements are not released yet because remember they get released on the 28th. February, February is that one month where everybody's like, well, I wonder. And it's usually a conversation for at least three days leading up to the 28th. I wonder if they're going to put them out early. I wonder if, nope, nope, I'm in charge of those. Yeah. It's going to be the 28th.

Craig (22:06.542)
Now it's a 20 eyes.

Craig (22:20.993)

Craig (22:24.622)
No. Nope. Always the 28th. Always 28th. Always 28th.

Rob (22:29.3)
But then we only have March 1st and 2nd. Yes, yes you do. And every single year you only have, except leap year. So anyway, what do I have to say about Clan Wars requirements for the month of March? I don't know. How about a reminder to everyone that the month of March is green, St. Patrick's Day, and it's when some portions of the Northern Hemisphere are emerging from the snow and

Craig (22:40.045)

Craig (22:49.921)

Craig (22:57.518)
Rob (22:57.576)
things are becoming green again, aren't they? So, green, I just think green. That's all I think. Good luck, everyone.

Craig (23:02.318)
wow, wow, there you have it. mean, you didn't even give anything away real, let's be honest. But in saying that, remember everyone, all the listeners out there, Rob is a player as well. He loves the game so much. He wants you to win. He wants you to strive. He wants you to get all the good stuff, all the rewards. There's always a way for you to sort of...

Rob (23:10.94)
Not a single thing.

Craig (23:27.062)
If you look at it, there's always going be a way for you to get all the requirements that you can for your level of gameplay. if you're a level 6, you normally get level 6. Sometimes they're a little bit harder than others, the actual months themselves, but you can always get level 6. It's not impossible, Rob. It's not impossible. Yeah, exactly.

Rob (23:46.482)
It's true, it's true. Just stick around. There's who knows what kind of helps there may be coming in the month of March, you know, little, little different things that we will do that might encourage additional game play that help you out with, with different pieces. So stick around, get ready.

Craig (23:53.795)

Craig (24:00.309)
Craig (24:04.006)
Yeah, yeah. I will say Rob, well, I've got you. And that is if you're in a clan and, you know, be happy with the clan, be proud of that clan, help each other out in your clan. And some months, you know, one clan member might be struggling along. Some months, one clan member might be like way ahead, you know. Everyone's different. All lives are different. you know, I know, for instance, with my clan, Rob, you know, that a particular player, you...

let us down like last month but then this month it's me you know so

Rob (24:32.148)

I mean, here's the difference. Last month, I just failed on the cruisies, man. That's what let us down. And I have the ability to use some tools, and I could have got creative with me getting them on the last day, but it didn't feel right. So it didn't. Now this month, you are not sitting in a land of POIs. So at this point in time, you don't have the places caps, you know?

Craig (24:46.423)
Yeah, yeah.

Craig (24:55.97)
No. No, exactly.

Craig (25:02.804)
No, exactly. I'm... No, I don't. There's... Yeah.

Rob (25:06.548)
And it's like, hey, I'm almost there. But I'm like, well, I don't really have to hustle to do it because you're definitely not going to get it. So yeah.

Craig (25:11.278)
Try, no, because it's not gonna happen. Unless I go all the way over to Texas today, for instance, as we record this on Wednesday, and then just try to get as many POIs as I possibly can. But again, it's not worth it. Live your life, and have Mungi as a fun way to escape, and also to socialize. Socialize within your clan as well, because I'm telling you, a social clan is a fun clan, and a fun clan gives rewards.

Rob (25:23.572)


Rob (25:41.193)

Craig (25:41.354)
All right. Moving on, Robert, to the speaking of the clans and how to do things as well. The double and triple points wins for this weekend. This weekend, this March, you said we have March 7th and 7th through 9th. Cards, flats, jewels, scatters. Now there's a couple of questions on this. Firstly, it is double points for that weekend for everyone. If you if you're just a normal player and you don't have the mailbox, if you do have the mailbox, it's triple points for that weekend.

Rob (26:02.142)

Craig (26:08.674)
But the next weekend after the 13th or 16th, cards, flats, mysteries and colors, there is no double points for you if you don't have a mailbox. You don't get the standard points, but if you do have a mailbox, the added value there, triple points, triple points for that weekend for you. So if you're an everyday player and you don't have a mailbox, then the Munzee Maniacs are gonna love the fact that they've only got one double point weekend, and you can blame the Munzee Maniacs.

no, I know, I know, but, yeah, so that's what it is. So again, you're giving value to the mailbox. That's not just the rewards like you, what you get and receive in the mech, but it's also the extra points for those two weekends.

Rob (26:37.326)
Nah, it's not them.

Rob (26:52.744)
Yes, that is true. And I have to say one piece 30 seconds on pack rats very quickly, because today, as people listen to this, this is the very last chance that you have to get the first of the pack rats. Because on March 1st, you'll have the second pack rat that comes from the muns pack. So if you're looking to have the entire set of pack rats,

Craig (27:01.326)

Craig (27:06.103)
Of course.

Craig (27:14.155)

Rob (27:17.998)
we will not be releasing these to the general public for at least a year is our plan. Okay. So today's the last chance to get the February months back. has to happen before MHQ midnight. That's the important part about the pack rats.

Craig (27:23.159)

Craig (27:32.012)
That's the way. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. And then you get the next pack rat for March as well. How do get the pack rats, Rob? You get the muns packs. Yep.

Rob (27:38.184)
Yeah. You just have to, yeah, sign up for the MUNSPAC. It's available online and that's the way it's a subscription service, but you can also buy it one off if you want. It's more expensive one off. is a good deal at the subscription price.

Craig (27:47.554)

Craig (27:56.182)
Yep, yep, exactly. so what are the pack rights? What do they do? What do they give you,

Rob (28:01.456)
my, we're going to go all the way into it. Sorry. everyone first just stick around for a couple extra minutes. My bad. let's see the pack rats. they're, they're kind of like the mechs. They're like the whittles. They're actually part of that entire life cycle. because you, you use the, twigs to rebuild the pack rats and the twigs come from the widows.

Craig (28:04.366)

Craig (28:13.024)
Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.


Craig (28:23.916)

Craig (28:28.663)

Rob (28:28.83)
So as the whittles break down an archive, you get twigs, you use the twigs to rebuild or relaunch or deploy a pack rat from the redeem store. The pack rats then are the ones who are out there gathering cogs. And so at the end of the pack rats cycle, they return a set of cogs to you. So it's all about

Craig (28:37.454)

Rob (28:56.792)
this big rebuilding so far it's a triangle, isn't it? So, yeah, yeah. So invest some twigs, get some cogs and, just keep rebuilding everything. Keep all your temporary bouncers out there on the map. moving around. Yeah.

Craig (28:59.047)
Mm-hmm. Yes. Yes. So, so far, so far as a triangle.


Craig (29:11.598)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And the more temporary bounces out there, because there was talk a little while, last week or the week before, in regards to the bounces not bouncing correctly on different items, et cetera, as well. As you said last week, Rob, and that is, you do need bounces out there in the hopper ready to go to bounce on things that are magnetized, et cetera, et cetera. If there's no bounces out there, then everyone's gonna lose out. So the only way to get the temporary bounces out there is to deploy them.

to get them there, to work them, to get your twigs, to then rebuild the pack rats, to then rebuild with the cogs, you rebuild your mechs and the circle of life Rob, circle of life. And I will not sing that song. Anyway, I definitely won't, I'm not Josh. Anyway, the question of week Rob, this one comes from Udak over in California and she asks, can a red notification number,

Rob (29:52.5)
That's what it is. Please.

Craig (30:05.994)
appear on the secret zeops tab the same way we're notified of Capcom's clan progress, new messages and new features so that the mini ops isn't a complete secret to new players. Now, if you don't know what we're talking about here and that is if you capture what do call it like the night vision goggles friends, you've got a chance to get these secret zeops and some people have forgotten about it. They really have just forgotten about it. So you can click over to the secret zeops part.

Rob (30:22.087)
Night Vision.

Craig (30:33.026)
the part where you normally see literally your secret Z-ops that you purchased, for instance, like last week. And then you'll see these actual secret, secret Z-ops so can then obtain different extra points for doing different tasks. So yeah, Rob, so can there be a way that you have like a little notification there, she's asking.

Rob (30:45.716)

Rob (30:51.838)
Can there be a way? Yes. Is there a way? No. it's another one of those things that's in, in a pile of polish items, if you will, that would help players out. However, if we're talking specifically about new players, which is what this, you know, is mentioning new players actually read, the pop-up messages, because they're new. So they're still learning. they,

Craig (31:02.37)

Craig (31:09.422)

Craig (31:16.174)
Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Rob (31:20.04)
you know, take their time. They don't just tap, tap, tap, tap, tap through everything. Yeah. Yeah. It says you received 50 points and a secret, a mini, a mini Z op, I believe, find it in the secret Z ops tab. So, and, don't quote me, but it is something along those along those lines. Yeah. So anyway, it tells you to go there. yeah, there's a lot of information about it online as well.

Craig (31:22.286)
Oh, so they're in the pop-up messages to notify you that way. Yeah, yeah.

Craig (31:31.106)

Craig (31:35.534)

Craig (31:40.704)
something along those lines. Makes sense. Makes sense. Mm-hmm.

Craig (31:49.165)
Yep. Yep.

Rob (31:49.318)
So for those who go looking for it, it's, additional points. It's just a little bit of an extra side mission, if you will. so yeah, it's not available now. Is it something that we're probably going to focus on in the, in the near future? Probably not. Obviously I wouldn't put a date on it, even if we were, because that gets me into trouble, doesn't it? So anyway, I appreciate the question of the week, UDAAC and yeah, we'll, we'll keep it in the hopper.

Craig (31:53.24)

Craig (31:56.952)
Fair enough, fair enough.


Craig (32:05.592)


Rob (32:18.516)
But don't expect it anytime soon. Thank you

Craig (32:21.422)
Fair enough, fair enough. And that rolls into her tip of the week. And the tip of the week is after, after capping a dossier or an infrared Munzee, check the secret Zops tab for a possible mini ops, especially, and this is what she said, Rob, she answers her own question, especially if the auto dismiss popup setting is on. after you do, see people cap those infrareds and they go, oh infrareds, wanna cap the infrareds. So you have to be 100 feet to cap an infrared.

But if you cap the infrared, then people don't even check the secrets. I know I don't, Rob. I know I don't. It's very rare that I do, extremely rare that I do. Unless I do a garden of night vision goggles and just smash out a few infrareds and then I look and go, that's right, I can do that. So very good, Yodak. Thank you so much for the question and the tip of the week. So Rob, that ends another official Munzee podcast.

Rob (32:56.18)
I mean, you know. Yeah.

Rob (33:14.27)
Thanks for joining us on this Munzee adventure.

Craig (33:16.61)
Don't forget to subscribe, rate and review on your favorite podcasting app. And of course, join us next week for another informative episode.

Rob (33:22.264)
And remember, Munzee is more than a game, it's a worldwide community of mobile game players.

Craig (33:26.85)
So keep scanning, keep discovering, keep that Munzee spirit live up. One, two, three, Munzee on. wow, we didn't do anything different. That was just a, that's standard. We're standard now.

Rob (33:31.388)

See you.


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